Monday 8 October 2012

Question of the Week: Social Media

Social media is no longer a phenomenon. It is the norm. The technology has influenced almost every corner of the globe and has impacted upon most industries. People are now able to create and share their own content, giving feedback and changing the scope of communication. However no technology is without problems. A large part of social media is the issue of privacy. Many persons are simply unaware of how much of their lives are generated and stored on social media and the internet. Regardless of laws and regulations this posses a threat to one's privacy. But does the benefit of social media outweigh the costs?

Comment on the positives and the negatives of social media use. What do you think lies ahead for the future of Social media?

For a brief, quick understanding of how social media works, take a look at this simple example:


  1. The social media is the mean by which individuals, discuss, co-create and share their content on a web platform (Social Media 2012). Social media include collaborative projects, social networking sites, content communities, virtual game world, virtual social worlds, and blogs (Miller 2011).
    Collaborative project involve people using wikis and bookmarking. Social network site allow interact with each other using their personal profiles. While content communities involve the sharing of media content between the people that use the sites. Blogs on the other hand provide an environment where the writer can share their opinions and experiences or even facts. On the other hand virtual games and social world employ 3 dimension technologies for its members to play games and communicate using avatars.
    This form of media has both positive and negative implications; personally I think that the positives outweigh the negatives. I say this because it provides modes of communication for people that are. It is cheaper, user friendly, allows for easy exchange of information, such as picture, lectures, tutorials, music and other notes. It also allows people to share information over long distances.
    I believe that the negatives of social media are felt when persons, share too much personal information over social media, such as nude pictures. Additionally it reduces intimate interaction and breaks down communication between families. However People only realize the negative impacts of the social media when their personal information I leaked or when their life and family is wrecked.
    I think that great things are still to come for social media. However, until persons realize that they must limit the kind of personal information shared and balance the time allocated to personal life and social media, more homes will be wrecked.

    Malika Simon


    Miller, Aubrey. 6 Classifications of Social Media. December 05, 2011. (accessed October 09, 2012).
    Social Media. October 01, 2012. (accessed October 09, 2012).

    1. I agree with the comment, social media conveys interactions or communication with people all over the world using twitter, facebook(some examples of the use of social media).

      To add to the positive uses of social media above is that messages are sent and recieved by senders and receivers very quickly and effectively. An example of where social media benefits a company is by being able to advertise and communicate with the public(customers), the company can promote the sale of their `goods` hence,increasing their income.

      I believe that in the future with increases in technology, social media would increase allowing more and better effective ways for communication between individuals.

      Shavana Rajkumar
      Student ID#: 811001352

  2. Some different types of social medias are Internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, micro blogging, wikis, social networks, podcast, photographs or pictures, video, rating and social bookmarking and magazines. One positive element of the social media use, for example the use of the Facebook in social networking, is that it allows persons from across the boundaries of the sea to communicate with each other easily. Another benefit is that this communication is done cheaply as oppose to the high costs of calling internationally or traveling to visit. The use of this social media is also time effective as it allows for the quick delivering of and response to messages via the internet as oppose to the time that a letter would take. Mass communication is another benefit of using social media. This is beneficial to both the sender and the receiver. The sender has the ease of informing every member of the group at once, which is cost and time effective for the sender and the receiver is informed simultaneously along with other members in the social group so that there would not be any time disadvantages, which would occur on an individual basis where one person may receive the information after others.

    On the other hand, the disadvantage with most social media is that there is no face to face communication and in some cases it is limited to the quality and width that the camera can take of the person and his surroundings. Communication also involves facial gestures, body language and attire which are not available through most social media. One of the ways to gain trust, credibility and to build strong relationships while communicating is through face to face communication. Another disadvantage is that most information placed on social media groups are not well detailed, they are written in “short hand” and so left up to the interpretation of the person viewing what were posted by another. The problem with this is that adverse interpretations of details about one’s self that was posted, can lead to an overall tarnish in this persons reputation, keeping in mind that this information would then be available to all others on the social network. As mentioned in the information pertaining to the discussion, privacy is another issue in social media and in social networks in particular. Anything that is posted via the internet is shared with all those that form the group. In addition, even those that do not form the group can gain access through another’s profile or page. Also, even though there are access codes there are hackers that easily break these codes and gain access to all the information that is there. Children are also placed at risk through the availability of social networks. They most times are unable to discern what details about themselves and their family that should be kept private and child molesters and other criminals may gain access to private homes.

    Therefore, since there are both benefits and costs associated with the use of social media one must consider and avoid the costs when using this so that their benefits derived would outweigh the costs.

    I believe that self projections would lie ahead in social media. This would be done to counteract the issue of full face to face communication where ones complete body language is seen and can be viewed by a room full of people all at once. I also believe that there would be new and stricter laws governing the use of social media as technology advances and new elements in the social media is introduced. This would be done to offset privacy issues and criminal activities that also exist as a result of the use of social media.
    Jenelle Nicome

  3. Social Media has many pros and cons. Let us look at it from a business prospective. This form of media allows businesses to have readily available information not only to customers but also to potential customers. It also allows businesses to attract the attention of many groups in a short time span. This form of media is known for its cheap cost. Readily available information at the finger tips of customers and potentials can be easily undated and questions can be answered immediately. However where pros exist so too does cons. This form of communication may ruin a company’s reputation if they don’t put measures in place to answer the questions of customers or potentials in a timely manner. Also it may be very difficult to link an increase in sales to the social media or other ways that a company uses to advertise products or services.
    Social media can also be deemed helpful when it allows us to keep in contact with our loved ones that are far away. On the other hand we are also of the same network with perverts that can come into contact with our young ones and lure them to be sexually abused and in some cases murdered.
    In my opinion there are countless amounts of pros and cons that exist when dealing with the social media. In the near future I see the negatives and positives only increasing maybe one more than the other. Who has access to the information that we put on line? Sometimes persons who will don’t even know. One can only imagine how much privacy anyone would have left in many years to come.

  4. Social media is an interactive method of communication that provides information to users on the basis that they have the ability to comment, post, share and recommend their views, interest or ideas. Forms of social media include social blogs, social networks, micro blogging and also media sharing.

    One of the major concerns and negative attributes of social media include privacy, there is no guarantee that once something is posted on social media under privacy settings that it is indeed private. They are several ways in which hackers and website creators can obtain information about particular users regardless of their privacy settings. In retro spec, once something is posted on the internet and more precisely social networks a form of social media it is no longer private but instead public information that can be used or misused.

    Privacy though a very important and major concern is just a fraction of what has to be considered while using social media. On the other hand, there are several advantages that tend to outweigh the bad. For example several persons who use media sharing sites such as YouTube, upload informative videos such as lectures, how to do it yourself tutorials and so forth, on the other hand there is also entertainment in which some persons often become famous based on the number of views, comments, likes and shares. Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter allow users to advertise promote and connect with friends. Social blogs and forums increase general knowledge and even assist users on how to make decisions based on recommendations or reviews on particular topics of interest, movies and even food choices.

    In the future social media will continue to thrive, it is adaptive and caters to the needs of it users however with change, greater emphasis should be placed on privacy setting and applications as more people become involved in this very creative and convenient method of communication.

    Shanice Murray

  5. Social media can be defined as ways in the individuals and groups can create and share user-generated content. This gives individuals the technology to communicate and build a business to better satisfy consumers. Some types of social media are social blogs, internet forums, social bookmarking, etc. We use these things so often but may not have noticed.
    Social media use has positive aspects and also negative. Some positive aspects are the factor of it being helpful in communication and transfer of messages faster. It may also help in providing information and educating the users about things. Social media use also allows for easier and faster transfer of important data, picture, music, etc.
    Nevertheless there are some negatives of social use. One of the biggest problems of social media is privacy. This is because there is no guarantee that information can be private to whom it was intended for. Sometimes users are to be blamed for the misuse of social media sites as they post nude pictures and also very personal information. This adds to the negative use of a social media site. An example of a negative social media site that is misused is Facebook. Whilst it is intended to keep close to family and friends around the world people use it for other negative purposes. On the other hand an example of a social media site that contributes positively is YouTube, as it can help educate via videos on many topics.
    My opinion is that in the future social media would explain even greater and become even more privatized as the technology grows. This being so as, the people designing them would know the flaws and try to better it and also facilitates the requirements of the users. I also think that the benefits of social media outweigh the costs.

    Ramiz R.S. Rajack

  6. Social media is the norm in today’s society when coming to communication. It is the main method of communication used. Social media can be defined as an interactive platform which individuals and communities create and share user-generated content. It is social software which mediates human communication. Social media has both its positive and negative impact on a society.
    As I begin, some of the positive impacts of social network sites are, they allow people to create new relationships and stay connected to friends and family. It increase communication and strengthen relationship. It also allows for creative expression in a new medium as it provides free messaging, blogging, event invitation and many other services to anyone with access to the internet. Social media also brings people with common interest together, offer exposure to new ideas from around the world and lower inhabitation to overcome social anxiety.
    Along with the positive impact there are also negative impacts such as some of these sites entice people to spend more time online and less time interacting face to face, teens growing up with these sites are not aware that the information they post is public and that photos and texts can be retrieved after deletion. Also, some of these sites have no way to verify that the people are who they claim to be, leaving people vulnerable to solicitation from online predators who are able to mask their true identity.
    It can be concluded that social media has both positive and negative impact on a society. It is up to the members of the society to use it wisely as the future can be full of improve social networks.

    Dareem Moore

  7. Social media allows for the sharing and exchanging of messages, files and documents among individuals across several borders of various regions. Social media provides a cheap, convenient and fairly reliable means of communication. Despite geographical parameters, an internet connection and a form of social media can broaden horizons, bring people together and make the world seem smaller than it actually is.

    Drawbacks can occur when individuals abuse social media. Personal information may be shared and used for purposes it was not intended for. Some persons become so entwined into the various forms of social media available that they lose track of the word around them and may forget how to interact with other people face-to-face.

    I believe that the social media network would continue to expand. It would continue to transform lives and build various relationships. However, I also believe that negatives would continue to plague if individuals do not exercise caution and respect for each other.

    Annisa Phillip

  8. Social media is in the future, the one we refer to as present. With its dynamic methods of delivering information across the world, it truly is the future of communication. The purpose of social media is to reach a greater population in the least time possible, and with the services of free broad band becoming common, and the creation of internet compatibility devices being sold at relatively reasonable prices, the aim is certainly achieved in for its purpose.
    With all the good things that social media has to offer, privacy is always an issue, as a saying said ‘NOTHING IS PERFECT”. While this may be true, engineers of social networking sites are generating new ways each day to prevent the easy access of hackers and other types of privacy defects such as malware and spyware. It is proving to be an economic factor in countries in all levels of development, and provide services that are easily and readily accessed by stake holders.
    Truly it can be seen that the cost of social media is out wayed by the benefits. Social media is responsible for moving billions of dollars across the world each year, where monetary transactions are made for e-commerce, banking, travel fare and hotel and leisure. It is also a huge way to get information across a wide area in the shortest possible time, allowing more speculations and increased interest in a particular population. However social media has nowhere to go but up, improvements and strict security controls can drastically make improvements in functionality and increase users to social media.

  9. Social media can be defined as various online technology tools that allow people to communicate easily. It can be through text, audio, video, podcast and other multimedia communications. Social networking can provide many opportunities as it encourage positive relationships. It has become increasingly important in schools as teachers can now interact with their student via facebook, blogs, or even podcast. Teachers now use podcast as a mean of lecturing as students can visually comprehend what's going on instead of taking notes of a white board. When looking at social media from a business perspective, it allows businesses to interact with customers.
    Like all other forms of communications, there would always be disadvantages. Some social networking sites may be subjected to hacking, videos and pictures of people could be used for defamation.
    Over the past years, technology has been accelerating at perceived rates. Individuals rely on it to keep up with what’s going on in today’s society. Most interventions have affected how people relate to one another. It also affects how cultures have either expanded or ended over the years. Social media has become a norm in society and it would continue to have an impact not only on individuals but also on industries. However, its benefits would outweigh its cost because individuals depend on social media for a many things. Whether it is advertising, for education purposes or business related, it has become an important norm in individual’s lives. With respect to the privacy issues individuals need to be more diligent when posting up information.

    References: accessed Friday 12th,October 2012,)

    Shivani Sinanan

  10. Social media is a two way communication mechanism whereby information is not only shared but the receptors can now interact via comments, ratings and such. As rightly stated, it is the norm of present day communication. While this is true, there are a number of advantages supporting the use of it but disadvantages also exist.
    One of the main pros of social media is its ability to allow effective feedback. For example, if there is a new product on the market, social media can be an effective way of advertising while simultaneously getting feedback from the public with respect to the quality, demand, pros and cons of the product. Social media is also very useful and convenient in education as it allows students to communicate with each other and teachers saving time and money. It is also very quick and useful for sending important notifications and news, whether local, regional or international, since it is being so widely and constantly used.
    Drawbacks related to the communication method however include privacy issues, safety issues and even issues related to face to face communication. With regards to privacy, social media can encourage the breaching of people’s privacy by publicizing information, pictures, videos etc without the owner’s or participant’s knowledge, or approval. In terms of safety, computer hackers and questionable personalities can have access to people’s information and use it to inflict harm, such as computer viruses or pedophiles and stalkers. As social media is done without actual face to face communication, it may take away from the communication skills that should be developed by individuals, especially in introverts who may use this as their means of socializing.
    With the many advantages of social media outweighing the disadvantages, it is difficult to exclude this from future developments in communication. Instead, the weaknesses experienced right now can be addressed so as to eliminate these negativities such as strengthening efforts to increase privacy and safety.

    Leean Ramdass

  11. Don Tapscott said it best in saying; "all one needs is a computer, a network connection, and a bright spark of initiative and creativity to join the economy." Social media as it stands relates to the world and its largest form of communication.

    It is understood that "people share, read and generally engage more with any type of content when it's surfaced through friends and people they know and trust." according to Malorie Lucich, Facebook Spokesperson. However, in this sharing where lies the rights of an individual and where does the future stand for social media as a whole. The pros to the use of social media stand as follows:

    1. It allows people with similar interests to connect and converse.
    2. It allows professionals to network more effectively.
    3. It allows businesses and public entities to share information with customers, as well as market themselves economically.

    However, the cons stand as follows:

    1. It gives hackers the opportunity to misuse personal information, especially if users don’t correctly install privacy filters.
    2. Online interaction becomes a substitute for actual meetings, which hurts social development through isolation.
    3. Allows immoral people to misrepresent themselves and take advantage of others.

    Now respect has to be taken into consideration as it relates to an individual and their privacy. Because more people use social media sites to get the latest news and connect with others. It becomes a situation where the more comfortable people become with these sites, the more they are to share personal details about ourselves. Upon sharing too much private information; both deliberately and inadvertently puts their privacy and security at risk. However, it's impossible not to also see the potential toll of this widespread sharing and openness and hence we ourselves need to be more careful.

    The Reading Eagle. The Pros and Cons of Social Media. September 4, 2012. (Accessed October 10, 2012)
    Adventured. Top 50 Social Media Quotes & Social Networking Quotes. (Accessed October 10, 2012)
    Shane Barker. 15 Great Social Media Quotes. January 25, 2012. October 12, 2012)
    Johnny Widerlund. Social Media: The Privacy and Security Repercussions. June 19, 2012. (Accessed October 12, 2012)

    Yeshantai Thompson

  12. According to social media is described as the following ”The best way to define social media is to break it down. Media is an instrument on communication, like a newspaper or a radio, so social media would be a social instrument of communication”. Basically social media is the medium which the message is used to send information to the masses. Social media is the instrument that conveys information to people worldwide. Today the most popular forms of social media are facebook,twitter,podcasts,YouTube(video sharing) ,Flickr (photo sharing) among others.

    Social Media reaches a mass audience in a rapid amount of time. Many business owners have started using facebook and twitter as their main tool of advertising commodities and products because it is efficient, reliable, and cheaper than television and radio advertising and reaches their target audience in a swift amount of time. This is one advantage of using social media. Today technology is everywhere and it seems as though everyone either has access to it or can afford it in some way. Thus, advertisers who use social media to advertise their products will attract the masses because it is a fun and creative way of advertising and it has the power to attract attention and build interpersonal relationships with customers and clients. Furthermore, it is true that social media is used to influences the masses. For instance the KONY 2012 video received immense support by youths and celebrities. The video on Youtube has created a bond worldwide because it brought a concerned populace together from different nations to promote a campaign for positivity and progress.

    On the other hand, social media has changed users’ cyber identities tremendously by posing as a threat to one's privacy. Take for instance Facebook, for different categories of post feeds there different privacy settings. If you post a video, a picture, a comment or read an article about “ways to spice up your sex life” face book publishes it all because it has access to many forum and news sites on the web. There is a private setting which allows no one to see what you do on facebook, however, changing settings all the time can be time consuming and users may tend to forget. Eventually users end up publicizing things they do not want others’ to see like posts and pictures which can pose as a security threat as it may be seen to strangers.

    What lies ahead for the future of social media is not invisible, social media is everywhere and it will continue to grow. It is social interaction on the web which allows for people to keep contact, share thoughts, critic and bond from different geographical locations. It has outweighed traditional forms of medium such television and radio, who is to say another type of social media wont supersede these forms fifty years from now.

    References: What is Social Media? (Accessed October 10, 2012)

    Thoughtpick.10 Must-Know Advantages & Disadvantages of Social Media.2010 (Accessed October 10, 2012)


  13. Social media has influenced almost every corner of the globe and has impacted upon most industries. It is the mean by which individuals, discuss, co-create and share their content on a wed platform. I believe that the benefit of social media outweigh the cost. The social media has both positive and negative implications.

    When using social media for marketing products, it could be easily utilized to create cost effective strategies and campaigns that can create viral results. Social media has the power to drive traffic to your website, blog and articles. It is able to bring people together, especially when promoting global products since it allows people from the different geographical location to meet at a single point and express their views. The situation can be the spark you are looking for to attract attention to your site, product or service. It could also lead to further build loyalty and long-term relations with your audience.

    On the other hand, there are a number of disadvantages; the wrong online brand strategy could put you at a viral social hindrance and may even damage your reputation. When you make a mistake online, in front of hundreds or thousands of you online audience, most of them will know. Privacy and security issues are two main drawbacks of social media. Privacy is a huge issue since most social networking sites require that the user provide personal information such as a full name, address, and date of birth and phone number. This information is on the internet and is easily accessible by everyone.

    Social media is now shifting towards image based communications and facebook’s IPO. Once again privacy issues are about to take centre stage.

    Finally, I believe that the benefit of social media outweigh the cost.


  14. Social media has influenced almost every corner of the globe and has impacted upon most industries. It is the mean by which individuals, discuss, co-create and share their content on a wed platform. I believe that the benefit of social media outweigh the cost. The social media has both positive and negative implications.

    When using social media for marketing products, it could be easily utilized to create cost effective strategies and campaigns that can create viral results. Social media has the power to drive traffic to your website, blog and articles. It is able to bring people together, especially when promoting global products since it allows people from the different geographical location to meet at a single point and express their views. The situation can be the spark you are looking for to attract attention to your site, product or service. It could also lead to further build loyalty and long-term relations with your audience.

    On the other hand, there are a number of disadvantages; the wrong online brand strategy could put you at a viral social hindrance and may even damage your reputation. When you make a mistake online, in front of hundreds or thousands of you online audience, most of them will know. Privacy and security issues are two main drawbacks of social media. Privacy is a huge issue since most social networking sites require that the user provide personal information such as a full name, address, and date of birth and phone number. This information is on the internet and is easily accessible by everyone.

    Social media is now shifting towards image based communications and facebook’s IPO. Once again privacy issues are about to take centre stage.

    Finally, I believe that the benefit of social media outweigh the cost.


    Geselle Leacock

  15. With approximately 11% of all people on earth using Facebook and another 555 million on Twitter and millions more on the other Social Medias like YouTube, Google+, Linkedin and many other similar social media groups it has simply become the norm and possible the revolution of the century. With such a noticeable influence and large following the social media has become the target of many businesses,large companies and educational facilities to share and obtain information and has recently become the most powerful source of news updates worldwide.
    As such there has being a number of advantages arising from social Medias. Through its use the reach its users have increased to a global audience, as a result businesses, social groups and even news agencies can now reach larger audiences from almost all areas of the globe. Accessibility is another advantage of social media; individuals can now receive instant messaging, news updates and travel information in the palm of their hand. New employment opportunities has arisen as a large number of specialized job markets have being created though the increased usage of social Medias. Some other advantages include immediacy, usability and cost effectiveness.
    As with everything else there are some downsides to social Medias, one common drawback is that it is usually time consuming and required significant updating and checking to be efficiently utilized. Another is the risk of negative comments as the saying goes bad news travels quickly but they travel even quicker over social Medias, therefore representatives of a group or business must insure their image is kept at all times when using social media. Also cyber bulling have recently arisen with the rise of social media and is a huge problem in some countries, this and case of fraud and identity theft have lead some to question its safety.
    However I think future of social Media looks bright and will be the leading means of communications and education in businesses, schools and social groups in the near future.

    Darien Jones


  16. Social media includes the various online technology tools that enable people to communicate easily via the internet to share information and resources. Social media can include text, audio, video, images, podcasts, and other multimedia communications.

    Social media is the modern tool for marketers who try every means to get their message out to their target markets. The medium has many advantages and disadvantages, and companies struggle to find the right way to use it. The average business owner does not fully understand the risks, and the field is still so new that it is difficult to evaluate the qualifications of social media “experts” who offer their services.

    The main advantage of social media marketing is cost-related. The majority of social media sites are free to access, create a profile and post information. The advantage of reaching your targeted market for little or no cash investment is substantial, and the audience wanting your information voluntarily joins or follows you. Pay-per-click advertisements on sites such as Facebook are "geo-targeted" according to specific criteria, to reach the correct audience. The viral nature of social media means that each person who reads your posts has the capability to spread the news farther within his own network, so information can reach a large number of people in a short time.

    On the other hand, a disadvantage of the social media is the updating of your social media accounts which takes time and effort. A senior person with knowledge about the company and products should handle your social media presence, and the cost in time means the media is not completely free. It is ongoing work to find new angles about your products continually and to post and re-post information. The information is only visible for a short time before newer posts replace it. In addition, publishing obvious advertising copy is unacceptable in the social media world, therefore you must present the information in the form of conversation or you will lose followers.
    Social media marketing also carries several risks. Unless you have someone check your social media accounts several times a day, disgruntled customers or employees can publish negative comments that are not always removable. For example, every post on Twitter is public and you have no control over what people say. Bad news can go viral as easily as good news and can do your business irreparable harm. The Information Technology governance group the Information Systems Audit and Control Association released a report in June 2010 ranking viruses and malware, brand hijacking, lack of control over corporate content, unrealistic customer expectations and non-compliance with record management regulations as the top five risks of social media.

    To conclude, I believe that in the future the social media would be anywhere and everywhere with easier access. It would only continue to keep evolving and developing as the internet reaches far more geographical areas that the radio or any other communicational mediums. However, in terms of the breaching of privacy, the publishers should avoid publishing any material that was not approved by the involved individuals, therefore laws should be implemented to avoid this.


    “The Social Media Management Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Get Social Media Working in Your Business”; By Robert Wollan et al.; 2011

    U.S. Small Business Administration; SBA Community Small Business Matters; Putting the "Social" into Social Media Marketing: 3 Tips for Interacting with your Customers; C. Beasley; July 2010

    “Marketing Communications: An Integrated Approach”; Paul R. Smith et al.; 2011

    ISACA; Top Five Social Media Risks for Business -- New ISACA White Paper; June 2010


  17. “A good way to think about social media is that all of this is actually just about being human beings,” Antony Mayfield stated.
    Social media is generally described as a group of online media. It is characterized into the following, participation, openness, conversation, community and connectedness. Social media is divided among six types, that is, social networks, blogs, wikis, podcasts, forums and content communities. (Mayfield, 2008)

    Social media has definitely become a norm throughout the world. It is both accessible and easy to use for persons’ of any age. It has become a technological advancement that allows for sharing of ideas, vigorous debates, thinking and commerce. The ability to reach out to a wider audience, distribute information and gain responses, are a few things the media has allowed for all.

    The social media is also faced with the issue of privacy. For example, Facebook has privacy settings that allows for profile owner to privatize who is able to view their profile and its contents. However, since this is the internet, we are faced with hackers who trespass in one’s profile and gain access to their personal information and messages. There are also online pedophiles that pry on users that are younger, and it is difficult to identify them since anyone can use fake photos via this media.

    In my opinion everyone has to be careful of the information that is placed onto any online social media. That is, do not put personal information and ensure the privacy settings are intact. It is the responsibility of the profile owner to protect its content and no on else, since it is one’s decision to join these social networks.

    With this thought in mind, one can safely say that the benefits of social media do outweigh the disadvantages, however, with safe using. Over the years to come the social media will continue to grow immensely and impact lives world wide.

    Mayfield Antony. 2008. What is social media? iCrossing. Date accessed: 13/10/12. accessed from URL:

    Nesha Mangroo

  18. Question: comment on the positives and negatives of social media use. What do you think lies ahead for the future for social media?

    Living in the world of change and advances in technology, social media form of communication has revolutionized homes, business, communities and socialization. Social media have taken the society to the next level in communication. Like everything else there are always advantages and disadvantages. It is documented that the social media forum has provided a convenient way for social networking with family and friends; example face book; communication barriers are reduced we can now voice our opinions to a wider audience and be heard on many issues in a shorter space of time. Business opportunities has recently increased, persons can now in the convenience of their home invest in stock and manage companies and connect on a larger scale. With all that being said social media can have negatives too. Studies have shown that this media can become addictive, breed anti social behaviors, affect productivity and encourage unlawful acts and behaviors. With social media and its many attractive services one can truly get carried away. Recent news reported that face book has reached their billion customer marker and the uploading of over 1 million photos. Regardless of the convenience and revolutions which have been offered with our social media, we as citizens have a responsibility to censor our activities on these forums. The benefit of anything depends on our perspective of that thing, so we cannot dwell on the negative when the positives are even greater. Today’s social media has truly proven to be a great improvement to communication for the wider community and will continue to bring people and services closer now and beyond. So the role that the social media plays is on the same spectrum as any other service available now, a balance between good and bad, focus and find the balance.


    Ali, N Syed.2012. “Social Media today: A Good or Bad Thing?”: Social Media Today. Accessed October 12th 2012.

  19. Social media refers to any internet structure that allows individuals to portray information by connecting with others. Furthermore, the positives of social media use would be mainly to enhance the communication process by breaking geographical barriers, thus reducing the distance of people interacting worldwide, which maintains relationships with family and friends not seen on a regular basis. Social media is also a tool used to enhance the economy of not only individual countries but worldwide, as this advances economic growth by creating easier measures for actions such as trade agreements. In addition, educational media are also trends that create fast and easy delivery of information between teacher and students.
    On the other hand, the negatives of social seen are far greater than that of the benefits, as such, there are internet predators and hackers which seek their own benefit by manipulating innocent people by corrupting their lives and even their desktop. However, social destruction can occur if unwanted personal information is displayed worldwide which may ruins the individual’s reputation, which may have consequences such as the ability to acquire a job in the future. While, unnecessary conflict may arise among family and friends, or on the other extreme conflict amongst countries based on difference of opinion. Also, on the physical side a lack of human interest resulting in antisocial behaves in individuals that are socially media dependant would result in emotional problems and physical ailments.
    I personal think social media would eventually reduce its privacy laws which would display almost all personal information to the world which would display a drastic decrease in the use of social media programs.

    Phebe Ramayah

  20. Social media is content created and shared by individuals on the web using freely available website that allows users to create and post their information, then share it with either the entire internet or selected friends. There are different forms of it such as, internet forum, web blogs, microblogging, wikis, social networks, podcasts and social book marking.
    In social networking there are many advantages to it such as being able to bring people together, when promoting global products or related campaigns. However to really understand and get the full effect of social media one should know exactly how it works and when and how it should be used. Social media can also be fun and creative and create less stressful ways of doing business but if used wrongly and to excessively can cause both mental and physical health problems to the individuals. Social media also has the power to drive traffic to your blog, website or archives but can be very time consuming on the companies to sift through information. It can also negatively influence workers productivity since workers can waste valuable time on media channels such as face book and twitter. They can even use it to attack the company’s reputation.
    Social media has many advantages and disadvantages it is however up to the user to decide what they would use it for. One should be able to use it in the safest and most valuable possible ways to gain the utmost profit from it.



  21. As technology is evolving, more social networks are being formed and the existing ones are updating daily. Social media allows information to be shared indirectly worldwide, once access is granted there isn't much limitations. Social media can take many cyber forms such as email,blog spots, Facebook, youtube, twitter and uprising sites such as tumblr and instagram.

    Social media has become very prominent since it is a reliable and relatively fast way of communicating, permitting feedback on ones opinion. However majority are unaware of the privacy terms. They enter all personal information which can merely be seen or accessed even if privacy terms are customized, causing threats to there personal life. Facebook can be used as an example, they use this as a medium to vent, pouring all of their business and issues. It is even being used for the wrong reasons such as cyber bullying.

    Although social media has a lot of contributing factors there are many drawbacks to it. Firstly the benefits are as such, it is a free way of communicating to all over the globe, even used as a form of advertisement. Its is fast and allows a varying amount of transactions to take place, it is also used for educational purposes and for entertainment.
    On the other hand the negatives would eventually overweight the positives as it is being advantaged. Hackers do exist and persons identities such as social security number and also credit card numbers are stolen and used, causing fraud. Nudity is another major issue, persons are abusing the networks by posing nude and uploading pornographic pictures and videos of other because of grudes etc. These networks need to become stern and cramp down on what they allow, some sort of scanning or test should be done to what people want to make available to others. Another plaguing issue would be that interaction and socialization is becoming a hard task for some since they mask behind the internet and cannot carry on a direct conversations in person, direct communication is phasing out.
    Social media's future is surely promising, mainly because it is an easy way of communicating but at the same time people are becoming aware of the threats it posses and would limit there actions and only use it when necessary and very important.
    Shanice George

  22. Social Media by definition is forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to store information ideas personal messages and other content such as videos. The first known use of social media was in 2004, since then its usage has quadrupled. Sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and more allow users to develop profiles of their backgrounds, share thoughts, photos, videos and much more. There are opposing views on the benefits and costs of this form of communication.

    Firstly, social networking sites allow its users the benefit of increased communication through building and strengthening relationships by creating new ones and reconnecting existing relationships with friends and family. However, these sites can sometimes attract the wrong attention that is people can become vulnerable to sexual and financial predators and deviants. In addition oversharing of information can cause loss of job opportunities due to inappropriate pictures or comments being posted. Once information goes online it never goes away.

    Secondly social networking can allow people who are shy to socialize and make friends easier. The same is also true for people with disabilities. However, these sites sometimes create the unfortunate issue of cyber bullying whereby destructive information can be posted online to degrade another. Victims of this often experience depression, decreased self-esteem and sometimes suicide.

    Social media can also aid advertisers who can get feedback from their target market without incurring high research costs. Furthermore businesses can connect with its customers by creating company profiles and placing information to allow interactive communication with its clients. American Express for example has created a forum just for small business owners and leaders. Through a strategic partnership with Facebook, they created a massive contest for small businesses that generated lots of interest and increased their fan base. However, sensitive information such as the business structure and future plans can be compromised if too much is shared online. Customer information can also be put at risk by computer hackers.

    In conclusion social media is the new age form of communication but if this is not managed properly it can put its users at risk personally and professionally. Legislation needs to be formulated and executed to protect both the social media companies and its users. However, users need to be aware that any information placed online never goes away.

    Canada Business Network. “Pros and Cons of Social Media”
    Last modified September 26 2012.

    Mike Urban. “The pros and cons of social media”
    April 4 2012.

    “Are social networking sites good for our society?”
    Last Modified October 8 2012.

    Cristal Bassaw

  23. Social media comprise of Web sites and other online means of communication that are used by large groups of people to share information and to develop social and professional contacts.Many businesses are utilizing social media to generate sales.The ordinary man can also utilize this to communicate with distant relatives or for social groups such as clubs. Social media is a means in which individuals can communicate, share information and advertise buisness, oppurtunities.
    Social media although it has its advantages also has disadvantages.Some individuals use this as a means of invading others privacy policies this could lead to identity thefts or stealing of bank account number for personal gain. .
    privacy policies. to some advertisers the use of web analytical can do demographic studies on which advertisements attract the majority hence this can help a company to see which products attract mass attention.this can help in sales representation and profit projectments.
    However slanderous comments harm to ones business when slanderous comments can cause harm to ones business and result in bad representation by the public. Due to social media's ability to defend quickly this could lead to quick protection against these slanderous comments.
    Engaging people in conversation makes them more likely to take a deeper interest your product, but it can be a disadvantage because keeping up with your followers' questions can be time-consuming. If you can't keep up with the conversations and meet your followers' needs, they lose interest.Although interactivity for businesses are essential to monitor question posted can be a bit time consuming.
    Social media has its advantages and disadvantages but overall it is a good means to represent one business meet new people and social group.


    Ian Simon

  24. Social media allows persons all over the world to communicate with each other. It is much easier now for friends and families in different countries to keep in contact. People can keep in touch by uploading photos, videos and sending messages to their loved ones. It is cheaper to communicate via Skype than to make long distance phone calls which are quite costly. Skype also offers the advantage of being able to see who you are talking to. Facebook is fast becoming an important tool in schools. Teachers use it for out of class discussions as it is as easy medium to communicate with students. Videos and blogs allow teachers to get more information out to the students and for the students to give feedback. Social media is a great way for companies to promote their businesses. People who are just starting up their business can advertise their skills and talent by uploading videos and photos.

    While Facebook can be beneficial to students it can also promote time wasting. They become addicted to it. Teens especially spend long hours instant messaging their friends and waste a lot of time on mindless activities. Children and teens can be subject to cyber bullying and cyber stalking. Anyone can make a fake profile and use it to harass others. Children can be exposed to pornographic material if their parents do not filter the Internet content. Personal information is made readily available to people through the Internet. This increases the risk of identity theft and fraud.

    People today are constantly on the go hence the invention of the cell phone was such a handy device. Social media is going mobile as well. Smart phones allow people to access social media through apps on their phones. Mobile is definitely the way to go.

    1) Donna Cosmato. “Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking,” (13 October, 2012).
    2) Jon Dube. “Why Smart Phones are the Future of Social Networking,” 5 August, 2012. (13 October, 2012).
    3) Parent Further. “Benefits of Online Social Networking,” (13 October, 2012).

    Ivana Parsotan

  25. The media as we know is an instrument of communication. Unlike other forms of traditional media like the newspaper or radio, social media is a social interactive form of communication. The main difference to traditional media is that it allows you to give your thoughts on a matter being imposed to allow feedback. This has changed the scope of communication globally.

    There are mixed implications when it comes to social media, this is seen as a new channel of communication which have evolved into engaging people in online information sharing who previously had no interest or experience to computers at all. They say that the good and evil of the world needs to be maintained. This leads to the advantages and disadvantages to social communication.

    On line networking has led to problems such as hacking of profiles, defamation, and identity theft and over loss of productivity. With freedom comes responsibility, this form of media as mentioned before allows people to express with debatable feedback, whatever is posted one should take responsibility of the outcomes associated with it as everyone has their own personal view in expressing information.

    Networking creates online communities which interact with each other. This huge medium of information connects the world on a global basis and creates a market without any limitations. Purchases, jobs, education, information, news, food, religion and government are some of the many examples of social media. It allows people to have freedom of choice, allows customization of experiences, and creates scrutiny which allows collaboration of individuals to share the experience with many of similar interest.

    In conclusion, there are many pros and cons when it comes to social media. As it is seen, the benefits outcasts the cons. But as individuals, it is our responsibility to understand what is being posted, the site and the content of which information is shared.

    1) Positives of social media, last updated Thursday October, 2012,
    2) Disadvantages of social media, last updated, 2012,



  26. Social media is simply defined as a term used to describe a variety of Web-based platforms, applications and technologies that enable people to socially interact with one another online. Social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others have become an integral part of people’s lives that their opinions are greatly shaped by them. However, there are many positive and negative outcomes associated with social media use. On the positive account there has been increased communication among people, while on the negative hand invasion of privacy and cyber-crimes have soared.

    Communication has increased drastically since the advent of social media networking. People are capable of communicating for longer periods, despite their geographic location. Facebook has enabled people to share more personal information such as pictures with family and friends on a constant basis. As a result, many people have been able to develop stronger relationships with their love ones. This has transferred some benefits into modern societies’ well-being because of the increased opportunity for individuals to express their thoughts more frequently.

    Unfortunately, social media has been used as a tool to cause havoc in people’s life. Invasion of privacy occurs constantly on social media networks. People’s security codes are sometimes hacked and their entire privacy gets invaded. Also, cyber-crimes are another pertinent issue. Each day people are being verbally abused, bullied, peer pressure and sexually harassed because of social networks.

    Nevertheless, one could expect social media use to grow significantly besides its backlashes. The benefits social media could bring to family life and business activities are valuable to society. In order to continue these benefits tighter security measures should be implemented and increase education among people, especially children, on effective strategies to avoid cyber-crimes.

    David Quamina

    Holmquist, Julie 2009. “Social Networking Sites: Consider the Benefits, Concerns for Your Teenager.” Accessed October 12, 2012.

    Webopedia. Accessed October 12, 2012. media.html.

  27. Social media is best described as a group of online media that have most or all of the following characteristics such as participation, openness, conversation, community and connectedness (Mayfield, 2008). Participation in social media encourages contributions and responses from interested persons. Openness allows persons to vote, comment and share information. Social medial allows communities to form quickly and communicate effectively (Mayfield, 2008). Most social media rely heavily on connectedness and making use of links to other sites, resources and people.

    Social media has its positives and negatives. A positive impact of social media is that it reduces the cost of advertising for traditional marketing in that it is cheaper to use social media rather than print, television etc. Social media engages feedback from the target audience and allows them to be connected to extra information via links that would not have been possible through print media. Social media also allows a sense of unity amongst various age groups of persons who are unable to interact socially with persons but can do so online.

    Some of the negativity associated with social media includes security, privacy, and measuring success. Security is a major problem because social media can compromise the integrity of a business if too much information is shared online. Privacy is another problem due to the computer hackers who can infiltrate the online system, compromising the information you may have. Another negative of social media is measuring success of the activity which is quite difficult.

    The future of social media seems quite promising due to several upgrades and technological developments accelerating over time however, this is cause for concern. In my opinion even though social media advancement is good, it may reduce the amount of face to face communication with each thereby hindering our interpersonal communication skills.


    Positives of social media, last updated Thursday October, 2012,

    Social media Pros and Cons-

    Mayfield, Anthony. What Is Social Media?. 2008. (accessed October 13, 2012).

    Amanda Rampersad

  28. Social media defines all forms of mass communication through the use of newspaper and magazine articles or any electronic devices and programs like television or the internet.

    The last thirty years have seen vast advantages brought by new and transforming. Social media advocates globalization; it has turned our world into a close knit community. Global events such as rumors of wars, natural disasters and economic and political updates, of countries known to be ‘worlds apart’, are now broadcast to the rest of the world nearly instantaneously. News of scientific discoveries and advances in medicine no longer take days and months to reach people. I consider social media to be a time savers dream, as a message can be delivered to even a nation of people, within a few minutes from one sender. This fast transaction is efficient and effective. For the advertising industry, businesses benefit as the costs are much cheaper than other traditional media forms. Furthermore, social media provides a two- way relationship between businessmen and consumers. This strengthens the relationship and helps sell the market product. In the future, this interaction can be very advantageous as the needs of more people can be met and satisfied. The average person can use social media to promote his small scale business to a wider community as well.

    On the other hand, social media can be potentially harmful. Besides facilitating mass communication, it can facilitate mass social destruction. Social media has the power to influence the mind of society. False, padded and misleading information can be released to the public without a fair screening process. Many times the media’s perspective is portrayed instead of the true story. Nowadays there has been increased disregard for the privacy of others by social media networks. Freedom of expression has become a quick excuse to expose and exploit the personal lives of front-line icons like politicians and celebrities. Additionally social networks have caused the disintegration of the natural and necessary process of face to face human interaction. This is because social media devices may consume the attention of an individual.

    Social media has been a very useful tool in global development and it has improved communication and marketing. However there are some distasteful consequences that have birthed because of faults in social media. We live in an ever- integrating world with a growing dependence on the media. So it is expected that the power of the social media will thrive. I look forward to seeing what the future will bring. May be social media can be the answer to global success or maybe the cause of it global demise?
    Bennett, Shea.2012. “Marketing 101- Social media vs Traditional Media” Accessed on October 12, 2012.

    Corporate Media - On the Plus.2012. “Social Media or Face to Face Communication?” Corporate Media. Accessed on October 12,2012.


  29. As with everything in life the good comes with the bad. Social Media has forever changed the world in ways years 10 years ago we couldn't imagine. Gone are the days when, written mail had to travel miles of ocean before it arrived at its destination. Now-a-Days everyone is connected to everyone and information and people can be assessed right at our finger tips. The advantages of Social Media are endless, news and information spread throughout the world at the click of a bottom, people are able to chat, play and interact with each other any time of the day, education and research are accessible to almost everyone and individuals are able to open, mange and market their own business and relay information in real time to their customers. Nonetheless, there is a negative side to Social Media. Most of the post, pictures and comments go unregulated on to these websites and as younger and younger people become computer savvy, Kids may be exposed to inappropriate pictures, hardcore pornography, violent behavior and bullying. Another prevalent issue of Social media is the fact that individuals feel the need to glamorize or over exposed every aspect of their lives. Privacy has little meaning on Social Media. The future of Social Media is uncertain but for one thing, its here to stay. However, the issues of privacy and regulations should not go unchecked as many young minds are exposed to Social Media sites and as individuals we should take responsibility to not abuse the freedom to express ourselves.
    1) Jim Reed, “Rise in Social Media Abuse complaints” BBC WORLD NEWS UK 11th October,2012, assessed 13th October,2012,
    2) Emily Bazelon, “Two younger for Facebook?” Slate Magazine, June 7th 2012, assessed 13th October,2012,
    3) Emily Bazelon, Why Facebook is after your Kids?’ New York Times 12th October 2012, asseced 13th October,2012,

    Sorcia Kristi-Rose D'Arceuil

  30. simply put Social media includes the various online technology tools that enable people to communicate easily via the internet to share information and resources. Social media can include text, audio, video, images, podcasts, and other multimedia communications.

    The pros and cons of social media are varied and can be argued for and against as to which one outweighs the other. In consideration of the pros- Social media can be an effective tool to help with your job search. Sites like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn enhance and expedite your hunt for a new job.It also allows for free advertising and I think most importantly the free availability of advice on almost if not any subject matter in contemporary society. We are now a global village social media being the vehicle, vast amounts of business transactions, disaster prevention, aid services, crime solving and financial decisions are made possible daily through social media. The world as we know it today would not be as advanced without it.

    However with every advancement there is a cost. Social media undoubtedly has made the lives of many a living hell from "stars to starves" the stories could be told of privacy and security breaches to utter humiliation and disgrace. Social media also brings with it modernization at an extremely fast pace and we have suffered health wise and otherwise due to the access of sometimes inaccurate information to the gullible and inexperienced. Unfortunately natural beauty of the flora and fauna has been demised by our intrusion things left for centuries in its natural beauty is now overexploited through the release of information, we have more diseases less cures and more drugs on the market. What about financial insecurity from hackers, online rings of all sorts and the dangers of technological radiation just to mention a few.

    Modern man just like his predecessors have made choices and would have to live with them but can we say we have progressed, can say we are living a more stress free healthy and prosperous life. Is the environment in a better state compared to the last three hundred years? Seems we have given up true use of the human faculties in exchange for ease and speed, everything is fast paced now and we're also dying younger, ageing faster and destroying faster. I strongly believe the equilibrium has not been realised we have far too long taken the easy way out through technology at the expense of a better life in the true sense. At the end of the day a healthy mind requires a healthy body that a philosophy worth continual consideration.

    Ali, N Syed.2012. “Social Media today: A Good or Bad Thing?”: Social Media Today. Accessed October 13th 2012.

    Adventured. Top 50 Social Media Quotes & Social Networking Quotes. (Accessed October 13, 2012)

    Name: Ronald Williams
    id#: 810005195

  31. Social media includes the various online technology tools that enable people to communicate easily via the internet to share information and resources. Social media can include text, audio, video, images, podcasts, and other multimedia communications. Social media aids in encouraging voting, commenting and sharing of information. It is known to be participative in that, it allows the audience to be part of the creative process or force that generates content. There are several positive and negative aspects connected with the social media use.

    The main advantage of social media marketing is cost-related. The majority of social media sites are free to access, create a profile and post information. The advantage of reaching your targeted market for little or no cash investment is substantial, and the audience wanting your information voluntarily joins or follows you. Additionally, Social networking sites bring people with common interests together, offer exposure to new ideas and lower inhibitions to overcome social anxiety (

    There are several negatives to social media in that social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, entice people to spend more time online and less time interacting face-to-face. One major negative includes security and privacy. Privacy is a huge issue since most social networking sites require that the user provide personal information such as a full name, an address, date of birth, a phone number ( This information is on the internet and easy to access by everyone. Although some social networking sites do offer privacy settings so that the user can control who can view his or her information, this doesn't mean the information provided on the user's page is safe. Lastly, cyberbullying which is a type of bullying that occurs online, makes it easier and more public than bullying through other online activities such as email and instant messaging (

    In conclusion, the social media is quite illustrious since new modern technological development is occurring. However, positively, there has been increased cost saving advertising and communication amongst people, whilst negatively, invasion of privacy and security has become a major issue.

    Procon. org. “Social Networking.” 11 October, 2012. (Accessed: 13 October, 2012)

    Sharmila Ganpat

  32. Social media is known as an "interactive web platform which individuals and communities share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated content”. At present social media technologies has come a long way having a wide variety of different forms including magazines, internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, micro-blogging, wikis, social networks, podcasts, photographs or pictures, video, rating and social bookmarking.

    With today rapidly advancing technology and wide expanse of social media available, I believe that this has definitely become one of the largest norms of today society. Everything is known to have advantages and disadvantages and social media is no different to this. Both positive and negative implications are brought about on individuals and companies involved in social media. However I believe that there are more advantages in social media than disadvantages.

    Social media channels and tools are much easily utilized and user friendly. This way it is easier for companies and individuals to create cost effective strategies and campaigns in a fun creative way creating viral results. It has the “power to drive traffic” i.e. attract persons to your website, blog, etc. It has a way of bringing people together, such as “facebook”. It helps in promoting global products or cause-related campaigns world-wide since people from different geographical locations are able to meet at a single point and express their views.

    A disadvantage may be the issue of more time consuming than expected to marketers and advertisers, in which case the person spending time behind the social media needs to understand how it works, when and how to use it and which channels to focus on. Also some social media channels such as facebook and twitter can have a negative influence on worker productivity as employees may waste valuable time. Issues such as privacy, overexposure, identity theft and hacking arise often i.e. placing personal information and provocative photos can damage an individuals’ reputation as well as others in the long run. When social media is used excessively or in the wrong way, it could have serious detrimental outcomes on both mental and even physical health of individuals.

    I think that so far social media has advanced and come a long way. With the rise in technology we are sure to discover new channels of social media in hopes that it will be for the better of our society.

    "10 Must-Know Advantages & Disadvantages of Social Media." Thoughtpick | The Learn Social Media by Example e-Magazine. (accessed October 10, 2012).

    Kietzmann, J.H., Hermkens, K., McCarthy, I.P., & Silvestre, B.S. (2011). "Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media" (PDF).Business Horizons 54 (3): 241–251.doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2011.01.005. (accessed October 10, 2012)

    Rebecca F.R. Sukal

  33. Social media is medium for interaction. It can be something as simple as communicating with family and friends to the organizing the next business transaction via electronic means. It definitely has become “the norm”. Most people seem to have accepted the electronic world and all the advancements involved with it, because technologies seem to upgrade every other day, and these businesses are still running. My point is, this could only happen if we the public give them the fuel to do so. Somebody has to be buying their products! It provides a sense of ease to some individuals and also, a less costly way of talking with friends and family and possible clients and business partners.
    However, with this progression, there is definitely negativity involved and there could big deliberation if the bad outweighs the good. Social media could definitely have an adverse effect, although its initial purpose was for merely communication. We have all seen the damage social media can bring, in terms security such as private information that one would not want disclosed to anyone, hackers and invasion of privacy and these are just a few. Stars know all this more than anyone and are always in the public eye, but it is difficult to main composure at times, social media can be relentless. At times, it definitely highlights the bad more than the good, and with social media the little things of the past, which were forms of entertainment can die, because most young people would rather flock to the net or other multimedia mediums to be a past time. Appreciation for like older arts forms, for example story telling can die, but I guess with this dying of one culture an even greater appreciation has emerged for something new. It is often the young people are more willing to accept the newer things in life rather than the older generations.
    Also, in my opinion, it’s all about the individual and how much he or she wants the public to know about him or herself. In some cases it is inevitable, for your life to enter the public eye, for example the stars but as for the regular man on the road, you have the choice of how much you want the outer world to see about you. How much you want access and utilize that of web, for example like online banking, disclosing personal information. It all depends on how much that person is willing to give of themselves to this electronic world. However, in some cases it definitely inevitable and you would definitely be in the public’s eye whether you want to be there or not. Things happen, and circumstances arise which may cause you to fall into this world of social media.
    In the end, it all comes down to: there are two sides to every coin. It will always be argued between the positives and negatives, if one outweighs the other. It is quite difficult to say, but people seem to have embraced this social networking thing and although with all the negativity involved with it, it seems to have a bright future. Social networking seems like it is going to be here for a while.

    Canada Business Network. “Pros and Cons of Social Media”
    Last modified September 26 2012.

    Shani Woodsley

  34. In the 1960 the internet was developed and the technology has advanced so much that it became cheaper and faster. Now mobile devices can now browse the internet at very high speeds. Social network has been incorporated in people’s lives through the world with over 500 million people having a Facebook account and closely 300 million log in daily.
    Social media sites helps in communication as updates are posted instantaneously and with aid of mobile devices persons receives these update in an instant although sites allow communication between users there are risk involved as privacy issues has arrived and misuse of the systems have caused persons to be slandered. There are also more serious risk as the information given to the provider can be misused for example the social network site Facebook is now under the control of the Criminal Investigation Agency (CIA). Because the information given to the developer it is not considered invasion of privacy as the information provided is given with consent. This has lessened the expenses of the agency in their investigation of person of interest as location and status can be monitored by the controllers of the network which now belongs to the CIA
    There are good to the uses of social media as news is reached to the public in a faster more cheaper form and with the incorporation of mobile devices the news get spread faster with broadcasting to numerous persons at the same time also site allow real time conferencing which people can view other and communicate with them instantaneously from any part of the globe
    In some cases there may be more bad than good as cybercrimes has increased and not many laws are set in place to convict hackers and penalties for such crime are not severe as identity theft and credit card fraud are common in persons who use online banking

    glen ramcharitar


  35. In the 1960 the internet was developed and the technology has advanced so much that it became cheaper and faster. Now mobile devices can now browse the internet at very high speeds. Social network has been incorporated in people’s lives through the world with over 500 million people having a Facebook account and closely 300 million log in daily.
    Social media sites helps in communication as updates are posted instantaneously and with aid of mobile devices persons receives these update in an instant although sites allow communication between users there are risk involved as privacy issues has arrived and misuse of the systems have caused persons to be slandered. There are also more serious risk as the information given to the provider can be misused for example the social network site Facebook is now under the control of the Criminal Investigation Agency (CIA). Because the information given to the developer it is not considered invasion of privacy as the information provided is given with consent. This has lessened the expenses of the agency in their investigation of person of interest as location and status can be monitored by the controllers of the network which now belongs to the CIA
    There are good to the uses of social media as news is reached to the public in a faster more cheaper form and with the incorporation of mobile devices the news get spread faster with broadcasting to numerous persons at the same time also site allow real time conferencing which people can view other and communicate with them instantaneously from any part of the globe
    In some cases there may be more bad than good as cybercrimes has increased and not many laws are set in place to convict hackers and penalties for such crime are not severe as identity theft and credit card fraud are common in persons who use online banking

    glen ramcharitar



  36. Media can be described as an instrument of communication, like a newspaper or radio. Therefore social media is just another instrument of communication that can be used. This would be a website that would not just give you information, but interacts with you while giving you that information. This interaction can be simple as asking for your comments on a particular situation or asking you to vote on an article. For instance, Twitter is a social site that allows its users to share short messages or “updates” with others. Facebook, in contrast is a full-blown social networking site that allows for sharing updates, photos, joining events and a variety of other activities.

    Some examples of social media are social bookmarking (eg. Simpy) where interaction is by tagging websites and searching through websites bookmarked by other people. Social news (eg. Reddit) is interaction by voting for articles and commenting on them. Social networking (eg. Facebook) is interaction by adding friends, commenting on profiles, joining groups and having discussions. Social photo and video sharing (eg. YouTube) interacts by sharing photos and videos and commenting on user submissions.

    Some possible advantages of social media are that provides an opportunity to widen business contacts, it targets a wide audience, making it a useful and effective recruitment tool, it is cheap, facilitates open communication, leading to enhanced information discovery and delivery, it improves business reputation and client base with minimal use of advertising and expands marketing research, implements marketing campaigns, delivers communications and directs interested people to specific web sites.

    Everything that is an advantage about social networking can also in a disadvantage in that you lose your privacy; after all, you have volunteered personal information that is now online. Privacy is one of the most prominent and important disadvantage of social media. Every site allows you to set your privacy settings which can be changed from their default settings to limit what other people can see and read about you. For example, on Facebook, you can adjust your settings for certain things to be viewed only by friends, or other parts to be viewed by the public, or others can be set to family even. Some of the main disadvantages are that you lose some privacy compared to not being on a social network, you may later regret posting pictures or comments that you thought were funny at the time. Fake profiles, some may say they are 21 years but that does not mean they are really 21. You have to be very careful when choosing to be friends with someone you don’t know or have never met in real life. They can also be a real distraction and time waster for some, since there are some people who spend hours on social networking rather than studying or working.

    There are its advantages and disadvantages, but social media has a long way into the future. As evident from today’s business strategies that are used, social media can be considered to be at its peak right now. A lot of businesses are taking advantage of social media means of communicating and with technology advances in today’s world, it can only be improved and developed to be better.

    1) Category. "What is Social Media? What are Social Media Sites?." Web Trends: All About Internet Trends & Social Media Trends. (accessed October 13, 2012).
    2) "What Is Social Media Marketing." Search Engine Land: Must Read News About Search Marketing & Search Engines. (accessed October 13, 2012).
    3) Ethics, laws & Code of. " Social Media: What are the advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites? What should we include in a policy? ." SHRM Online - Society for Human Resource Management. (accessed October 13, 2012).


  37. Social media can be defined as interactive platforms via which individuals and communities create and share user-generated content. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content.
    There are advantages and disadvantages of social media.Some advantages are When using social media for marketing products, social media could be easily utilized to create cost effective strategies and campaigns that can create viral results.Social media has the power to drive traffic to your website, blog, articles, etc. Social media is able to bring people together, especially when promoting global products or cause-related campaigns and ideas since it allows people from the different geographical location to meet at a single point and express their views.Social media marketing could always be a fun and creative method of doing business.
    Some disadvantage of social media are Using social media for marketing and advertising could be more time consuming than companies expect.Social media can have a negative influence on worker productivity.In order to get social media’s full effect, you need to understand how it works, when and how to use it and which channels to focus on.
    In conclusion I think the benefit of social media outweigh the costs.In years to come the social media will continue to grow and impact lives world wide.It will be the leading means of communication and education in businesses, schools and social groups in the near future.


    Mike Urban. “The pros and cons of social media”
    April 4 2012.

    Earle John

  38. Today, technology has advanced by using social media via ICTs to communicate. A positive aspect of using social media is that it promotes easy access to information, for example using dictionaries or Wikipedia for a range of activities such as projects to definitions on devices such as computer, tablet and phones. It can save on time in advertisements and responses; you can display a product and get an immediate response. Media such as face book, twitter and blogs can be use to convey ideas and views, share information and most importantly socialize with people not bound to one area (chatting with someone on the other side of the world). Media can be used to relate the latest news, events, entertain (videos and pictures) and educate. Media has improved the entertainment sector by upgrading with technology to produce new programs(eg Photoshop-alter pictures, real player- download music videos and features in ICTs that make, for example movies more entertaining, 3D and now 4D features). Using a specific media doesn’t mean all your personal information is for the public view, hence privacy settings which would allow the user the option for content to be open to the ‘public’ or ‘friends only’ in the case of facebook.
    A negative outcome is that in the event of advertising, the cost has increased. Over the decades advertisements could be done on billboard, fliers, posters, television and radio but now with the creation of more ICTs there is competition amongst media and for your ad to be sent a wide population the cost is expensive for example advertising in the last hour before news on television. Nowadays we have a higher risk of getting a virus associated with the internet, on facebook there are videos once you click on it, it gets posted on your profile and everyone in the chat gets sent the link. There are also unsafe sites that automatically download a file which is most likely a virus. Another negative aspect is that people may display false information and lure people to get their private information. In some instances any kind of information (in obscene language, inappropriate videos and pictures) may be distributed due to 'freedom of speech'. There is also the chance of someone becoming unsociable by relying more on using social media than meeting in person can make a person lose their social skills. For example only using video conferencing, skype and facebook’s chat to communicate.
    I think that the positive influences do outweigh the negative aspects because technology is always advancing to fix problems linked to media so that in the future the social media can become a better form of what we face today.

    The Researchpedia. 2012. (accessed October 13th, 2012).

    Beena Ramkissoon

  39. Social media allows people to communicate with very few limits. It provides information to its users and it also is very interactive in that it allows them to comment and give feedback as well. Blogs, social networks, web forums and podcasts are all examples of social media. There are both positive and negative sides of social media. It allows social networking and one of the advantages of this is that it allows people from all over the world to communicate quickly and efficiently. People can send messages and talk with relatives and friends through a social network like Facebook. It saves a lot of time and effort. Before social media communicating with people around the world was done through letters and post cards or even leaving a country to go abroad to visit. Now with social media high costs of travelling, the time it takes to receive a letter can be avoided all thanks to social media.
    Of course there are disadvantages of social media. One of the big issues is that users have no privacy in the activities on the social networking sites. All your activities are broadcasted on the internet where billions of people can see. Despite this social media grows and grows every day. People don't seem to mind that unlike before where you would have face to face communication and the personal touch of a letter or post card with social media these things are lost. It also allows for hackers to gain access to your personal information which can lead to dangerous information. Children are now exposed to this type of networking and it poses somewhat of a threat to them if the use it in the wrong way.
    Social networking is the future of the world although there are costs but many would agree that the benefits outweigh the costs.

    Vijaya Singh

  40. Social media can be defined as websites that allow worldwide users the opportunity to share media content and communicate/ interact with each other in many ways. Common examples of social media are: Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, all of which have become and continue to become very popular on global scales, judging by the rapid growth of users daily. There have been speculations as to whether or not social media have posed threat to one’s privacy regardless of laws and regulations. This is just one disadvantage amongst others that would be discussed further, together with the advantages of the uses of social media.
    The first advantage of using social media is that it allows persons to connect and network with each other with intentions of building new relationships with friends and family or reconnecting with persons from the past. However, this constant communication behind the computer limits the amount of time persons communicate interpersonally. Most young people for instance prefer to use social media to communicate rather than face to face.
    Secondly, social media sites are shifting from targeting general audiences to more specific audiences meaning that there are ways in which sites target persons every time they surf the net based on their heightened interests. This is done by placing cookies on the users’ computers, gathering their information and tracking interests to show personalized ads. That method of acquiring data is considered an invasion of privacy and is considered a disadvantage when using social media.
    Thirdly even though media sites have put measures in place so that young persons and adults are protected from predators this does not always happen as intended. As a matter of fact, this causes more so, younger persons to be naive and older persons to become victims of cyber attacks like viruses, hacking and accidental leaks of personal information.
    Conclusively, the benefit of using social media would by no doubt continue to outweigh cost simply by the number of persons using utilizing these sites to their advantage. Nowadays, persons are no longer that private when it comes to using social media and by allowing administrators the permission into their personal lives, social media in the future would always continue to be successful, innovative and brilliant.



  41. Social media, according to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, are forms of electronic communication (as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos). As with all things, especially those who offer unlimited access, they can be used for good and not so good reasons and also be taken advantage of. To this social media is no exception.

    Users of social media tools are required to submit various pieces of information. The content which is given would depend on what the social media forum would be used for. Facebook, a very popular social media realm requires personal information such as age, address and relationship status. LinkedIn, created to cater to a more professional clientele would function on impersonal information used for business purposes. As the saying goes, knowledge is power and users ultimately give social media the power as more information is continually uploaded. The onus therefore is on the user to control what is given to cyberspace and how they choose to be depicted.

    Social media gives its users a voice on the world stage. Be it finding old friends, launching a career in the entertainment world or creating a buzz about a new business, social media would be a great thrust into the spotlight. For businesses, it is a channel for advertising, interaction with the customer base, networking with other companies and facilitating online sales. In the entertainment sphere, people are given the opportunity to showcase their talent when in the real world it is almost impossible. Personal comments and opinions could also be aired on any topic imaginable and tutorials aid those who have difficulties accomplishing certain tasks.

    The downside however occurs when people use social media to degrade others. This is usually due to differences in belief, attitudes or character traits. It has even gone to the extreme where it turned young children in to worldwide sensations. They are exploited by adults as their innocence turns into a media event and in some instances forced to grow up too quickly. There is also identity fraud and stealing of ideas and innovations. It could also cause users to become obsessed, allowing them to live in a virtual world instead of the real one.

    The future of social media looks bright. Now that internet and communication technologies are being made more easily available, people are encouraged to utilise social media. This however may paint a bleak picture for genuine human interactions. According to Mashable Social Media, 62% of people use social media to share good news, 84% stay in touch with far away friends and 33% are more likely to speak with someone new online than in person. As life becomes fast paced, less time is being allocated to foster “real” relationships. From a business standpoint, social media would be a more profitable route to take, especially since by the end of 2012 one in four people will be using some form of social media (Simon Kemp 2012).

    As time wears on and technology becomes more advanced and accessible, social media will be a bigger part of people lives. It has already enveloped the lives of many as it is a means where people could express themselves and communicate quite easily. Thus, its appeal and ability to reach out to the masses would fuel its staying power for many years to come.


    Darion Fraser

  42. REFERENCES (Continued)

  43. According to the Commoncraft Show (provided video); 'Social media means new opportunities to create and communicate with people that care'. This statement is very broad, social media means something different to all parties involved.

    For marketing personnel, the major advantage of social media is that it's a very cost efficient way to reach large targeted market. The viral nature of social media means that each person who reads your posts has the capability to spread the news farther within his own network, so information can reach a large number of people in a short time for a low cost, the snowball effect.

    Social media can be an effective way to gather potential customer/client information; likes, dislikes and interests. It can also be an effective way to get information out; job vacancies, brand awareness, available goods and services, etc. Social media is perfect for customer interaction, customer feedback and customer support. It can also be used as a tool for community building and to find old friends.

    Considering all the advantages that come with social media, there are also some setbacks. Though it can be used to reach a wider market, social media can be very time consuming. Updating accounts must be consistent in order to be effective, this takes time and effort. Comments and feedback may not always be removable, so negative comments posted on social media sites can spread just as fast as positive ones, which may do a business or individual irreparable harm.

    There are also risks that go hand in hand with using social media sites. Creating fake identities, accounts, products and services may be very easy which can lead to identity thefts and scams.

    With any product, no matter how exceptionally useful or effective, there are always some disadvantages. I believe the benefits, of social media, if utilized in an honest, practical and sensible way, by far outweigh the disadvantages. However, to use or not to use social media is ultimately up to the individual/corporation.

    Coetsee, Friedel. Social Media Strategies. Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media and Networking. 9 April 2010. Accessed from
    Sandilands, Tracey. Demand Media, Chron. Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing. Accessed form
    Lefever, Lee & Sachi. The Commoncraft Show, Social Media in Plain English. Accessed form

    Kai Beckles

  44. Social media is various tools and software applications people use to publish, interact and share content online. It “is a combination of sociology and Information technology that allows people to publish their own content and to establish business or personal relationships.” (QuantumIII n.d.) Social media affects our lives both positively and negatively, however this is determined by how it is used. Social media positive traits are information can be shared easily, and it creates an ease for businesses to operate. One negative trait on the other hand is invasion of privacy.
    In terms of easy access to information, social media creates a playground where by information can be shared from one user to the next. This is positive as it breaks the geographical barriers between users. This means social media has created the ability for education, news and other data from electronic and print media with the greatest of ease. For example, those people who are on Black Berry to Black Berry Messenger (BBM) can obtain the latest new with the click of one button and even before the 7 o’clock news.
    Additionally, social media creates an ease in business operations due to the fact that it has evolve its’ advertisement and selling sectors. Social media has created the ability where firms don’t not have to operate in a physical area. For example, on Facebook there are some firms such Bang Bang T&T whereby they advertise their products and users can purchase these products by simply clicking on the ‘like’ button.
    However social media has two faces, on it negative side, invasion of privacy can occur. Have you ever search for a product online, probably eBay, and later time you get emails about similar products from email addresses you never seen? This is a clear definition of invasion of privacy. These websites sell your personal information about your shopping habits, your favourites items, some of your personal life to other companies who utilizes this data, and make a part of their target group.
    To conclude, Social media suggests that “You can buy attention (advertising). You can beg for attention from the media (Public Relation). You can bug people one at a time to get attention (sales). Or you can earn attention by creating something interesting and valuable and then publishing it online for free.” (Scott 2010 )

    "QuantumIII." The language of competitive business intelligence. n.d.
    Scott, David Meerman. "Social Media Marketing explained in 61 words." Women Business Owners Network. June 14, 2010 .

    Brandon Murphy

  45. Is Social Media a good thing or bad thing ? Some may thing of it as brilliant revolutionary invention. Others, a means by which it slowly breaks down our society. Its a wonder how we coped before Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Google-talk, BlackBerry Messenger and more of these new cyber technologies. Social networking services have definitely change the way we share and receive information. They have made it extremely easier by putting large amounts of data on the internet so that its accessible to any and everyone.

    But what exactly is Social media ? Its simply,'A term used to collectively describe a set of tools that foster interaction, discussion and community, allowing people to build relationships and share information.'

    Lets take a look at the basic advantages of social media.
    An on line website stated, "It is cheaper to use on-line social networking for both personal and business use because most of it is usually free. While personal use is rather simple for anyone, the business functions are underestimated by many. In a social networking site, you can scout out potential customers and target markets with just a few clicks and keystrokes, adding a boost to your usual advertisements and promotional strategies.

    If you want to fine-tune your business, then this is the way to go, whether on a budget or not." So generally, it is economically advantageous. IT helps small business to stay connected rather that paying a monthly bill. You can also use it to post advertisements, update customers on products and more. Another pro is that it allows families and friends to stay connected. In fact it allows this also around the world. Sites such as Facebook is a big example as it fosters massive group interactions and enhances people skills behind closed doors.
    In addition, it gives an opportunity to familiarize people with valuable computer skills. Even the elderly are now 'bbm-ing' their children. More so, it teaches young adults this. Social media can also provide tools for a more compelling educational experience.

    However this brings across the 'ugly' of social media.
    yes, it does provide a learning experience for children. But on the other hand it exposes children to predators. Twitter allows you to follow celebrities and your friends. 'Tweeting' your whereabouts and informing lecherous stalkers of what you are doing this exact moment. Also, teens who use Facebook shows a more narcissistic tendency while other show antisocial behaviour.

    This leads to another disadvantage. Addiction. Extensive use can lead to people spending half their day posting and randomly visiting others profiles. Also it can lead to isolation as it doesn't make room for human interaction. 'Face to face communication and meetings has been reduced and many of us have lost the flavour and charm to be together under one roof.'
    The future of social media is ever growing. whether it may be good or bad, we all partake as if its a natural thing.I believe it would be anywhere and everywhere we want and need it to be.


    Shikshamani Dubay

  46. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary social media refers to “forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users creates online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos).” Social media has evolved over the years and is impacting greatly on the world’s population. Over the years Social media networks have become a major way of communicating and conveying messages to the general public. Various sites have been used such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube etc. for sharing information. However, Social media does have some positive and negative aspects.
    Some positive aspects of social media include the fact that it rapidly conveys messages to a large audience in next to no time. This can be compared with traditional media such as television, radio and newspapers. It uses high fluctuated sites such as Facebook, twitter etc. to advertise its messages because these are often visited by many on a daily basis. It also helps to transfer data/information between users faster than traditional methods. Social media also has a record for quick feedback from customers etc .Aside from these mentioned there are several other positive aspects of social media.
    However, there are some negative aspects of social media. These are associated with privacy which is one of the major problems with social media. Once pictures or information of a user are posted on the various sites there are no restrictions as to who should and should not view the information. Another issue is that many argue that it is decreasing the amount of face-to-face communication between people. This may lead to diminishing interpersonal communication skills in society. In the future social media is only going to expand as it’s already such an immense part of everyone’s daily lives.

    Clickz, “14 Social Media Pros and Cons”, October 12th, 2012,
    Merriam Webster, “Social Media”, October 12th, 2012,

    Morissa Rodney

    1. This was a good piece. I especially liked the way you compared the speed and other advantages or social media with other methods of communication previously used. However, its privacy constraints make it difficult to keep personally information centered between friends and family only and withheld from strangers.
      N'yasha Cabrera

  47. The Social media has rocked the waves of communication around the globe; providing interactive platforms where individuals and communities create and share user-generated content. Some of the largest social networks include facebook, myspace, skype and twitter. The social media uses the internet to facilitate communication among millions of users, and though it is useful in society today, it also poses many negatives.
    There are many advantages to using the social media. It provides a social network where friends and family can easily communicate, share pictures and videos and even see each other LIVE from their screens! We can now meet new people thousands of miles away in the comfort of our own homes for FREE while receiving the latest “scoop” and gossip so that you’d always be “in the know” with all the top trends and news. It also provides an affordable medium for advertisement, with access to thousands of people whom otherwise would not be available.
    There are also negatives that surround the social media. Ask anyone who uses the social media- it is time consuming and can easily consume your life if not properly managed. This causes neglect from personal responsibilities (family, school and chores) and also changes the way we communicate with bad grammar and weird slangs everywhere! Crimes like identity theft, kidnapping and cyber bullying often occurs since all of pour personals are accessible to so many users.
    There is definitely more to be expected from the social media, however until the use of this tool is fully understood and proper restrictions (privacy) are put in place, there would always be crimes committed via its use.
    The social media has many positives, but also creates many negatives, like everything else in life. This however, should not discourage its use, but be motivation to improve its flaws.


    N'yasha Cabrera

  48. Social media can be simply defined as online text, pictures, videos and links, shared among people and organizations on a regular basis, in real time. Since the evolution of social media the world now seems to be a very small place because social media allows for fast interaction with people almost everywhere in the world at any time. However this advance in technology has with it many advantages as well as disadvantages, a few major ones are:
    Firstly, social media allows users to reconnect with the friends and family from around the world. Students who are abroad studying as well as parents who are always travelling for work can be able to interact regularly with their love ones. The disadvantage is that social media gets people accustom to online interactions that it prolongs face to face interaction, which is unhealthy for any relationship.
    Secondly social media brings people with a common interest together and offer exposure to new ideas for example in the US over 60million people gain help with major life issues through using social media. This is because they are able to connect with experts and professionals to assist them in making major decisions. However, in Trinidad and Tobago and in many countries over the world, many people are becoming victims of internet fraud. Moreover, social networking sites have no way to prove that people are who they claim to be, leaving people vulnerable to solicitations from online predators who hide their true identities. For example in February 2009, “MySpace” a social networking site identified 90,000 registered sex offenders with profiles on the site.
    Lastly the social media is great for advertising because it is a medium through which information reaches millions of persons in a short time. As well as it is very inexpensive and feedback on questionnaires for market research is fast. On the other hand businesses have to be on the top of their game because any short comings are greatly criticized and spreads throughout the social media and this can hinder a business reputation.
    Laura Gadar 809002529

    1. I agree with these advantages and disadvantages of social media and the part where you mention the MySpace example which took place in Feb 2009,Many people are not aware that they may become victims of identity fraud and knowing who to socialize and share personal information with on social networking sites is one way to be protected.
      Christopher Nathaniel

  49. Social media may best be defined by breaking it down. Media is an instrument on communication such as the newspaper or the radio; so social media would be a social instrument of communication. It may be considered a website that does not just give you information, but also interacts with you while giving you information. This interaction can be as simple as asking for your comments or letting you vote on an article, or it can be one that recommends movies based on the ratings of other people with similar interests.
    The main advantage of social media is cost-related. The majority of social media sites are free to access, create a profile and post information. The advantage of reaching your targeted audience for little or no cash investment is substantial, and the audience wanting your information voluntarily joins or follows you. The viral nature of social media means that each person who reads your posts has the capability to spread the news farther within his own network, so information can reach a large number of people in a short time. Social media is able to bring people together as it allows people from the different geographical location to meet at a single point and express their views.
    However, updating your social media accounts takes time and effort. Social media carries several risks. Unless you have someone check your social media accounts several times a day, disgruntled individuals who connected with you via a specific account can publish negative comments that are not always removable. Bad news can go viral as easily as good news and can do you irreparable harm. When social media is used excessively or in the wrong way, it could have serious detrimental outcomes on both mental and even physical health of individuals. It is also possible to be tricked by individuals who have fake identities in giving out your personal information online. This increases the possibility of being stalked, either online off offline.
    Tahlia Ali

  50. According to Wikipedia, “social media are interactive platforms via which individuals and communities create and share user-generated content.” This form of communication has its positives and negatives towards it.

    There are many different types of social medias that one can use to transfer information from one user to another, they are able to transfer news, files, photos etc. This is a positive aspect to social media use because it develops a field of communication between many persons worldwide. Other positives of social media are it brings people with common interests together and it allows people to create new relationships and reconnect with friends and family, but there are also negatives which can affect the users for a long time to come. Some of the negatives are, users have no way to verify that people are who they claim to be, leaving people vulnerable to solicitations from online predators who are able to mask their true identities and also with these sites may not be fully aware that the information they post is public and that photos and text can be retrieved even after deletion. There are a lot of consequences caused because of this lack of knowledge or ignorance such as persons opening up their selves to sexual predators and loss of job opportunities from employers who find embarrassing photos or comments.

    My personal opinion to if the pros outweighs the cons is dependent on the age group using the social media because in the case of teenagers they may not be fully aware of all the harms of using the specific site and they are not able to protect themselves and mostly teenagers use social networking sites, such as Facebook, just for recreation so they can be easily lured into the dangers, so from this point of view the cons outweighs the pros. On the hand and adult using social medias are more likely to know and understand the dangers imposed by being too personal and they will most likely use these sites as a forum to conduct business ventures, so in this case the pros will outweigh the cons.

    The use of social medias is not a bad thing, it just depends on the intentions of the person who is using it, with that said, I think the future of social media is a bright one and that there are still more engineers will do to improve security and better the experience using it. I also think social media will become the main source of communication in the near future.

    Darielle Hamilton

  51. According to Wikipedia social media can be defined as: ‘interactive platforms via which individuals and communities create and share user generated content.’ There are different kinds of social media which include blogs, social networks, videos, photographs and magazines. While using social media many pros and cons will present themselves and it is up to the user to determine which out ways which.
    As a user of social media various advantages are noticed. One may argue that the greatest advantage of social media is its huge reach; a greater target audience can be reached in contrast to other forms. Customers can find you through new channels, generating more leads. Compelling and relevant content presented in the correct way will grab the attention of potential customers and increase company brand visibility.
    Also, social media is advantageous as it is a cheap form of advertising, marketing and generating sales. Sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google sites are free of charge and are great ways to generate sales. Company pages can be developed with not much input and can reach a large target audience. These innovations are especially helpful for small businesses that don’t have large amount of capital. Social media provides the advantage of time efficiency since as mentioned before social media such as Google sites, Facebook and twitter are easy to set up it provides the owner or company opportune time to maximise his input elsewhere.
    However, social media also possess disadvantages such as privacy issues. Access to user information is very public which makes it easier to be victims of crimes such as identity theft or fraud. With sites such as Facebook and twitter followers and friends or even the general public are made aware of your location when updating statuses thus making it very unsafe for users.
    In addition, disadvantages for companies include not being able to develop a relationship with customers as effective as one on one interaction. This may reduce customer loyalty which can stint future sales. Also, using the network to push for sales without engaging with customers, or failing to respond to negative feedback may damage a business’s reputation.
    To conclude, despite numerous advantages and disadvantages not being put forward because of the word limitations placed one can derive from the few listed that advantages of social media greatly outweigh the cons. With the smart use of social media a individual can protect themselves from identity theft and other problems that may arise. Hence one believes that social media is very innovative since it provides us with a larger target audience, efficiency and reduce cost.
    Samuel Hytmiah

  52. According to Affilorama, A social network is a website that allows you to connect with friends and family, share photos, videos, music and other personal information with either a select group of friends or a wider group of people. We as a modern society will agree that there are numerous positive connotations associated with social networks. These include the fact that family and friend so not have to wait extended periods of time in order to SEE each other. While they may speak occasionally on the phone they can literally see one another with just the click of a few buttons. Also communicating in this way is extremely cheap and efficient. On the other hand those who are bashful and not very social are afforded a social life in some aspect. Also, persons with disabilities who are unable to go out and do certain physical activities are able to socialise with persons who do and can have an idea of such activities. Friends can also share photos and music over long distances instantaneously and hassle free. On the contrary, to everything pleasant there is always an unpleasant face.
    While sharing photos and information is made convenient it is also permanent. A Picture is worth a 1000 words and imagine when it is forever. Such photos which are inappropriate for the public can be very damaging to not so much a young persons image but when that young person steps out in the world of work the stigma of those pictures are forever lingering. Also communication may have been made easier but it is now less safe, as this non face to face form of communication has led to multiple cases of date rape and instances involving paedophiles. On the other hand there have been escalated incidences of identity theft. We, the new generation are what is now termed “couch potatoes”, this is so because the amount of time spent outdoors has been drastically reduced as we are now occupied interacting with a computer and being inactive. Statistics show that now more than ever, the cases of diseases linked to lack of exercise and over eating is most prominent than ever.
    Although, it can be agreed upon that the social network results in a landslide of issues In society, we can also agree upon the fact that the pros outweigh the cons and that our lives have been made easier I one aspect or the other.

    Mike Urban. April 9th, 2012. “The pros and cons of social media”. Date accessed October 12th, 2012.
    Zachary Fenell, 1990-2012. “Communication Technology Pros and Cons” date accessed October 12th, 2012.

    Patricia Lewis

  53. Social media connects people and allows them to share content with a vast audience. The choice of its purpose impacts the success of the social media. Social media is about branding, this is where the media make people feel good about a brand and wanting to tell others about your brand. Another purpose of social media is achieving sales, this is where the media let the world know about what your brand offers, and driving them to a place, for example; websites like facebook or twitter. This is where they can purchase a product or service, request a demonstration or take some other action that indicates purchase interest.
    Main business advantages of effective social media are that compelling and relevant content will grab the attention of potential customers and increase brand visibility, you can respond almost instantly to industry developments and become heard in your field. It can be a much cheaper method than traditional advertising and promotional activities. You can also deliver improved customer service and respond effectively to feedback. Although there are benefits of the social media there are also disadvantages. Some of these disadvantages are that it can be difficult to quantify the return on investment and the value of one channel over another, ineffective use- for example, using the network to push for sales without engaging with customers, or failing to respond to negative feedback - may damage your reputation. Finally you will need to commit resources to managing your social media presence, responding to feedback and producing new content.
    Amelia Gonowrie 811001043

  54. Social media has evolved over the years and has impacted greatly on the world tremendously. It has allowed people from all corners of the globe to creat relationships, communicate and improve on exsisting problems. Social media networks have become a major way of communicating and conveying messages to the general public. With the invention of social media, sales and demand increased with little input. It helped people maximise profit as they gain free feedback and cheap advertising. Business or people on a whole gained free comments allows them to become more organised by improving the product and even creating a new product. People were now able to build, create and search relationships, ideas, jobs and family. But most of all, it brought people together as they posted, shared and celebrated events with other people.
    However, overtime people started to think differently about the social media. With the overwhelming varieties, people had to find ways to keep things new, popular and interesting. Therefore barriers started to break, even negatively.
    From a negative aspect, things good so interesting to people that traditional communication, which is verbal communication, became more and more history, to a point now that many would agree is basically extinct. This issue, extends even more to the point that people only knowns what happens on social media but when place out into the world they cannot survive, unless its a social media event.
    A major problem that arised was that peoples privacy were invaded and personal spaces were violated. Personal photos and videos were taken and placed on X rated sites. People's negative history, constantly haunted them dispite future improvements.
    Also, even thought it was a place to meet people, strangers, pedophiles and sick people take advantage of this free communication, to meet vulnerable and/or young people to do what they desire.
    Therefore, new ideas and inventions may be positive but in the wrong hands, a positive can turn into a negative.

    Krystle Gay

    Positives of social media, last updated Thursday October, 2012,

  55. Social media have influenced many of the people of the 21st century. Referred to as online interactive communities allow users the opportunity to stay in constant contact with friends and family with widespread reach of a network all made possible via an internet access. Examples of these online interactive communities that exist are like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. Facebook for example, has been known to reunite lost family members and friends and allows users the opportunity to connect with people with common interests and beliefs via groups and similar pages.
    The Social media have now become a part of our livelihood. The way we communicate with each other has expanded beyond our control, even allowing the opportunity to socially network with anyone at the palm of our hands using a smartphone. In analyzing the numerous benefits of social media it is quite noticeable that some downfalls do exist; the issue of privacy is call of concern, of using such technology.
    In analyzing the pros associated using social media which to it is of my belief largely outweighs the cons associated. The use of the social media as a means of advertising one of many of the benefits is a “win” for the organization since it is a great way to reach customers in a way that not be otherwise. It is a medium where a large number of people are logged onto some for of social medium every day, sometimes on multiple times per day. From a personal standpoint after promoting a local party, Facebook and bbm( blackberry messenger ) were the medium used to promote this event. On Facebook, a page was created with the details of the party, and the event was shared to all my Facebook contacts, bbm on the other hand, a broadcast was sent to all my contacts, from which they themselves forwarded to their contacts.
    Downfalls to the social media for example arise when ones privacy has been breached. Persons however own their information and control whoever they share it with. Once you have become part of the life of social networking, it must be protected from hackers that may see the need to evade your privacy. Instances such as identity theft, where someones steals ones identity and pretending to be them, which I myself have been guilty of, is a demise to use of the social media. This can be very dangerous as it can be used for profane reasons. Since the initiation of social media it has limits the need for face to face and voice communication not knowing who is the actual intended sender or receiver of the message.
    The culture of communication has changed, and vastly continues to expand through social media whereby persons interaction are brought closer each time.
    Despite the cons associated with social media, it is evident that the pros far outweigh them however the act if ones privacy is invaded can be very detrimental.


    The Researchpedia. 2012. (accessed October 13th, 2012).

    10 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Building Your Business Using Social Media, 2012 (accessed October 10th, 2012).


  56. Social media is defined on the website, as “the future of communication, a countless array of internet based tools and platforms that increase and enhance the sharing of information. This new form of media makes the transfer of text, photos, audio, video, and information in general increasingly fluid among internet users. Social Media has relevance not only for regular internet users, but business as well.” In this new age of technology, we use the World Wide Web as a vital part of everyday life. We, as students, use it for educational purposes, socialising, relaxing and a host of other functions. It is the “go to” for use youngsters. Recent advancements allow our lecturers to be accessible at all times, through email, Facebook, Skype, Twitter etc. It allows us to exchange information outside of the classroom. We can access much more resources than a single text book will allow. It also helps us to connect to peers and work together rather than alone. With all things caution must be advised. These medium of communication allows for personal information to be leaked out if we are not careful enough. We have no idea how far something we post online can go. People technologically advanced have found ways to get around protective measures. We need to be aware that the net can be dangerous. Information we access today can be viewed on databases somewhere else at some other time. Information we research can also be inaccurate. Social media allows communication over large geographic areas i.e., countries, continents, etc. It allows the spread of information rapidly and relatively easily accessible. Businesses latch on to the vast reach of social media to promote products. As the video suggests it allows feedback at inexpensive levels. Lecturers can use videos and high quality graphics in teaching. In all the social media is a good thing but should be used with caution.

  57. Social media can be defined as various online tools that allow an interactive method of communication for persons permitting them to communicate easily in terms of posting, sharing ideas, views, comments, blogging etc. Social media is the mechanism that conveys information world-wide thereby reaching a mass audience in a short period of time. At present the most popular forms of social media are Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Flickr. Many businesses have started the use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter as their main source of advertising products.
    However like anything, there are both pros and cons when using this online tool; in my opinion I think that the pros would outweigh the cons. Social media is cheaper, user friendly, accessible form of communication which allows business to attract a mass audience. It allows easily exchange of information letting customers’ voice their opinions and reviews on products; this feedback can thereby improve the success of the business. Also it provides many services to users enabling them to share music, videos, pictures, tutorial and lectures.
    Nevertheless one of the major concerns and cons of social media is privacy. Though there are privacy settings, there is no guarantee that when posted on a social media that it is certainly private since there are many ways in which hackers can obtain information about users regardless of the privacy settings. One should take in consideration that once posted in a social network, this post is no longer regarded as private therefore this information can be used or misused by the public. Some people may become too comfortable posting in a social network thereby sharing too much personal information such as pictures and may then pay the consequences. However these people should realise that there must be some limited to the information posted and shared to the public.
    For the future social media will continue to grow outweighing the traditional mediums of communication allowing people to shared opinion and exchange information throughout every region across the globe.
    The Reading Eagle. The Pros and Cons of Social Media. September 4, 2012. (Accessed October 10, 2012)
    Kavita Rampersad

  58. Social media can be described as any interactive form of media that allows users to connect and communicate with each other, usually by the means of the internet.
    Social media has proven to be beneficial time and time again on many levels. Businesses use it as a cheaper form of advertising and doing promotional activities, compared to traditional methods. They also use it as a means to convey improved customer service and respond effectively to customer feedback, not to mention, offering almost instant responses, allowing for increased customer loyalty. Students can use social media networks as a way of sharing information about, for instance, particular courses. It also helps students to engage with each other and share and express their views and creativity. It helps give them a sense of belongingness as well, in some cases. To the general public, social media sites are a way to stay 'up-to-date' with the world around them. Many people go to Facebook and Twitter, for example, when they want to find out missed news or recent stories, and in most cases use these sites to prove the validity of some stories. Finally, these sites allow for easier communication to take place. No longer is a phone call the only way to communicate with and receive instant feedback from people across the globe. Many different avenues have arisen, for example, those which foster video chatter, example Skype, and others used for just general messaging.
    Although social media creates new opportunities to bring the world together as one unit, there are a few drawback to it as well, the most prominent being the issue of privacy. Because information about someone can be so easily shared and accessed via social media networks, it begs the question, just how private is someone's private life really. As long as something, for instance, as simple as a picture, is uploaded on to the internet, anyone can access it. Some sites have stringent privacy policies, however, making it more difficult for the average person to do so. However, as long as something goes viral, there is little that can be done to stop it before it is too late. A clear, although sad, example ca be seen with Amanda Todd, the Canadian teen who committed suicide from all the bullying she received, mostly as a result of her posting a topless photo of herself to someone she assumed she could trust on a chatting website. It did not take long for the image to spread once it surfaced. Clearly, privacy is something that is not particularly considered when it comes to social media sites. Other drawbacks include, from a business point of view, inefficient use of these networks by, for example, failure to respond to negative feedback by customers. When it comes to education, according to research Mark Connolly, these sites "seize and fragment students' attention", claiming that heavy internet use leads to weaker critical thinking skills.
    Social media has affected almost ever continent of the world. Improper use of it, however, can have devastating effects.

    References - Last accessed: 14 October 2012 - Last accessed: 14 October 2012

    Summer Gervais

  59. The social media is used as a means of communication for people from various parts of the world. Rather than mailing messages to a ‘pen pal’ or using a phone for the costly long distance calling, one can simply turn on a laptop or a cell phone to communicate. Social media helps family to keep in contact and can aid long distance relationships via use of Skype or other video chatting messengers. Mass communication is another way that social media ensures convenience since one message can be sent to numerous people. Social media are used by business owners (such as myself) to expand their target market since ecommerce is regarded by many as the business of the 21st century. “Social media also provide another option for those looking to date but are unable to find the right person and they allow those with similar interests to connect and converse” (Urban 2012).A

    It’s a fact that social media brings a lot of advantages and conveniences, however it also has a lot of consequences as well. “Social Media give hackers an opportunity to steal and misuse personal information, especially if users don’t correctly install privacy filters. And even with those safeguards, posted information is never fully secure” (Urban 2012).Not only is social media a means to steal personal information, it is also a way to spread gossip, harmful misinformation, and further abuse. There is no way to really check for what is happening in a photo or video. This means that if a humiliating photo taken at a party is posted, the individuals in the photo have no knowledge that their reputation is being hurt. They will likely not find out until it has reached an enormous audience and has harmed their reputation badly. Employers have recently started checking their employees and prospective employees Facebook pages for opinions, habits and other subjects that could make them reconsider hiring or continued employment. This means that personal data leaks are all the more dangerous.

    It is easy to blame the social media for lack of privacy but it is optional for you to post your personal information online so you have nobody but yourself to blame if your information is leaked or used by hackers. If people tag you in pictures that can get you into trouble, you should remember that its your fault that you end up in the situation since it’s the person who creates the circumstances. “The Internet, and social media, have no control over you that you do not grant them” (Elmore 2012). Your therefore need to be responsible for yourself so it’s either you grow up or get off the social media.

    Elmore, Phil. WND Commentary . 10 14, 2012. (accessed 10 14, 2012).
    Urban, Mike. Reading Eagle. 04 09, 2012. (accessed 10 12, 2012).

    Bheemal Ramlogan

  60. Social media can be used in a wide range of settings and for a wide range of purposes, whether in marketing, education, politics and even just for communicating with friends and fans(for celebrities). Additionally, in each setting, it has its pros and its cons. In Marketing, it has a MAJOR benefit of being cheap, if not free in almost all cases. It is a wonderful way to reach the masses as social media allows content to be widespread and so done in a short time. A lot of food service organizations like Pizza Hut use this as a way of introducing new deals and promotions. However, it can also be used as a forum for displeased customers to share their poor ratings. This is common because persons are more likely to share very bad experiences rather than good ones.
    Additionally, in education, it is convenient for teachers to reach their classes and students in a timely manner since most persons access these social media sites on their mobile phones, like Facebook and Twitter. This is done even in our University by some lecturers.
    Similarly, in politics, many politicians use social media to campaign and reach younger audiences as well, since most young people tend not to read newspapers and watch news programs on television. However, it is another medium for hate posts and persons sharing negativity to deface the politicians' images.
    In all cases, social media is a cheap, effective and efficient way to advertise and broadcast information in the effort of good business, campaigning, education and simply socializing. However the main disadvantage is that negative comments and feedback is shared as well as good, and the negative may be far worse since picture images and video images may be used for broadcasting negativity as well. This is seen in the case of the leakage of the recording of Mitt Romney in the USA with negative comments that affected his campaign. All in all, social media is a prominent part of communication at rpesent and should be embraced.



    Hana S. Noor Al-Deen and John Allen Hendricks, SOCIAL MEDIA, Uses and Impact. (2012)

  61. Social media is media for social interaction using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. It utilizes various online technology tools that enable communication via the internet to share information and resources. These may include text, audio, video and images. There are both positive and negative impacts of social media.

    A positive impact of social media is socialization of shy individuals or people that have trouble making friends and those with disabilities. Social media can be used to connect those with similar interests and allow professionals to network more easily. Business entities can market themselves by advertising their businesses to clients. The reconnection of acquaintances can be made possible via networking.

    Social media also has negative impacts. Hackers can steal information provided by individuals and misuse it. This misleading information can be used to spread destructive information, photos or lies about others. Social media can become a substitute for actual meetings which can hurt social development and isolate users. Confidential information about the user can destroy relationships due to convert relationships with others.
    Positive impacts of social media rely on the individual that utilizes the resource. If individuals use media for the correct purpose then there would be less conflict. The negative impact of media does not change the use of it. With more research and surveys from the public, information technology specialists can make social media less conflicting and a more enjoyable experience by creating ways to reduce the negative impacts of media.

    There are both positive and negative impacts of social media. There can be a positive future for it if the negative impacts are reduced.

    Lynette Dookhran

  62. Social media is best understood as a group of a new kind of online media which shares participation, openness, conversation, community and connectedness etc. It encourages contributions and feedback from everyone who is interested. It blurs the line between media and audience. Social media encourages voting, comments and the sharing of information. There are rarely and barriers to accessing and making use of content.

    Whereas traditional media is about "broadcast" (context transmitted or distributed to an audience) social media is better seen as a two-way conversation. Social Media allows communities to form quickly and communicates effectively. Communities therefore share common interest,such as a love of photography, a political issue or a favourite TV show. Most kind of social media thrive on their connectedness, making use of links to other sites, resources and people.

    There are positive uses of social media. It allow people to create new relationships and reconnect with friends and family. Increased communication, even online, strengthens relationships. Also allow for creative expression in a new medium. They provide free messaging, blogging, photo storage, games, event invitations, and many other services to anyone with access to a computer and the Internet. Social Media bring people with common interests together, offer exposure to new ideas from around the world, and lower inhibitions to overcome social anxiety. People who have a difficulty communicating in person are more comfortable interacting via the Internet. Studies have shown that being part of social media has a positive impact, including increased quality of life and a reduction in the risk of health problems. They help improve stroke recovery, memory retention, and overall well-being.

    On the other hand there are negative uses of social media. It entice people to spend more time online and less time interacting face-to-face. Social media sites have no way to verify that people are who they claim to be, leaving people vulnerable to solicitations from online predators who are able to mask their true identities. It makes cyberbullying, a type of bullying that occurs online, easier and more public than bullying through other online activities such as email and instant messaging. The hours per day of face-to-face socializing have declined as the use of social media has increased. People who use these sites frequently are prone to social isolation. Parents spend less time with their children and couples spend less time together even when they live in the same house, because they are using the Internet instead of interacting with each other.

    In the future I think social media might possibly become more privatized or it is going to be a tempestuous year with more developments and this may cause a digital war to erupt between Internet users, companies and governments.



  63. Social media is the most recent and commonly used method of communication in society today. It is accessible by all age groups and has become so popular and powerful that it is also a great form of investment; Mark Zuckerberg, the young founder of Facebook, has made billions is just a few years due to his innovative idea. The benefits of social media are numerous, but so too are the negatives.
    One benefit is the urgency with which information can be delivered to an audience. When compared to other methods such as radio and newspaper, social media is superior. It is free, it is instant and any information upload may be viewed countless time. Its ability to reach such a vast audience also means it is capable of reaching a greater population than newspapers and radio; radio and printed media rarely cross international boundaries.

    Businesses are able to build better relationships with customers. Whether they would like to advertise new products, specials or simply provide company information, the businesses are able to connect on a more personal level with customers. Individuals enjoy the connectivity as relationships are built and maintained with little effort. Distance is no longer an issue in communication.
    Nevertheless, social media has downfalls. The quickness with which information is sent also means rumours and wrongful information spread rapidly. The easily influenced (mostly youth) are exposed to trends and crazes, often without parents’ or guardians’ knowledge, and some fall victim. There has also become a dependency on social media by the current and upcoming generation. Relationships have been made by social media, but many have failed as well due to many conversations now being distant; to some it is easy to speak through technology than face to face.

    Sites such as Facebook and twitter allow users to display every detail of their lives. This has created the issue of privacy. In the hands of the wrong person, these particulars can be used to tarnish the reputation of a person or in the cases of stalkers and more devious criminals, make them easier targets.

    The benefits of social media can outweigh the negatives as long as the users make that effort to control the information being uploaded and to avoid developing an addiction. Ultimately though, one has to appreciate the easy form of communication it has gifted us. Social media could only get more popular and I see it being a vital, sometimes problematic feature of future generations.

    Mikhel Pitman-Gilkes

  64. Social media can be defined as "interactive platforms via which individuals and communities create and share user-generated content.”
    This is usually done via use of the internet. Such platforms make geographical distances a non-issue, by enabling individuals and firms to share information instantaneously.
    As such, many benefits are gained through the use of social media. Business owners can now save a lot of money by advertising online. Once done correctly, this would draw new customers to their business. Also it enables the creation of global forums to discuss current affairs and global issues. For example recent information about advances in medicine to deal with cancer is now available.
    There are also some drawbacks however. Social media can have a negative influence on worker productivity. Employees may waste valuable time using social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. They can also use social media to attack the company’s reputation! Also when social media is used excessively or in the wrong way, it could have serious detrimental outcomes on both mental and even physical health of individuals. Lastly there is the issue of privacy which is significantly reduced and sometimes non-existent when using social media.
    Aaron Fullerton

  65. Question:Comment on the positives and negatives of social media use and what do you think lies ahead for the future of social media.

    Social media is defined differently by everyone,but the general meaning of social media,is that it is a collection of internet based tools,and platforms which increase and enhance the showing of information.
    The basic forms of social media in the world today are,myspace, face book,twitter and blogs.etc.While persons may argue the fact that these devices are becoming a nuisance and are very detrimental to ones private details,I believe that the benefits far out weigh the drawbacks.

    Pros to social media;It provides awareness,and increased sales for companies,as its compelling and relevant content will grab the attention of potential customers and increase brand visibility.Social media is also much more cheaper than traditional advertising.
    On a personnel note ,social media allows persons to communicate,for instance these different devices help those who are shy or even disable socialize much more easily.It also provides options for those looking for date,but are unable too meet the right person:take for instance ,E-harmony and Christian Mingle.
    Despite these aspects however,I think that persons are still hesitant about the different social media devices out there,due to privacy,because once something is out there it can no longer be protected from the thousands of persons surfing these media everyday.
    These networks allow hackers and bullies to spread destructive information and lies about individuals,information which can even destroy marriages by providing covert connections with strangers,which lead to infidelity.
    Complaints and bad reviews,can also damage a companies reputation.
    Let's be serious though,social media is taking the world by storm, and whether we like it or not,social media inventors are going to continue to expand and take over,it is only up to us to manage our usage and maintain the content and type of information we are publicizing.

    Elesha Caton

    REFERENCES:06/JUN, networking,positives-negatives.
    9/4/2012 Mike Urban,Reading and cons to social media.
    26/Sep/2012:www.canadabusiness.pros and cons of social media

  66. Social media is not just a platform for easy and simple advanced online marketing; it is also the revolution of our century. Social media is an instrument of communication. It is the medium by which people from different classes can’t interact and share opinions.

    This interactive forum can exist in the form of internet, weblogs, social blogs, social networks etc. It is a grown norm that is evolving. It permits away for individuals to communicate with each other in a short and effective way.
    Like any other advance in technology it too comes with its pros and cons. Some of its vast advantages are that it targets a wide audience for marketing people it helps them expand their clientele markets. It creates relationship, brings people together for long lasting friendships and is fun and exciting to be on. Social media networks that are like this are facebook, twitter and Hi5.

    On the other hand social media has its advantages. A main downfall of it is having privacy. Privacy settings on these media sites are very low. It makes way to tricky hacking gimmicks so personal information one h as can be viewed to the public eye. This privacy setting is a major controversy in the media business because people almost always find to beat the system. Other cons are that it is very costly to manage and sometimes its procedures are hard to understand.

    In today’s society social media platforms are vastly growing and so are its likes and dislikes. Therefore the relevant personals should take a closer look in the making of them and ensure that their pros always outweigh its cons for their users’ satisfaction.


    Kechiel Paul

  67. The social media has both advantages and disadvantages. Some of its advantages are: It allows for easier communication for individuals and groups. Social networks such as facebook, twitter and instagram allow for friends and families to connect, share thoughts, views and self expression, there is also a chance to meet new people. There is a steady increase in vlogs(video blogs), where persons share their views about a certain topic through videos and persons subscribe to them or give feedback through commenting. As the video explained, within all these circles there are those with religious followers and those who have just enough to keep them going. The internet and social media has changed the way products are advertised and has taken the competition to a whole new level. Break ups and widgets can be found on almost every page of the internet especially those of the social media. Advertisers can market their products 24 hours a day and the best part is they can b given feedback.
    On the other hand the social media does have its disadvantages; the sharing of information, individuals do not recognize just how much of their personal information they are putting out there for poachers to get a hold of. As mentioned before on social networks there is the chance of meeting new people unfortunately not everyone wants to genuinely be a friend, some may pretend, get close to you and exercise ill intentions. Through these networks some information shared; name, age, gender, address pictures, family, friends, school, workplace etc. Some of this information may not do well in the wrong hands. Another disadvantage is the lack of productivity at home, school or the workplace. Persons spend way too much time on these various sites when the time could be used to better themselves else. Today children quicker spend their time in front of a computer, television, phone or handheld device instead of outdoor activities. Persons also spend too much time in front these devices which can eventually take a toll on their health.
    Technology is advancing everyday and the involvement in the social media is inevitable no matter how small, also because of globalization I believe the social media will continue to grow. Facebook and others like it will have its time and come to an end, but bigger and better networks will always replace them.

    Chad De Matas

  68. According to Wikipedia, social media can be defined as interactive platforms via which individuals and communities create and share user generated content. It is used as a medium for communicating and conveying messages to users and the general public. Over the years social media has evolved having an impact throughout our daily lives. There are social media platforms such as Facebook, twitter, YouTube, MySpace etc. which is used for communicating and sharing information. However with the impact of social media there are some advantages and disadvantages when using it.

    There are quite a few advantages when comes to using social media. Its low cost is one of its advantages.The low cost of entry to social media makes it particularly useful to small businesses who often find the costs associated with traditional media prohibitive. Its unlimited access and simplicity is another advantages as now it is accessible to anyone and it doesn’t require a high level of skill and training to access information on social sites. Global reach is another pro as through social media, businesses or persons can communicate information in a flash, regardless of geographical location. And there are many more advantages that can be listed. However, some of the disadvantages of social media are privacy which is one of the major issues being faced with social media. Once your information has been stored or uploaded on these sites there are not much restrictions that prevents people from having access to it. It decreases face to face communication as well as when it comes to companies it can have a negative influence on worker productivity as employees waste valuable time using theses social media.

    With vast improvements in technology the future of social media would continue to expand and have a great impact on the world.

    Shaneece Ayen

  69. Social media involves the use of any online media to share information and interact with other people. It is no doubt that social media has revolutionized the way people communicate all around the globe. Social media has aided in transforming the world into what Marshall McLuhan termed a ‘global village’ (McLuhan, 1992). However, it has also broken barriers in which case, it has brought some disadvantages to society.
    Social media has positively allowed individuals of varying backgrounds to get involved in a common purpose. Grassroots individuals are allowed to share, like, post, blog and comment freely. This is effective in making individuals feel as they are part of something bigger. It is because of this free sharing however that the credibility of information is often challenged. Individuals must now be careful of believing all that social media offers.
    As social media developed, it created the ability for people to become part of a community. People are allowed to connect with others all over the world. Social media help foster relationships that may not be possible due to geographical difference. But in the befriending of others, individuals take a great risk as they don’t know the ‘real’ person behind the other screen and this can be dangerous to personal security.
    But is there more to come in the future of social media? Thirty years ago post modernist Jean Baudrillard predicted that people would broadcast their live rather than live it. Today much of this is happen. However, we are sure to see more changes. Changes, where the form and content of social media will change completely and the’ digital divide’ will become even thinner.

    McLuhan Marshall, The global village: Transformations in world life and media in the 21st century Oxford University Press, USA 1992

    Kervelle Liverpool

  70. One thing social media need is members – it is virtually nothing without it.
    Connecting people, recommending resources, identifying expertise and distributing content are all benefits to those who participate in the use of social media website. A social networking site is a good way to keep in touch with other people, meet and make new friends and renew old relationships. More importantly, social media offers a person the opportunity of creating a positive self image. A person, particularly young persons and teenagers are given the chance to create an image where future employers, university faculties, teachers and friends will see.

    The disadvantages though can be costly as images, compromising pictures, inappropriate information and discussions held by persons can be detrimental to one’s reputations. If this information reaches in the wrong hands, example, employers and administrators, it would portray a negative reflection of personal character.

    The use of social media has the effect of encouraging personal information to reach unwelcome audiences, example criminal masterminds and unsuspecting persons can end up being the target of criminal intent.

    Social media allows for news and information, images, audio, video and other multimedia to travel more rapidly. It also provides for more widespread coverage in a very short period of time, hence, the reason for a great number of businesses jumping on the social media bandwagon. Social media is one of the key components for direct marketing, branding recognition and awareness. It can allow for new customers, customer satisfaction, effective response to feedback and increased loyalty from the customers you've connected with.

    On the other hand, social media can have negative consequences as one will need to be more committed to managing their social media in terms of feedback and producing new content. It can also be difficult to quantify profits in term of investments.

    The future of social media is in the hands of the future generations. Whilst most people use the media for positive feedback and good intentions, there are also those who are bent on using it for negative and incriminating purposes.

    Holter, Eric. The Benefit of Social Media. May 2007. (accessed October 14, 2012).

    Rayhaan Mohammed

  71. Social media has engulfed most of the youths in today’s society and seems to be growing more and more. The reason for this, it eradicates the traditional face-to-face socializing and introduces various electronic expressions where participants can express themselves without their physical presence. The use of social media helps build relationships, overcome barriers and introduce internationalization. Traditionally socializing was accomplished only when two or more individual meet at a desired location and interact, it was impossible for people from different regions to socialize face-to-face, which can be accomplished with the use of social media such as Skype.
    Although it seems to be quite interesting and satisfying there have been major concerns. The two main issues raised by individuals who participate in the social media are security issues of conversations and identity theft. Social media has also threatened the formal English and spelling. One major concern which most of these social media sites in particular Facebook always state in their terms and agreements for new participants who’s registering to participate is the issue of identity theft. In the statement of Rights and Responsibilities under safety Facebook states, ‘We do our best to keep Facebook safe, but we cannot guarantee it’, and in the Terms and Agreement under the ‘Information we Revised About You’ Facebook states that once you agree to use the site an online profile is built of you which tracks your use on the site and the information is also used to assist ‘friends’ in finding you.
    I believe social media will never lose its appeal but for the future and new services to come will offer a more secure social media interaction.

    Kerry Jones
    Student ID#811002090

  72. With the advent of internet and networked technology in communication in 21st century, the use of social media is ever-present especially among net generation. Social media has been used in a wide range of activities starting from socializing with peers, keeping in touch with family and friends to using social media as tool to advertise and promote products in business and marketing. Although, some critics claim that social media distracts students causing procrastination in their studies. Many people confide that advantages of using social media outweighs the disadvantages in which widespread use of social media enhance activities in education, entertainment, politics, health industry, and business.
    The advantages of social media are that it allows people to create new relationships and reconnect with friends and family. Increased communication, even online, strengthens relationships.It bring people with common interests together, offer exposure to new ideas from around the world, and lower inhibitions to overcome social anxiety. People who have a difficulty communicating in person are more comfortable interacting via the Internet. Social media also helps children that are less fortunate to become more familiar with computers and technology. It can be a powerful tool for social change and an alternative to more traditional methods of communication. During the protests of the Iranian election in June 2009, protesters used Twitter to bypass government control over phones and the media.
    Some of the disadvantages of social media are that social networking sites entice people to spend more time online and less time interacting face-to-face. The sites offer many time wasting activities that supplant more productive activities. Teens growing up with these sites may not be aware that the information they post is public and that photos and text can be accessed even after deletion. Consequences from over-sharing personal information include vulnerability to sexual or financial predators and lost job opportunities from employers finding embarrassing photos or comments.
    Social networking sites make cyber bullying, easier and more public than bullying through other online activities such as email and instant messaging. Victims often experience a drop in grades, decreased self-esteem, and other symptoms of depression. The use of social networking sites can cause personality and brain disorders in children, such as the inability to have real conversations, limited attention spans and self-centered personalities.
    Although the advantages of social media outweighs the disadvantages, there should have provisions for minimizing some of the disadvantages it faces because it is impossible to deal with all the disadvantages. Also it would allow its users feel a bit safer using this means of communication.


    Kendell Assue

  73. Merriam Webster dictionary describes Social Media as “forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information.” Some popular ones include Facebook and YouTube which have become major ways of communicating messages at rapid speeds. Some of the negatives associated with social networking sites are the loss of productivity, short attention spans and the oversharing and loss of privacy issue. It erodes the very concept of privacy in that it compels people to declare elements of their personal lives such as names, contacts and addresses. This may be and advantageous to advertisers but to individuals the effects can be devastating. We should not negate the fact that these sites also present advantages. Social media is able to bring people together to promote global products or cause-related campaigns since it allows people from the different geographical location to meet at a single point and express their views while bringing awareness to the general public. As for the future of social networking I think it would be even more advanced and readily available anytime and anywhere.

    Kristal Maharaj

  74. Almost everyone is a part of a social media site. Social media can be seen as the ways in which individuals and groups can create and share user-generated content. As new forms are invented, unlimited copyability is a lulu, and that capability now exists in the hands of everyone. Digital means of broadcasting words and images have robbed the newspaper of the coherence it formerly had exposing its weaknesses. The introduction of various forms of Social Media changed the ways we lived. It did not level the playing field with other forms of media, but created a new one of its own.

    Social media maintains several advantages over traditional media. It can be used to inform people over large cross-sections on pressing issues which may affect their livelihood. It can be used as a medium to communicate with friends and family abroad. It also bears educational advantages, in that, students have an alternative measure to converse with their lectures/ tutors in further understanding things they were taught. Advertisers see Social Media as a neutral ground to reach consumers since there is much interface in these areas.

    Along with the benefits of employing social media as a prime medium for communication there are also limitations to its use. The privacy of its users may be called into question since some profiles can be hacked and information stored can be lost or manipulated. In some cases there is the misuse of these sites where users may post inappropriate images of themselves which tarnish their identities. Another disadvantage is that some things may be misinterpreted, because on most sites face to face interaction is not present.

    My take on social media is that it would keep getting bigger and better since we are all part of these virtual arenas exchanging messages and meanings. It would make us feel much closer than we already are despite the differences in distance. Its flaws in terms of privacy will be addressed so as to ensure a safer online environment.

    Cleve Cambridge

  75. It’s getting bigger and even more interesting! The social media is the driver of today’s population and has taken the world by storm. This norm has increased in its trend through business transactions, advertising and communication amongst friends. I do believe that there are continuing debates on the usefulness of the social media as opposed to the costs associated with it. What is the most interesting in my opinion, is that the costs far outweigh the benefits but through various perpectives.

    We all know that facebook is the widely and most popular media globally. What are the benefits? I can connect with people all over the world by just doing a name search. Adding to that i can connect to friends and family whom i haven’t seen in a while. Facebook is also used for business advertising and incentives. In contrast, advertising is made cheap using facebook. Now it is important to know who mainly uses the social media of facebook. A large population of youth and middle aged use the media for various purposes. Now facebook can present truths and it also reveal fraud. A lot of people use this facebook media to fake profiles of other people and expose them through photos or videos. This now leads to invasion of privacy. Then, there is the issue of social media placed right in the palm of your hand.

    This is much easier! You could chat, share information and multi-task right from your phone. But, what about productivity of the average student. Wouldn’t this social medium be a challenge? Average teenagers who are doing poorly at school can be the victims of abusive social media usage. There are also consequences for if social media is used wrongly, it can affect lives mentally & physically. And, as it is easily accessable to them, it can be a long-run struggle for these teenagers to resist. Employees too, could improperly use media. For example, they can use it to aggressively abuse a company’s reputation.

    A report called Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, reavealed that the media’s benefits will be greater than the setbacks claiming that it will make a difference in people’s lives. I rightly believe that it would but how are lives affected with continued fraud and abuse of the social media? It is abused ( mainly sexually, financially) which is of great concern because of the ones we see use it more (teens, middle-aged).

    In closing I must say that benefits of the social media suits a lower percentage of the older population as compared to the younger population. Too many young people get distracted and use them improperly so this is where the costs outweigh social media’s advantage.

    Shimon Joseph

  76. Social media is changing the face of our daily lives from the way we do business to the way we interact with each other. We take it with us wherever we go and everything is social media ready these days from tablets to cellphones and netbooks. But with all the advantages afforded to us by the extensive social media now available such as allowing us to stay in contact with friends and family through out the world, staying up- to - date with current news and networking not to mention that it is an excellent [often abused] tool for creative expression, social media allows us to be anyone we want to be. So the 51 year pedophile can easily purport to be a 17 year old teenage boy and lure in vulnerable, unsuspecting, young women.

    Social media and technology are forever changing. The craze today is quickly thrown out with tomorrow’s trash. It is increasingly difficult to monitor and protect our children. Parents are going to have to be innovative in order to keep up and thus protect their children from the predators that are so ever present.
    What lies ahead for social media? Is face to face conversation going to become as obsolete as the landline, cassette and floppy disk? At the very least it is going to change the fundamentals of communication. What communication means today is not what it will mean tomorrow. Even now people have hundreds of ‘friends’ on facebook yet interact with about 5. I don’t know what the face of tomorrow’s society will look like but it is definitely going to be interesting. And there will definitely be more pretenders among us; lawyers today, engineers and presidents tomorrow.

    Shallon Jessop

  77. Social Media involves social interactions between individuals also known as Web 2.0 technologies. It allows platforms where individuals across the globe can communicate, express themselves, and share content with each other. Avenues such as facebook, twitter, blogs, journals, Youtube, Bebo, Hi5 and Myspace have all dwindle the size of the globe and changed people’s lives. Social media allows openness, participation, connectedness, conversation and community.
    The sharing of information allows people who may be shy in person to speak up via a forum or blog. Therefore, giving them confidence through social media and change their perspective on how they see themselves. It promotes fluidness in the passing of information and granting knowledge and understanding. People are informed about what’s going on in their world at a faster rate and is rich in information and data. It also gives people the choice on what they wish to share or not to share. Successful careers are built and businesses gain a more intimate relationship with their customers. An example is becoming a YouTube partner.
    Social Media allows information to be discussed, promoted, debated and understood from the different perspectives of persons from various cultures and nations. Opportunities are provided for new relationships with people, friends and families and existing ones are strengthened. People can also find support from online communities especially if they belong to a specific club or group. Businesses can use it as a marketing tool to promote their products and services worldwide and connect with their customers.
    It is an excellent political tool that can have both positive and negative results. It can act as a medium for damage control of business, organizations and governmental agencies and bodies. The reach of social media is huge.
    At the same time Social Media also has its drawbacks. It can be a source for abuse, hate and bullying others via forums and comment sections. Online chatting brings out the worse in the human condition leading to disrespect and rudeness of others. It is very easy to be rude and uncaring in your statements behind a computer desk where no one sees you than standing face to face with the person in question. People tend to be braver since they are not accountable to anyone in a room behind a computer desk. Communicating with someone over the internet you don’t know can also be dangerous especially for unsupervised teens and preteens. It infringes on personal privacy and can lead to identity theft.
    In my opinion I think Social Media will continue to grow and is here to stay, although it is not my cup of tea.

    1. Forgot my Name and ID. Here it is

      Jovienne Lawrence
      I.D. 01072604

      Reposting Below

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Social Media involves social interactions between individuals also known as Web 2.0 technologies. It allows platforms where individuals across the globe can communicate, express themselves, and share content with each other. Avenues such as facebook, twitter, blogs, journals, Youtube, Bebo, Hi5 and Myspace have all dwindle the size of the globe and changed people’s lives. Social media allows openness, participation, connectedness, conversation and community.
    The sharing of information allows people who may be shy in person to speak up via a forum or blog. Therefore, giving them confidence through social media and change their perspective on how they see themselves. It promotes fluidness in the passing of information and granting knowledge and understanding. People are informed about what’s going on in their world at a faster rate and is rich in information and data. It also gives people the choice on what they wish to share or not to share. Successful careers are built and businesses gain a more intimate relationship with their customers. An example is becoming a YouTube partner.
    Social Media allows information to be discussed, promoted, debated and understood from the different perspectives of persons from various cultures and nations. Opportunities are provided for new relationships with people, friends and families and existing ones are strengthened. People can also find support from online communities especially if they belong to a specific club or group. Businesses can use it as a marketing tool to promote their products and services worldwide and connect with their customers.
    It is an excellent political tool that can have both positive and negative results. It can act as a medium for damage control of business, organizations and governmental agencies and bodies. The reach of social media is huge.
    At the same time Social Media also has its drawbacks. It can be a source for abuse, hate and bullying others via forums and comment sections. Online chatting brings out the worse in the human condition leading to disrespect and rudeness of others. It is very easy to be rude and uncaring in your statements behind a computer desk where no one sees you than standing face to face with the person in question. People tend to be braver since they are not accountable to anyone in a room behind a computer desk. Communicating with someone over the internet you don’t know can also be dangerous especially for unsupervised teens and preteens. It infringes on personal privacy and can lead to identity theft.
    In my opinion I think Social Media will continue to grow although it is not my cup of tea.

    Jovienne Lawrence
    I.D. 01072604

  80. Social media has become part of everyday lives of today's generation. From stuff like facebook to youtube or twitter to bbm, the world is changing in terms of communication. Social media have now become a way in which individuals or groups can share and create user-generated contents. Social media have been introduced and adopted in the business world like emails or video chats. The use of social media have build relationships, overcome barriers and introduce globalization. Sometimes. this type of media can help people from different backgrounds and religions to interact with each other which may have been difficult on a face to face basis.
    As a user of social media various advantages are noticed. One may argue that the greatest advantage of social media is its huge reach; a greater target audience can be reached in contrast to other forms. Customers can find you through new channels, generating more leads. Compelling and relevant content presented in the correct way will grab the attention of potential customers and increase company brand visibility. Another advantage is that it is cheap.
    However, social media also possess disadvantages such as privacy issues. Access to user information is very public which makes it easier to be victims of crimes such as identity theft or fraud. With sites such as Facebook and twitter followers and friends or even the general public are made aware of your location when updating statuses thus making it very unsafe for users.
    Social media is the hot thing of this generation and may be for many years to come.


    Ricardo Bahadoorsingh

  81. According to the social media can be defined as “the forms of electronic communication that allow users to create online communities in which to share information. These forms of media make it possible to transfer text, photos, audio, video, and general information among internet users”.
    Businesses enjoy the social media in a variety of ways because it allows businesses to share information with customers and clients, and to market themselves inexpensively. Also the everyday folk enjoy the advantages provided by the social media. There is always the shy teenager who is afraid to talk to his crush in person, therefore social media networks such as facebook allows him to socialize without worrying about getting cold feet.
    However, the social media has its cons. One of the major concerns of social media is privacy, the social networks give hackers an opportunity to steal and misuse personal information. Once something is posted on the internet it is no longer private and the public misuse it for their own personal humor. On the other hand, the use of the social media can lead to cyber bullying and cause users to spend less time outdoors making them less active.
    In conclusion the social media network would continue to expand because it is the new age of communication but if this is not managed properly it can put its users at risk personally and professionally. Legislation needs to be formulated and executed to protect both the social media companies and its users.

    1)Definition of social media ( – Social Media Essay
    2)Pros and Cons of social Media (

    Keon Forde

  82. Social media is a benefit and a curse to the communication processes of the world. With the increases of technology making it more and more friendly to the youth of society. It can proove to be a great aid when used for the right purposes and also can be a large problem when abused. "While nobody can deny that Facebook has altered the landscape of social interaction, particularly among young people, we are just now starting to see solid psychological research demonstrating both the positives and the negatives," said Larry D. Rosen, Ph.D., professor of psychology at California State University.
    Social media sites such as facebook, twitter, linkedIn etc. can and have proven to be beneficial to learning community. As a learning instrument, social media have awarded people a new method of interaction and information sharing in a comfortable environment. Social media allows individuals to connect via the internet to people of past experiences to pass on their knowledge and expertise to those willing to learn. Also these sites can aid interested parties to find their careers. People can send resumes to employers and gain career guidance from professionals. Further social media can bring together the world, in the scense of those interested in meeting and conversing with new and familliar people across the globe.
    As for where social networking may raise concerns are formostly, the abuse of personal privacy. Most if not all of an individual's personal information are requested by the social sites and this gives the people the oppertunity to handle, misuse and modify an individual's personal information. Socialmedia also affordes misconduct and false publishing of undesired marerial to the world. This is a problem especially to those of high reputatable positions such as royaly or celebrities.
    In essence, social media is a double-edged sword and can harm as well as help those who rely on it or those who seek benefit form it's contents.

    Keon Cudjoe

    Karen Lederer 01/19/12 Campustech
    Pros and Cons of socialmedia.
    Pros and Cons of Social Media

  83. Social media helps in connecting people around the globe through communication. Using social media is most people way of letting the world know who they really are, you create an identity in the world of networking, where you are free to express your views, thoughts, share photos, videos and blog. The advantages are beneficial for people who want to build their company’s brand and communicate with loved ones and even meet new people. Social media give businesses a new way to interact with customers. When your business is focused on creating positive brand experiences, it can lead to insights that have an impact on all of the customers. And most importantly, it builds trust. Your customers will see that you have their best interest in mind, and that added value for your business.
    However on a personal level, they is the issue of privacy at hand where personal info is given to these social networking sites and puts your information such as name, address, contacts, and on facebook, who’s related to you, in the reach of people with the wrong intentions but there is the privacy setting which you control who has access to this information and also who you add as a friend, so this issues of privacy is being address. It’s up to the user to be aware of the danger of social networks. I believe that our safety should be our number one priority and I am aware of the harm that can be done, in a large scale however the positive of social media does outweigh the negatives, for businesses and everyone alike. If social media negative have outweighed the positive I don’t think it would have gone from a phenomenon to a norm.
    The future of social media is going to become bigger and better and the privacy issues would be better dealt with. Charlene Li “I believe that in the future, social media will be like air – it will be anywhere and everywhere we want and need it to be.”

    The Washington communities
    Charlene Li: The future of social media
    Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - The Status Update by Jeff Barrett

    Christopher Nathaniel

  84. Social media is taking the world by storm, connecting to anything or anyone at any possible time. How can we describe the term social media? According to "YPBlogs" it is defined as the future of communication, a countless array of internet based tools and platforms that increase and enhance the sharing of information. This new form of media makes the transfer of text, photos, audio, video, and information in general increasingly fluid among internet users. Social Media has relevance not only for regular internet users, but business as well.
    Platforms commonly known as Myspace, Facebook, instagram just to name a few have created online communities where people can share as much or as little personal information as they desire with other members. The result is an enormous amount of information that can be easily shared, searched, promoted, disputed, and created." this is definitely an advantage as it helps students/teachers,businesses or anyone who wants information or a source of entertainment.
    On the other hand these users abuse these sites by uploading nude pictures,personal information among other information which can be a complete disadvantage to them and also the people who are also using the site. For example facebook, millions of users around the world upload, like, comment and add information to their profiles or "friends" profiles. some may create groups in which they exchange info away from other users. many a times pictures that are uploaded can backfire or expose the user which may tamper with their jobs, relationship or their own well being.
    Apart from pictures the information that is added can be used by others as it is open to "general public".
    It is safe to say that the social media is used day to day to communicate, advertise, socialize and to gather information,but it is to be used moderately and the information added has to be secured, even though whatever is on the Net stays there even it is deleted, it can be obtained again.

    Krystal John

  85. Social Media can be defined as the new way of communication. No longer do persons have to do face to face communication. There are a lot of different types of social mediums today, for example the commonly known ones are Facebook and Twitter. Their purpose is to allow individuals to effectively communicate with each other at a faster rate. There are both positive and negative aspects to the use of social media and it looks like the future for these new ways of communication is bright.

    The positive side to the use of social media usage is that it allows families to communicate much faster with loved ones that live abroad. They can share pictures and family memories with each other. Also friends can share great experiences via pictures, instagram, videos and quick messaging. On Twitter persons can follow what is going on at that very moment with their friends. It can also give you quick and easy information about any topic. It allows for persons to join a group that they may be interested in. Communicating with members of a study group becomes easier.

    As there is a positive side there can also be a negative side to this. Some persons put their whole lives on some social media exposing themselves in a bad light. These sites also give way to chatting online with persons you don’t know and this may be dangerous. However there is a future in social media communication because a lot of persons use it on a regular basis may it be for leisure or work either way they will be around for a long time to come.

    Kimberly Bunsee

    1. Social media is defined as an interactive platform in which individuals and communities create and share user generated content. Social media technology used today includes magazines, internet forums, social blogs, social networks and podcasts. In today’s society we are technological driven as everyone has the latest gadget like the IPhone, blackberry, android, I pad and kindle.
      However, access to social media can have it advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages of social media include creating cost effective strategies and campaigns that can create viral results. Business use social media to market products and politicians use media to get their views and campaigns across to the public. Also, it increases networking as it brings people together as it allows people from different geographical area to share their ideas and experiences.
      On the other hand, the disadvantages of social media are that it can damage your reputation as pictures can go viral in a few seconds and the whole world would have access. Also, it can decrease productivity as workers are easily distracted and spend their time on Facebook and Twitter.
      However, with the positive and negatives aspects of social media, some people exploit these outlets deliberately by exposing their private lives to future their career. In my opinion, people have to use their discretion as it relates to social media as it can be beneficial and harmful at the same time.

      References Retrieved 13th October 2012

      Kerri Puckerin

  86. Social Media, referred by many as the future of communication, is already present in our midst. An infinite collection of internet based tools and platforms are created to escalate and enhance the sharing of information. This new form of media makes the transfer of text, photos, audio, video, and information in general increasingly fluid among internet users. However, although it is a big assumption made by many that everyone has Internet access, this is incorrect. There are many people who do not know how to access the internet which would be a downfall in the social media setting.

    Social Media has significance, not only for regular internet users, but businesses as well, thus creating a social marketing media which is the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media sites. Social Media Networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter have created online societies where people can share information whether it be personal or not, as they desire, with other members. This concludes in a great amount of information being simply shared, searched, promoted, discussed, and created.

    A downfall to the idea of social media and social marketing media is that information can be fictitious. In a FOX 11 news report a senior accountant executive for a public relations firm, Scott Stein says “…while social media can be used to spread false information, it can also be used to bring people together.”

    The applications that have developed within and around these networking sites, websites, and tools are limitless in quantity and functionality, but all make online sharing and searching easier in some fashion, regardless of their origin. I think in the future it would become very beneficial and more successful than it is today.

    DeVries, Becky, “Positives and Negatives of Social Media”, FOX 11, November 30, 2010, accessed October 14, 2012,

    Kherdine Sandy

  87. Social media includes the various online technology tools that enable people to communicate easily via the internet to share information and resources. Social media can include text, audio, video, images, podcasts, and other multimedia communications.
    As always there would be pros and cons of social media. Some of these advantages include:-
    (1)They allow those who are shy or have trouble making friends to socialize more easily. This also applies to those with disabilities.
    (2) They allow professionals to network more easily.
    (3) They allow businesses and public entities to share information with customers and clients, and to market themselves using little money.
    (4) They allow people to reacquaint with old friends and family or those who live far away.
    Now looking at some of the disadvantages of social media, these include:-
    (1)Giving hackers an opportunity to steal and misuse personal information, especially if users don’t correctly install privacy filters. And even with those safeguards, posted information is never fully secure.
    (2) They waste time, especially for those who compulsively check or update them. For employers that means lost productivity. For example Facebook!
    (3) They allow unscrupulous people to misrepresent themselves, take advantage of others or spread false news.
    (4) They can bring out the nastiest conversation, because participants feel anonymous, or at least have some distance from those they are insulting.
    Now examining both the pros and cons of media use it is obvious that it can do a lot of harm as well as a lot of good. It depends on the what the intended purpose is of the individual is.
    Name: Paul Joseph
    ID: 808000243
    References :

  88. In the past the thoughts and actions of people were favored to be privately disclosed. Nowadays there is a consistent trend of the open exchange of information on a massive scale by individuals. Facebook, Twitter, Skype, YouTube, Android, blogging; all these seem to conquer the barriers that were once unreachable due to the forces of today’s prominent social media.

    Social networking has remotely brought people from all over the world to interact with one another publicly and privately via the internet making it one of the most powerful means of communication to date. Through Facebook one can upload photos, statuses and personal information to family, friends or even the public as a whole. For students they can create groups to exchange school work and share ideas and concepts. YouTube has facilitated learning via online videos making them easily accessible so the whole learning institution has been reconstructed. Android and iPhone has transformed the medium of mobile networking for businessmen and consumers, as there are tons of applications that users can install on their mobile devices so that they stay connected much better. For businessmen and companies marketing has become cost effective as they can advertise at almost anywhere over the internet accessing millions of people worldwide. Some companies will even go to the extent to paying Google fees so that their products will be displayed more popularly in the search engines.

    Consumer information has become digitized to such a vast extent in this generation and can be accessed by almost anyone at any time. This trend is ongoing especially with the younger generation because many of them do not care of the information they publicly disclose for example; age, gender and Google map location. Criminals can easily find information about their target via social media which again pose serious threats to people’s safety and privacy. Sure some might argue that while using applications like Facebook that you can hide private information and regulate how public users can access it. Even several times, Facebook has had to succumb to complexed privacy legal matters. However that does change the fact that millions of consumers allow access of this public information at NO cost for the benefit of those desire it. And of course there are the issues relating to companies and skilled users who practice cyber warfare, snooping and hacking.

    Social media is on the verge of changing the way we do almost everything but there are circumstances that one should consider before making that change.

    Naomi Troni “Social Media Privacy – A Contradiction in Terms?” 4/24/2012, – CMO Network – Accessed on 10/14/2012

    Riaz Ali

  89. Social media includes the various online technology tools that enable easy communication via the internet. Users can share information such as photos, videos, music, their current mood and the list goes on.
    In my opinion social media is the future of communication and this will eventually take over typical telephone communication. This has changed many people’s lives and many industries. About 10 years ago social became the new thing on the internet and since it has revolutionised communication and interaction amongst users. With the simple click of a button users can chat, share news and even share photos and videos. Social media has also made other things easier such as getting a job, shopping and even advertisement online has increased significantly due to social media. Social media can also act as a history record as it records events in a sequence according to time. One such social media website would be facebook, as it features a “timeline”.
    As with the good also comes the bad. Social media in general has had a lot of controversy, especially when it comes to privacy. Social media now has become linked to almost anything from a telephone to gaming and video applications. These devices and applications can sometime share information that you may not want to be shared. Also with using a social media site it can also make someone vulnerable to cyber bullying or stalking. Precautions should be taken when using these social media networks to avoid privacy issues.
    Social media has changed the world as we used to know it and will continue to do so. It has done great good to the world and has allowed users to access and share information on a global network almost instantly.

    Avinash Dukharan

  90. The social media is a network of interactive platforms that allows individuals and communities to create and share content generated by users. It encompasses magazines, internet forums and blogs, photographs, pictures, videos, ratings, podcasts and magazines. Social media aims to connect people and allow content to be shared, published and accessed with a vast audience. In this age of technology it is one of the main forms of communication used. This of course has its advantages and disadvantages although in my opinion its benefits out ways its costs.

    The creation of unity is one of the most positive attributes of the media. For those that may be challenged of some sort may it even be due to aliments of age utilize social media to stay connected or attain new connections. It eliminates loneliness and alienation. Protective personnel can liaise directly with communities for effective communication. This assists with crime fighting initiatives. With the ‘hustle and bustle’ of today, social media has created convince in communication as it effectively gets message across.

    The social media allows direct communication between organisations and people. Negative reviews can be seen as poor service which when viewed by consumers or followers can only result negatively towards business or people. Fraud can be easily committed as business or people can create fake business or personal profiles to mislead people or even imitate existing profiles. Messages can also be incorrectly received and persons have the advantage of create or adding to incidents. However these negatives can be controlled internally and social media users can also use their wit to accept or decline information on these platforms.

    In my opinion because of advances in technology and positivity of the social media, it has the power to further create unity and open the world as it further evolves and strengthens.

    Ash Francis, 2012. Social media Today .Social Media Tips: How Good is Your Audience?
    (13th October, 2012).

    Chris Norton, 2011. Dead Dinosaur – The Seven deadly disadvantages of Social Media.
    <> (13th October, 2012).

    Homebiz Resource. The Positives of Social Media via
    (13th October, 2012).

    Nandini Maharaj

  91. With almost every new technological device today, there are some types of Social Media Application on it. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter these are some of the most famous, sites. Nowadays everyone has a Facebook page and YouTube account, where they share almost everything with people online, pictures, videos, their personal thoughts, address even they phone number people share online not knowing the consequences of their action. Social media has been a great hit in communication; people can contact each other without picking up the phone they can play games with friend without leaving the house. Social Networking sites are a great way for people to make connection with other people of similar interest. Social networking site has made meeting someone face to face a thing of the past, in which making a friend and renewing old ones has become easy. It has also allowed for a lot of business opportunities for advertising etc. It also a way to broadcast different views, one can even access news, weather updates. These different features make social networking sites very informative and excellent way to communicate with people all over the globe.
    With so much information being posted online, there are many predators that spy and use your personal information against you. For instant a stalker can find your location nowadays very easy when people “Check in “in Facebook, they release their location and hence they are easy to find. Another danger out there is the unsupervised of teenagers and kids online the amount of information they share online can make them susceptible to predators. These are some of the dangers of using social media, and there are simple ways in restricting what is shared online. Do not post private information, including your cell phone number, home address, class schedule, social plans, etc. unless you are prepared for anyone to find you/track you down, any time of the day or night. Utilize the "Privacy" settings on your Facebook account—you can adjust your privacy settings so as to control who has access to your personal information. Social Media has it benefits it is very fun and entertaining but with everything good thing there are consequences.
    Laura Rajaram

  92. Siddiq Ramjohn
    I must agree with fellow colleague that our society is indeed technologically driven and social media has both its fair share of advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion I do believe that the benefits of social media do in fact outweigh the costs that t possesses. A large amount of peoples' lives are stored and generated on social media such s facebook, twitter and skype to name a few. The social media is a means of communication because it keeps friends and families together who are far away from each other.The social media is a good example of the improvement of technology and the impact it has on everyone. It can also be used as an avenue for advertisements, messages emails and it is a good way in keeping one informed of the events occurring throughout the world. It's also used as a fan base for many celebrities who have millions of followers.
    However despite all of the positives of social media there are some negative aspects also such as the issue of privacy. The social media can be manipulated by certain individuals in an attempt to spy or stalk a person of interest or even celebrities. Also the users of the social media have to be very careful of the statements they make. One such scenario is a well known footballer allegedly made a comment on twitter speaking out against the World's Footballing body, FIFA and as a result he faced disciplinary actions so therefore one needs to be very careful and respectful in his or er comments made on the social media.
    The world of social media has taken communication to the next level and it keeps everyone informed and in touch of what is occurring millions of miles across the world. In my opinion I believe that social media plays a big role in the lives of its users today and will play an even bigger and more important role in the future.


  93. Everybody likes free things but we seldom question what it means to get something for free. We rarely read the "Terms and Conditions" or the "Privacy Policy" when signing up for most things online foregoing some of our privacy. The South Park episode “HUMANCENTiPAD” makes a satirical parody of this. Let us pretend that you are on a farm enjoying free shelter and free regular meals and all your friends are there, life could not be better. However looking at the situation objectively you notice that you don't have to buy anything, so you are not the consumer. You don't sell anything to be able to afford these amenities, so you are not the seller. Then one day you are taken to a place called the Abattoir where you alarmingly come to the ghastly conclusion that you are the product.

    The popular idiom "there is no such thing as a free lunch" is made clear when we examine the operation of social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter. Sites such as these basically do the marketing research for companies and sell them the information about their consumer or direct advertisement toward certain target groups. As exemplified in the video “Social Media in plain English” this makes the products we like better as they become customer driven. However, the operations of some social media sites have caused some concerns as to how their information is being used. Earlier this year when Google launched their new privacy with linked activity the European Union asked the internet giants to put it on hold because of the social outcry by European citizens and the suspicion that the new policy may be in violation of EU law. It turned out to be a storm in a teacup as Google was careful to not violate any laws. As for those still concerned about how their information was being used, Google instructed users that they could simply opt out by changing their settings.

    Social media sites should be more concerned about their subscribers (the products) than the advertisers and keep their information as confidential as possible as what occurred with Digg in 2010 could occur again. As far as the benefits go users of social media get a more personalised experience while online and products can be improved. The loss of privacy all depends on the users who sign up for Facebook or use any Google platform. The social media sites protect themselves legally by providing their privacy policies, licence agreements et cetera, we just choose not to read them.

    "BBC News - Google privacy changes 'in breach of EU law'." BBC - Homepage. (accessed October 14, 2012).

    "HUMANCENTiPAD (Season 15, Episode 1) - Full Episode Player - South Park Studios." South Park Studios | Kenny, Cartman, Stan & Kyle | Watch Full Episodes, Clips & More. (accessed October 14, 2012).

    "If You're Not Paying For It, You Become The Product - Forbes." Information for the World's Business Leaders - (accessed October 14, 2012).

    "User-driven discontent | MetaFilter." MetaFilter | Community Weblog. (accessed October 14, 2012).

  94. At present social media is a very useful tool in communication. It facilitates the sharing information and data through networking. According to Dr. Carrie Fitzpatrick, an assistant professor of Communications and English at Alvernia University Pennsylvania though over sharing of information can be risky if social media sites were used more carefully their benefits would outweigh their drawbacks.
    In addition Dr. Timothy O’Boyle a professor of sociology at Kutztown University Pennsylvania says he sees how social media benefits his students.
    Some benefits include:
    • They allow professionals to network more easily; in recruiting new personnel for instance.
    • They allow for distant communication with family, co-workers or friends.
    • Allow for rapid and easy transfer of information to and from sender/receiver.
    • Similarly to great brand marketing and customer service, the benefits of doing social media right can last for years.
    Some drawbacks include:
    • They waste time, especially for those who compulsively check or update them. For employers that means lost productivity in most cases.
    • They give hackers an opportunity to steal and misuse personal information, especially if users don’t correctly install privacy filters. And even with those safeguards, posted information is never fully secure. Hence privacy is a major security issue.
    • Online interaction can become a substitute for actual meetings, which can hurt social development and isolate users.
    • Often, many benefits of social media are seen in the months to come rather than immediately. It shouldn't be viewed like Google AdWords, which has a quick return. It should be viewed more like brand marketing and good customer service, which pays off in the future.

    As for the future of social media I believe that advancements in technology is going to take it to another level and as of such it will present much more pros and cons.


    Tammy Thompson

  95. I don’t believe that the benefit of social media over-weighs the cost. When it affects the lives of individuals, for pleasure and communication purposes, it can’t be greater. Caribbean youths are greatly distracted by social media. Young Caribbean people are so involved in social media (international), that they don’t even know what is in their local newspaper or what was the news headlines. Local culture and its appreciation are dying because of social media. Good values and morals are being erased, there’s too much hybridization. Criminals can use social media to locate individuals. Due to its usage, individuals are cyber-bullied, and this leads to depression and sometimes individuals commit suicide. Individuals (anti-Christ) will use social media information, and you will believe he is God. Language and spelling changes in social media can have permanent marks on a person’s writing skills.
    Social media serves as a good tool for advertisers and promoters. It is a quick and easy way to relay and communicate information. Individuals also benefit as they can communicate with distance relatives. People can form much needed friendships and can find marriage partners. They can be entertained and be informed on local and international events. Social media is cost effective, and it reduces phone bills.
    Regardless, of the positives, I am no fan of social media because it creates a lazy population and it has plenty negative human effects. If it crashes, citizens are left wondering. Social media will become more addictive, available and technological in the future.

  96. We live in the technological age and social media has become the norm of society. Social media also conveys information and messages instantly between individuals no matter how far they are apart. Therefore since we live in a ‘fast’ world the mass population chose social media sites to send and receive information.
    There are many advantages of social media some of which are: they are not very costly or even free, they allow communication and interaction among students and teachers, companies and their clients and family members. Advertisers use social media because their advertisements reach the mass population with just a click.
    However despite the many advantages, social media also has disadvantages. The biggest one is invasion of privacy. Then there is the issue of your information or account being hacked and someone gets all your personal information then it will lead to identity theft. In addition in most recent times there has been an increase in cyber-crimes. People are being verbally abused, sexually harassed, and bullied all due to these social networks. There is also the issue of predators and stalkers who prey on and stalk innocent people.
    Social media is not a negative force of society. It all depends of the intentions of the users of these sites. There are also measures that individuals could put in place to reduce the negative impacts of social Medias such as Internet security programs, anti- virus and anti- spywares. Social media has become the main source of communication. Life is a risk and so are social media sites, so individuals will continue to use it at their own risk.

    Positives of social media, last updated Thursday October, 2012,
    Holmquist, Julie 2009. “Social Networking Sites: Consider the Benefits, Concerns for Your Teenager.” Accessed October 13, 2012.

    Isaac Lakhan

  97. Social media may be defined as forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content.

    Social media has its advantages. Users can now interact with friends, family, and even strangers without face to face interactions. Companies, small and large alike now use social as a free marketing tool because of the broad spectrum of people that use social media ( young, old, rich, poor, men, women and the like ).Social media also allow their users to voice their opinions of anything they feel to,while getting comments reactions from other users all around the world. It also allow users to recognise and learn to respect other cultures around the world as some social media allow the sharing and creation of pictures and vidoes.

    As with everything else, social media has their disadvantages as well. Anything that is posted online, can be saved, altered, and redistributed. Don't matter what privacy settings a user sets on his/her profile hackers can get in any account and tamper with it causing tampered images of the user. Many work places now may now check a future employee's profile before hiring, this may cause conflict as a persons personal life which is seen on the social network may reflect a negative image. Social media is also very distracting, causing less positive productivity by obsessive users.

    Social media has both positive and negative impacts on the world today. Users must be mindful as to what they post today, as it can affect their image in the future. Social Media is not going to go away, if anything its going to become more popular. Media sites would also have huge role to play in the safety of their website, for example, making it harder for hackers. We must learn to use it properly, have fun with it but at the same time with precaution.


    Alexander Skerritt

  98. Social media is probably the most popularly used on the internet today. If not mostly used, it contributes to a large percentage. It is used in many different ways from communication and socialization to marketing and entertainment. As with everything there are positives and negatives and risks that are taken. According to author Shama Hyder Kabani who also researched and did her graduate thesis on why people use social networking sites, the top reason is identity. Everything that people do online is an expression of themselves in some way or the other, little or large.

    Of course with negatives such as fraud, hacking, threats to privacy, etc., one must be careful with the types of personal information that is placed online. But I personally think that the positives and benefits outweigh the negatives and costs. Except of course if there is a case where employees are accessing social networks during work hours which will be taking away from productivity and sales but that is an issue for the employer. I think social media has a bright future because it can be used in so much ways and with new technology there will be more innovative ways to use it.


    Velvet Chainsaw’s Midcourse Corrections. 2011. “Why People Join Social Networking Sites”. Accessed October 13, 2012.

    ClickZ Marketing News and Expert Advice. 2010. “14 Social Media Pros and Cons.” Accessed October 13, 2012.

    Squidoo. 2012. “Pros and Cons of Social Networking Sites”. Accessed October 13, 2012.

    ProCon.Org. 2012. “Social Networking”. Accessed October 13, 2012.


    ID#: 809004198

  99. Social media is fast becoming the primary way of spreading ideas for a creator to the masses. Whether it be Facebook, Youtube, Twitter or whatever, these Social Media Networks have changed the way in which people and groups interact with each other. However with this advancement come both advantages and disadvantages.
    Some of the advantages of using social media are, you can keep in touch with persons who are not close to you such as family living abroad. Also it gives you a fast and easy way to spread an advertisement or and idea to a large number of people. It can also help you to keep others informed of upcoming events etc.
    Some of the disadvantages include a person's level of privacy can be drastically reduced. Also social media can open up vulnerable persons to being manipulated by persons whom may look to take advantage of them. It can also open the doors for persons to me cyber bullied.
    In my opinion social media is the way forward for keeping people in touch and also for the sharing of ideas. With proper care and once used responsibly the negatives that come along with social media can be made much less significant.

    Javed Lakhan

  100. Social media can be identified as an interactive platform by which individuals or groups can create and share user content. Therefore it allows the communication process between for example individual or businesses to customer, promoters, bloggers, etc. and their specific audience to be met.

    Social media has evolved and will continue to evolve thereby increasing the pros and cons, of which there are many, as it continues to develop. Social sites allow the sharing of personal information, pictures and videos etc which has become a norm in the technological era. There however are issues that arise concerning privacy. Personal information exposed can become susceptible to identity theft or stolen account numbers for example that would discourage a person’s involvement in social media. Person’s personal unprotected information can be copied and broadcasted without the users permission. On the other hand if information is indeed protected, hackers can still be a major concern as to if one’s personal information is secure. It is said that whatever goes on the internet stays there, hence persons should be mindful of what sort of information they give out to social media site as one way to prevent privacy breaches.

    Apart for the concern of privacy social media contains many positive attributes. People are able to share and gain information be it from tutorials, blogs, videos, online discussions etc. the means are quiet beneficial and is in fact a norm to society and how technology has become a key aspect in our lives. Social sites can also be used as a marketing strategy, by business owners in promotion there goods and services. Another positive attribute involves excessive views be it on YouTube or followers on twitter for example, popularity of groups or individuals is the outcome whether they are famous or not.
    Social media therefore questions the level of privacy to individual or groups, however the pros and cons of such a phenomenon has greatly outweighed the cons therefore allowing further evolution and the connecting of the world.

    Amanda Raghoonanan
    ID #811000855

  101. Social media can be described as a group of internet-based applications used by individuals to create and share their own content. With increased globalisation there has been the need for easier and faster communication across the globe. This has led to the development of various forms of social media that are available to the majority of the world population. Whilst social media provides numerous benefits some may argue that there are negative aspects to it.

    The list of social media applications is increasing ever so often to accommodate advancements in technology. Some examples of are: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Myspace, Google+ and Instagram among others. These forms of social media allow persons to easily communicate with each other regardless of their location. You can speak with someone on the other side of the earth without having to go there in person or even calling them via a telephone. Business men can have conference calls with colleagues in another country via the use of video chat applications such as Oovoo and Skype. Using social media is also economical since its use is generally free. Another benefit of social media is often acts as a source of news for its users. When an event occurs it is quickly reported over social medias and therefore educated the global population of the event. Also it allows for the spread of different cultures across the world since people can interact with foreigners and share their cultures and beliefs.

    Many people have concerns about social media the main one being that of privacy. People are often confused as to who owns the information posted. Social media accounts can be easily hacked resulting in the exposure of their personal information to unknown persons and even to the entire web. In some cases there have issues concerning cyber bullying of teenagers. However most of these sites require users to be at least eighteen years of age to join but children often lie about their ages and compromise their safety since they are not properly educated or mature enough for social media interaction.

    I think that the positives outweigh the negative aspects of social media. To address privacy concerns individuals should abide by the rules and be careful about what information they are putting out there. In the future I think that there is going to be even more social media applications available that are uses more advanced technologies to make communication easier and faster.


  102. In recent times the use of social media has drastically increased, using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques that allow it’s users to interact by means of internet, sharing of information and creation of communities through online networks of people. In the event of this there have been an outburst of various activities that integrate technology and social interaction, such as forums, message boards, blogging, Youtube, Google, Skype and various more at our disposal. From these we can distinguish both positives and negatives of social networking.
    The positive aspects of social networking include the possibility of meeting new people. Reconnecting with friends and family, whose distance doesn’t allow necessary communication. Data sharing abilities that give its users to control what people know depending on what they share. Creative expression in a new medium, basically the use of social media to communicate feelings and ideas which is characterized by originality and imagination of its users.
    The negatives of social media including the introducing of internet predators also knows as a “Pedophile” in society to the underage users unknowledgeable of this would have a bad impact. The use of time management would become more irrelevant meaning the users compulsive use of social networks would become more than an essential to their livelihood and more time abusing its purposes would mean less face to face interaction. It’s become so vast that there’s individuals who’s known as “Hackers” which makes your privacy less significant and identity theft more imminent.
    In conclusion to these facts, we must understand that its users dictates what is right. Due to certain negatives having a great impact on society, there have been certain measures being considered to limit our activity, protect our privacy and report unlawful acts to local law enforcements.

    Kadienne Henry

    1. - Teen Forumz (Social Networking- Positives and Negatives)
    2.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=310580742879f9b0&bpcl=35277026&biw=704&bih=642 – Google Dictionary (Social Media)

  103. Social media was the next great evolution of the Internet after the emergence of Google. The creation of sites such as Digg, YouTube, Flickr and others gave birth to the new age of the Internet, and the rise of Facebook and Twitter cemented the importance of the social web.

    In social media, there is what is called ICT, information, communication technologies, which tend to but social and ethical impact on our lives. It serves as a great platform to interact with friends, relatives or make new friends and meet new people online.

    Social Media sites are technologically advanced web interfaces offering content-exchange via short-messaging services, allow us to find, send and receive information, email or chat which makes communication quicker and easier.

    It can be a good way to make connection to people with similar tastes, interests and goals! Thanks to social networking sites, because often meeting people personally has become the thing of the past. Thus, staying connected with classmates and colleagues is a major benefit of social networking sites

    One of the potential hazards of social media is the quick spread of misinformation and since social media consists of personal information, users should be extremely careful while providing confidential information to these sites.

    Although famous social networking sites, such as, Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Google are extremely popular, they too face the threats to its users therefore, privacy concerns must be of primary importance in networking.

    It is true that social networking provides an opportunity to develop inter-personal relationships, but one need to be aware of post detailed and specific information, on Facebook, Friendster, MySpace, etc

    I think that in years to come, the way that technology is advancing everything will become computerized, eg, robots will take over our world and replace our duties as humans. Seeing that there is always a new form of technology on the market every day that is built for human interaction, take the new I phone max for example, that phone literally speaks to u and tells u everything u need to know.




    Article Source:

    Read more: What Are the Positives & Negatives of Social Media? |

  104. The best explanation for social media is that it’s “word of mouth on steroids”

    Social media distinguishes itself from less versatile interactive mediums of the past by giving life to the “Intelligent User”. As such, the social media may be defined as a group of on-line media used by individuals, which contain defining characteristics that allow for participation, conversation, and connectedness” and can be, categorized as social networks, blogs, and wikis (to name a few) that possess many of their own positive and negative implications.

    Before considering the positives it is important to note the negatives. The wrong on-line brand strategy could put you at a viral social disadvantage and may even damage your reputation, i.e., when you make a mistake offline, a few will know but when you make a mistake in front of hundreds or thousands of you on-line audience, most of them will know! This act can then lead to loss of friends, family and job. Individuals are also exposed to the possibility for hackers that commit fraud and launch spam and virus attacks on innocent persons using the site. Also, when social media is used excessively or in the wrong way, it could have serious detrimental outcomes on both mental and even physical health of individuals.

    Evidently, the advantages are far less than the disadvantages. Social Media allow for persons from different geographical to meet at a single point and express their views, especially when promoting global products or cause-related campaigns and ideas. Social networking sites offers campus surveys, "party" or event listings and other information that communicates the "pulse" of a campus culture. Therefore, they can be a great way to understand and stay connected to your campus community as a whole.

    Despite these advantages and disadvantages, the Social Media popularity remains high. I would say that the Social Media has a large future ahead as many technologies are yet to be explored. Many of which can cater to the objectives of the sites, at the same time leading to a detrimental effect on many individual who do not use these sites responsibly.

    Reference List

    1)www.everyday Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking. Accessed, October 14, 2012.

    2)Society for Human Resource Management. Social Media: What are the advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites? What should we include in a policy? ©2012 Accessed, October 14, 2012.

    3) Antony Mayfield. What is Social Media? An eBook from iCrossing. Updated 01.08.08. Accessed. October 14, 2012.

    Leslyn Alexander

  105. Youtube and Facebook are examples of popular social media sites with millions of users worldwide. Some positives of social media are the fact that it has made communication among friends and relatives affordable and easy especially over great distances. On sites such as Facebook users can access instant messaging with friends at no cost. They can also view their friend’s photos, personal interests and receive updates through a “news feed” which is automatically updated over time. Such features enable users to keep in touch with close friends and relatives which was one of the primary reasons of its creation. Apart from its many positives Facebook has a dark side, privacy. Many users end up by disclosing their personal information such as DOB, home address, place of work and even their phone numbers on their Facebook profiles. With over 500 Million users worldwide many individuals are now “friends” with “complete strangers” who would have access to such private information you would not normally share with a stranger on the street. Youtube which stands as another giant among its rivals in video sharing does its own part in making the international community a step closer. Youtube videos showing protesters being severely pepper sprayed by police in the US can be viewed thousands of miles away that very same day! Apart from such tragic situations, entertainment, educational and informative videos are just some of what Youtube offers by individual uploaders. However with the recent upload of an insulting film to the Islamic religion which went viral on Youtube, resulting in violent protests in the Middle East and African countries many has questioned whether there should be greater control and screening of what is uploaded. In conclusion social media has been a great achievement in the way communication has developed over time and shows yet a glimpse of the possibilities the future holds for mankind, however I believe greater control would be enforced by world governments on what can be shared over the internet for global consumption.

    Nicholson George

  106. I agree with the comment, social media conveys interactions or communication with people all over the world using twitter, facebook(some examples of the use of social media).

    To add to the positive uses of social media above is that messages are sent and recieved by senders and receivers very quickly and effectively. An example of where social media benefits a company is by being able to advertise and communicate with the public(customers), the company can promote the sale of their `goods` hence,increasing their income.

    I believe that in the future with increases in technology, social media would increase allowing more and better effective ways for communication between individuals.

    Shavana Rajkumar
    Student ID#: 811001352

  107. Social media are interactive platforms via which individual and communities create and share user-generated content. The most highly regarded forms of social media include facebook, twitter and youtube.

    The advantages of social media definitely compensate for the disadvantages. The benefits of social media include the ability to stay connected virtually, at almost any place and time. It is useful to send and receive messages and voice or video with chat family and friends at a low cost and almost instantaneously. More importantly, social media can enhance the quality of education by making accessible to everyone, online encyclopaedias and podcasts which students can view at their convenience. In considering the impact on the business sector, the typical trend is to utilize social media to get a large fan base and this serves as an effective way of advertising and to establish a closer relationship with consumers to get feedback. In addition, social media provides an alternative voice to the mainstream news and advertisements, it is more probable to be a more honest and unbiased view, an example is blogs which one writes their personal experience concerning a product, or destination.

    The disadvantages can consist of the lack of privacy as personal information is uploaded in view of the world. Unfortunately, this can lead to instances of cyber-stalking and identity theft. Also, some social media users can fall victim to hacking and their private information can be accessed unknowingly. Furthermore, the information circulated in social media is not censored, filtered or manipulated which can be offensive and prove to be an act of bullying in some cases. On a serious note, it has the potential to destroy someone’s reputation and can even cause them to be incarcerated.
    The future of social media involves the development of new technological advances to get bigger and better and the popularity will continue to increase as the curiosity and dependency increase with it.

    Crystal McComie

  108. Social Media is the future of communication, a countless array of internet based tools and platforms that increase and enhance the sharing of information. This new form of media makes the transfer of text, photos, audio, video, and information in general increasingly fluid among internet users. Social Media has relevance not only for regular internet users, but business as well. Participating on social Media sites such as Twitter and Facebook post an array of benefits to individuals as well as businesses but there are also the drawbacks that must be taken into consideration.

    The main drawback relating to social media is that of privacy. Social media opens doors for hackers to invest their time into hacking peoples profile, gathering personal information and committing identity theft. People can easily scam unsuspecting individuals into buying from illegitimate sites where hackers dishonestly take possession of people’s personal assets such as credit card information and moneys.

    On the other hand there are also the benefits; the main advantage of social media is that it acts as a cost-efficient tool for individuals who want to get a message across to a mass audience.
    The advantage of reaching a targeted market for little or no cash investment is substantial. The viral nature of social media is another benefit in that each person who reads a post has the capability to spread the news farther within their own network, this enables information to reach a larger number of people in a shorter space of time. Businesses also benefit from social media as it provides an innovative and new way to interact with customers. It allows companies to build a relationship with customers and find out what they want and it turn provide a unique customer experience across traditional and social channels.

    The future of social media offers many exciting and new opportunities for individuals and businesses and clearly outweighs the cost. For future circumstance it is paramount that businesses integrate social media into their overall customer service experience. Customers may in turn realize that by implementing Social Media companies are seeking to cater to specific customer requirements and by doing this further value can be added to a business. Social media also plays a pivotal role as it acts as a major facilitator for innovation and creativity.


    BusinessLink.2012. “Online Business Networking and Social Networking”: Accessed October 14, 2012.

    Newfangled.2012. “The Benefits of Social Media”: Accessed October 14, 2012.

    Everyday-wisdom.2012. “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking.”: Accessed October 14, 2012.

  109. ‘’Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media use web-based technologies to transform and broadcast media monologues into social media dialogues.’’ Social media includes facebook, twitter, YouTube, MySpace, emails and Skype. Over the years social media has not only change but, it has been evolving as time moves along. In the 21st century social media has both positively and negatively influence modern society.
    Firstly, social media has increased the rate and quality of collaboration for students. They are better able to communicate meeting times or share information quickly, which can increase productivity and help them learn how to work well in groups. Students develop more familiarity with computers and other electronic devices. With all these new creation in technologies that are coming out every day student are better able to build skills that will be needed in the world of work. However, over the year students are becoming more dependable on the accessibility of information on social media specifically the internet to generate answers thus, making them use less critical analysis and more ‘cut and pasting’ information.
    Secondly, social media helps with the creation of business opportunities. Social media have become a crucial part of many of us, just by simply opening your laptops you are able to access information or even purchase a new pair of shoe from the comfort for your own home and have them delivered to your home within days. However, this may lead to poor productivity meaning that workers can be easily distracted when on the work place because they are always checking their facebook page to see what new is taking place.
    Thirdly, social media helps reduce communication barriers meaning it allow us to communicate our thoughts and perceptions over different topics with a large number of audiences, and raise our voice. The sharing feature available on the social networks makes your opinion about any topic reach huge number of people.
    In retrospect, the social media have shown great advantages to the users as well as disadvantages to multiple parties. These advantages include increasing the rate and quality of students’ collaboration, making them more familiar with new technologies, creating business opportunities and it also helping to reduce communication barriers. So I strongly believe that the social media is moving towards the future.

    Kim Mungroo

  110. Social media is a form of electronic communication in which users can create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content. Examples within today’s society include facebook, twitter, YouTube, and so on. However, because of this, the matter of privacy may result.

    Advantage of social media is that they allow for the re-connection with family and friends and creation of relationships. They provide a medium for freedom of speech, expression, creativity and bring together persons on a common interest or ideas. Also it can function as a marketing strategy products and services. And also be used in the developing computer skills of the lesser fortunate as it teaches persons how to interact, share, edit and comment (critique) any media material (videos, picture, etc.).

    However, disadvantages of enticing persons to send more time on social networks and less time interacting with the physical world (reality) and can be considered counter-productive can occur. For example, persons can be distracted by social networks which can result in spending more time on the social sites hindering with their work-progress. Also, it gives raise to cyber-bullying and false identity as most sites have no means of verifying the identity of users. For instance, persons (child molesters, kidnappers, rapist, etc.) can pose as others to lore or gain knowledge of their target without being detected. And finally, since most interaction is online, researchers have found this to link to personality and brain disorders as persons may be conflicted by ulterior identities.

    Thus, its benefit does not outweigh the cost, as too many hindrances can result. For example, in 2011, using a facebook account along with a video, a teenage attacked and threatened the prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago, which was shared and viewed by the public, damaging the reputation of the minister.


    1) “Social Media”,

    2) “10 Must-Know Advantages & Disadvantages of Social Media”, last modified November 25, 2010.

    3) “Are social networking sites good for our society?”, last modified 11th October, 2012.

    4) “Social Networking's Good and Bad Impacts On Kids”, last modified Aug. 7, 2011.

    5) “Online business networking and social networking”,

    Kavita Butkoon

  111. When one speaks of social media, Facebook and Twitter come to mind, since these are the most used. These ‘services’ allow for a wide variety of activities to take place with an emphasis on being able to meet new people around the world. That is people around the world have access ( depending on how you chose to use the service) to your information, which may take the form of pictures, comments, actions, places you have been, personal history/activity and even the information on your friends/people you know.
    That being said, privacy seems to be the main down side to social media. If one isn’t aware of their settings then they can be ‘hacked’ or people can use their information against them, example kidnappings, since there is an option that lets your friends/followers know where you are.
    The positives of social media, to an individual that is, allows for ease of keeping in touch/contact with friends/family/co-workers etc. It allows for one to express themselves to a wider audience while obeying the terms and conditions of the site that is. It also provides an easier way of doing transactions and finding out information in the world by simply asking a question.
    The future of social media is quickly approaching. Take for example, TOUT. This is different from other social media in terms of; it allows the user to upload a video (15-30 seconds) to the host web site. If this type of technology is the future as there is great potential in its expansion apart from just longer record times. A person would be able to convey a message and have the opportunity to show emotion as compared to just text.

    Rajendra Kissoon


      an funny example
      Rajendra Kissoon

  112. Have you ever ‘Googled’ yourself? You can find a lot of information about yourself. Most of which you have put there via social networks.

    Media is any tool that is used to deliver information or data to a population of people. It may include radio, newspapers, television. In the 21st century, the most popular form of media is social media. Social media is different from the normal forms of media since it is not ‘one way’. This form of media encourages feedback.

    Social media is said to be about people, for people. It brings persons closer to the situation, or the topic. It helps people to feel like their view/s on a topic is important. Since people are interacting on these media outlets: Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, etc, their information is usually being saved on these sites.

    This is not necessarily a good thing for most persons who view their privacy as important. An example is such a case where: persons who are searching for jobs may be negatively affected since their employers are able to ‘search’ them on these media channels, acquiring information that they consider personal. It may be the reason that the interviewee is not able to obtain a job.

    However, in today’s modern world we need to consider that we may be at fault since it is us who put the information out there. We also, unconsciously ‘click allow’ on the notice boxes that indicates to us that these sites will be able to access our information. Therefore if we were to blame anyone for our mishaps, in a case where our privacy is overruled, we should blame ourselves.

    My belief is that this is the 21st century, and in this era, we should become acquainted with social media as the medium to acquire information. It allows us to ‘Share’ information, ‘Comment’ on things we find appealing to us, ‘Rate’, ‘Describe’ and even advertise or promote. Therefore, privacy may be a good price to pay in order to keep up-to-date with this era.

    “We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media; the question is how well we do it.” Erik Qualman
    1. Common Craft: Social Media in Plain English
    2. Daniel Nations:
    3. Karl fisch: VideoShredHead
    4. Socialmediaboost (@EKutsko & @equalman): Social media Revolution 2012 (Socialnomics 3).mp4

    1. Sorry Forgot my name!
      Joanna Bhagwath

  113. Correct Version........

    Social media is a form of electronic communication in which users can create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content. Examples within today’s society include facebook, twitter, YouTube, and so on. However, because of this, the matter of privacy may arise.

    Advantages of social media are that they allow for the re-connection with family and friends and creation of relationships. They provide a medium for freedom of speech, expression, creativity and bring together persons on a common interest or idea. Also it can function as a marketing strategy for products and services. And also be used for developing computer skills of the lesser fortunate as it teaches persons how to interact, share, edit and comment (critique) any media material (videos, picture, etc.).

    However, disadvantages of enticing persons to send more time on social networks and less time interacting with the physical world (reality) and counter-productivity can occur. For example, persons can be distracted by social networks which can result in spending more time on the social sites hindering with their work-progress. Also, it gives raise to cyber-bullying and false identity as most sites have no means of verifying the identity of users. For instance, persons (child molesters, kidnappers, rapist, etc.) can pose as others to lore or gain knowledge of their target without being detected. And finally, since most interaction is online, researchers have found this to be linked to personality and brain disorders as persons may be conflicted by ulterior identities.

    Thus, its benefit does not outweigh the cost, as too many hindrances can result. However with advancing technology, the future of social media will evolve. Hence, reduce its hindrances and providing a safer outlook in the future.


    1) “Social Media”,

    2) “10 Must-Know Advantages & Disadvantages of Social Media”, last modified November 25, 2010.

    3) “Are social networking sites good for our society?”, last modified 11th October, 2012.

    4) “Social Networking's Good and Bad Impacts On Kids”, last modified Aug. 7, 2011.

    5) “Online business networking and social networking”,

    Kavita Butkoon

  114. Social media can be defined as "interactive platforms via which individuals and communities create and share user-generated content”. It may be a definition difficult to digest but it underlines the foundation and essentials of what social media is and what it needs to survive and grow. Social media has been the breakthrough in the recent times; it is the catalyst which causes the expediency of Globalization. It bridges the divide by ocean and land, and connects the world by the fingertips. The world population is approximately 7 billion persons whereas the figure for the amount of internet users is 2.1 billion internet users, which accounts for 30% of the world.
    There must be some reason why there is this demographic shift to social media and the internet. This platform created by social media, is a volcano of information constantly erupting. This wealth of information with ease of accessibility allows for vast networking. Social media has been used for educational means, as present where blogs are used as a method of teaching. Moreover, for socialisation and integrating the world closer, as often we even heard that a former Minister met her husband over the Internet. Further, the commercial industry is taking advantage of this opportunity as means of advertising. This advertising also allows them instantaneous feedback with respect to comments on their markets products.
    To maintain the ying of social media there must be the yang. Social media is an inescapable race horse, with its rapid growth and pace there wasn’t much contemplation for regulations and the effects it may bring. Very often there is much to be said of issues of privacy and social media. Crimes of stalking and cyber bullying is synonymous with the unregulated effects of cyber law, it has been reported by one organisation that they receive 50-75 cases per week. However, the industry could be regulated by laws but the onus lies on the user to be responsible. The user should self regulate themselves on the information they allow the world to access.
    Therefore, the mere pound of shortcomings of social media would be difficult to outweigh the tons of benefits when weighed on the scales of globalisation.

    Kietzmann, J.H., Hermkens, K., McCarthy, I.P., & Silvestre, B.S. (2011). "Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media" (PDF).Business Horizons 54 (3): 241–251.


  115. The social media is a relatively new avenue of people communicating through the use of networking and the Internet where they share ideas and opinions. Social Media is the future of communication, a countless array of internet based tools and platforms that increase and enhance the sharing of information. Social media also exploit the use of graphic material and audio as additional means of communication. Social media is no doubt an advantage in modern society.

    As UWI students we have adapted and used social media as a hybrid to group learning. Facebook and YouTube are two common sites that are used as learning tools in the current education system.

    Likewise in the business community, entrepreneurs no longer have to travel to view and discover products they are interested that satisfy their costumers. The Internet is a tool where they can locate great products as well as find consumer reviews especially due to the social media. Advertisers manipulate social media as an easy and effective manner for advertising products. The social media can be used as an easy and cheap method that saves entrepreneurs and advertisers money.

    However, there is no product that is purely advantageous and social media tend to be a con in the sense of social security. Personal privacy is usually compromised using social media. As social media expands identity theft also increases. The general public due to the social media has access to personal information and pictures. However, social media has increased social security measure by implementing privacy setting on all user accounts.

    Social media is a great tool for communication. However, a tool for one man can be a weapon for a next man. Thus the social media exhibits pros and cons. It is an effective and efficient means of communication and has been adopted by majority of societies across the earth.


    Nicoli Rajcoomar

  116. Social media can be defined as “Interactive platforms via which individuals and communities create and share user-generated content.” Social Media technologies takes on various forms including internet forums, virtual game worlds, weblogs, social networking sites which includes Facebook, Twitter, Google+ just to name a few.
    Businesses use social media for various reasons such as free advertising, global exposure, and customer relation management, also to get feedback on products and services. Social media creates opportunities for small businesses to grow and reach a larger audience, which brings me to the next benefit of social media. Social media aids in reducing communication barriers as it allows messages to be conveyed to large audiences. It acts as a shield by allowing the socially handicapped such as the low self-esteemed and shy individuals to speak-up and express themselves. Worldwide connectivity allows long lost friends and family to connect and stay in contact. Also social media is one of the fastest medium for getting the latest news across. Most people rely on the media for getting the latest news updates.
    Social media allows for fun and games but it must be taken seriously! Cyber-bullying and crimes against children may seem as games to the ones doing it but it is not. Social media exposes us to harassment and inappropriate contact from others. Sexual predators and pedophiles operates in isolation making up profiles to portray someone they’re not in search of potential victims. People share a lot of their personal information on these sites that is available to anyone who is clever enough to access it resulting in the increase of the risks of fraud and identity theft. Another major disadvantage of social media is addiction. Some individuals get so addicted to the networking sites its like a smoker addicted to cocaine. Face-to-face communication is hampered as people prefer the virtual world over the real world. Addiction also results in the loss of sleep, time and money.
    The future of social media will be phenomenal as long as the cost of it is diminished. As such, the benefits of social media outweigh the costs.

    Love To Know Social Networking. 2012. “Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking.” Accessed October 13, 2012.

    Love To Know Social Networking. 2012. “Online Social Networking Dangers.” Accessed October 13, 2012.

    Love To Know Social Networking. 2012. “What Are Social Networks Used For?” Accessed October 13, 2012.

    Social Media Today. 2012. “Social Media – A Good Thing or a Bad Thing.” Accessed October 13, 2012.

    eHow Tech. “What Are The Effects of Being Addicted to Social Networking?” Accessed October 13, 2012.

    ID# 809004073

  117. Social media are the different platforms use by individuals to share data,build social networks and communicate with each other.The most common in today's society are facebook and twitter which fits perfectly in today's technological driven world.

    The social media is the main reason why one can say the world is a small place because it helps you to communicate with others and share data throughout the world.A person can live in the United States but can get news and make friends with someone from China.The social media is also greatly used in the business industry for marketing and getting new customers.It has also lead to the break down of barriers and stereotyping since it helps spread knowledge about different cultures,ethnicity and religions.

    However,the social media has always been guilty of the invasion of privacy for people especially celebrities.Propaganda,gossip and photos about anyone can be recklessly published on the web which can destroy your reputation and hurt your feelings.There has even been reports of bullying using the social media which reaches million of people a day and once published it cannot be erased.

    I believe that social media is part of our life whether we like it or not but there should be rules and boundaries to regulate what and how these devices are used.


    Tessa Blackman

  118. The popularity of social networking sites have grown significantly over the last 5 or 6 years. Sites such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter among others are interactive platforms through which individuals and communities can create content, share information and develop social and professional contacts.

    Initially, social media was mainly used as a means for individuals to communicate with family and friends, connect with people from around the world, share thoughts, photos, music and more. In recent times, its uses have expanded beyond that to include marketing, accessing news updates, political campaigning and social learning.

    Even though social media has effectively made communication across the globe easier, many people believe that this vast networking is not for the betterment of our society. Social media sites can expose users to identity theft, sexual predators, stalking, bullying, unintentional fame and embarrassment. They may also increase vulnerability to computer viruses, lower worker productivity, and promote narcissism, short attention spans and a lack of face-to-face skills.

    There is also the issue of privacy; most users are unaware of the amount of information social media sites obtain from their email, phone number, interests, likes and dislikes. This data is either stored onto the website database in order to learn more about their users, or utilized by third party companies to gather important information that can be used for marketing and advertising.

    As social media becomes more integrated in our modern culture, there needs to be an understanding of how it works, when and how to use it and which channels to focus on depending on the end goal. Users also need to be more aware of security and privacy issues associated with networking sites and take precautions to use social media in the safest and most effective ways possible.

    "Are social networking sites good for our society?", last updated on 10/11/2012 12:32:03 PM,

    “Social Networking: Benefits Don't Outweigh the Costs,” last updated Wednesday, December 7, 2011,

    “Privacy concerns with social networking services,” last modified on 14 October 2012 at 07:14,

    Crystal Ramkissoon

  119. Social Media undoubtedly is what currently makes the world of communication go around. It is ever present and can be used in diverse ways and for a host of beneficial purposes where communication and marketing is concerned. The young and the old use technologies which provide social media. Students, especially at tertiary levels of education, depend heavily on social media to help them through their areas of study from a communicative aspect. Social media though beneficial in more than one aspect, can also have multiple harmful effects.
    Some pros of social media can be seen in facets such as; it allows friendly relationships to build for those that may be shy, in the cases of individuals with disabilities it would be a lot easier to communicate and make ‘friends’. Even with finding a life-time companion. Individuals with similar interests can also connect and converse. From a professional aspect, networking is a lot simpler. Business and public entities tend to share and exchange information with customers and market themselves heavily with little or no cost via social media. The establishment of new ideas and organizations are as easy as clicking a button or making a page accessible for millions even billions of viewers with the help of social media.
    As with all pros, there are cons. Some social media cons are hacking opportunities and misuse of personal information and photographs especially those without privacy filters. Even with filters, personal information is still very much at risk. Online interaction would lead to diminishing the benefits of actual meetings and social gatherings. Cons such as; the destruction of marriages encouraging individuals to be tempted to involve themselves with others outside of their marriages. Misrepresentation of oneself, ones religion and family via the use of social media networks, can occur.
    Ultimately Social Media is growing and finding more diverse ways to be accessed and used on a daily basis. The onus is on the users to be informed and apply their knowledge accordingly and reap the benefits they seek in the simplest ways possible.

    Jared J Bennett

  120. Social media can be defined as "interactive platforms via which individuals and communities create and share user-generated content”.

    This purely digital platform has enabled individuals and large organisations to interact with those around them, those at a distance, and each other. Social media has become a vital part of the mainstream and can be seen being used – often at the same levels, as well – from ordinary citizens to Presidents and major corporations. The ability to provide feedback has opened an avenue for closer communication at both the personal and mass levels, and allows for an unprecedented speed in the sharing, creation and generation of content. News agencies use it to provide almost immediate updates with those that may not have the time to tune in to the television, and friends use it to decide which bar they’ll spend the evening at. Social media is cheap, user friendly and available everywhere.

    As can be expected, however, this close, high level of interactivity comes at a cost: users’ privacy, because of the nature of these social media platforms and their inherent freedoms, users – mostly individuals – can find sensitive information not being treated as such in the wrong hands.

    What can be seen as an inherent right to privacy and security of personal information is, by definition of its circumstances, has to be approached with the understanding that anyone using social media should be aware of the risks and, as such, take the necessary precautions when sharing information on public forums. With the obvious advantages to a (most times) free, interactive, highly efficient public communications platform comes the disadvantage that accompanies all public communication: privacy is compromised. Though there can be moves made to increase public awareness of the dangers of imprudent social media usage, it remains ultimately the responsibility of the user to weigh the risks involved with the convenient and, now, seemingly essential platform that is social media.


    ‘Social media’, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia, modified on 12 October 2012,

    ‘8 Facebook privacy flaps, Facebook users have raised concerns over 'news feeds,' 'like' button and policy changes’, By Daniel Schwartz, CBC News , posted on 25 September 2012,

    Dana-Marie K. Dhanpath

  121. The oxford dictionary defines technology as
    1) The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.
    2) Machinery and equipment developed for such scientific knowledge.
    3) Branch of knowledge concerned with applied sciences.
    Social media on the other hand can be defined as a form of electric communication (as web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communication to share information, ideas,personal messages and other content (as videos)
    The positives of social media are as follows:
    • Allows easier communication and socializing opportunities for shy individuals.
    • Helps disable persons to socialize.
    • Allows persons with similar interest to connect and converse.
    • Allow professionals to network more easily.
    • Allow people to reacquaint with friends and communicate with distant family.
    • Allow business and public entities to share information with customers and clients and to market themselves inexpensively.
    • Allows dating opportunities.
    The negatives of social media are as follows:
    • The issue of hackers and misuse of personal information is a con for social media.
    • Social media, substitutes for meetings which hinders social development and isolate users.
    • Causes users to be less active by spending less time outdoor.
    • Possibility of destroying marriages by providing covert connections with others that lead to infidelity.
    • Social media can be costly to those who post regrettable information or photos.
    • Brings out the nastiest conversations because participants often feel anonymous, or at least distant from those they are insulting.
    For the use of social media the benefits outweigh the cost. It provides an easier means of communication, and majority of times people tend to choose easier communication methods. Social media is advancing and will improve in the future , but may cause some problems in terms of socialization and work ethics.
    Zandra Noel

  122. Social media can include different forms of information communication technologies such as web blogs, social blogs, wikis, social networking and mircoblogging to name a few. These different types of social media can be classified according to their varying functions for instance Wikipedia is an example of a collaborative project. Blogs and microblogging networks can include Twitter, social networking like Facebook and even virtual gaming worlds are included in the classification. Thus one of the most important features of social media is its usage and accessibility by a wide audience that extends worldwide.
    In today’s technologically advanced world, it is no surprise that social media has spiraled out of control and is even being used in an industrial aspect. Apart from being used to promote personal information and status, social media is being used by many businesses for advertisement purposes. Business groups can easily and freely advertise their products on social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace in which they can highly benefit from as it increases access and awareness of the product being promoted and they save from advertisement costs. Another important feature of social media use is that it allows for feedback from the general public, this makes social media distinctive from other media forms. Feedback from supposed customers is a vital and very helpful to businesses as it can lead to an improvement in quality of the products and a growth in their economic demand. People are able to share their views, rate and comment on products they are interested in which can also evidently boost product quality. Some sites also allow a “tagging” method in which more persons of interest can have access to whatever is being promoted.
    Social media has made human interaction via the internet very easy and comprehensible so that it can be used by a variety of age groups. The search for a person of interest and their personal information (pictures, videos, email, and phone numbers) on the internet has also been found to have increased in its accessibility. This may seem to be a positive result of social media but it can also be taken as a negative result. In that there is a loss of privacy and more personal information can be easily accessed by strangers via search engines (Google) and thus can result in cases of identity theft.
    It has also been observed that the freedom of speech has increased by enhancing feedback methods on social sites. Negative feedback may also take a harmful psychological toll on sensitive persons for instance “cyber bulling” is a term now introduced where persons are being bulled via the internet.
    Thus social media is indeed a great feature of the 21st century however just as helpful as it may be especially to industrialized organizations, it can be just as negative in the form of privacy and self respect loss. Thus its use should be carefully monitored and not abused so that its effectiveness can be enhanced ensuring a safe environment for human interaction.


    Sinead Briggs

  123. We are living in a world full of technology and advancement. Social media is evolving as time goes by because of this. It either captures, intrigued, feared or underestimate persons as well as educate a large mass of people.

    To me society has evolved from this phenomenon where society today dwells on social media. As it was stated it is now a norm.Social media has its advantages where through its process of globalisation we learn about technology each day as its the talk of the town. Social media such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and all other sites are entertaining persons. Its a easy way of communicating wit hundreds of persons and a easy way to socialise. YouTube educates persons as it shows the easy simple ways of learning to do practically anything needed.E.g doing tutorials, maths, learning to clean air condition, tips to loose weight and even religion where it teaches and has songs. Social media is very effective as it gives rapid response to information from our famous site Google where time and energy is saved rather than reading a book.

    Another advantage can be it helps capture thousands of people on the business sector and those who advertise. It reaches out to thousands of persons through its channel of communication. Business places are saved with time as they get responses form consumers. There is on-line communicating of products and services. A company or organisation can be in any part of the world and through social media they connect and know how their business is going. The content sends enough information to persons and this way business is enhanced. It becomes so easy as we can now shop on-line and look for what we may want to purchase on-line and have it delivered right at our door. Through globalisation culture is spread and we learn through cultures of others as we learn new things each day such as american way of dressing and their music. It also brings people together especially at a time of depression in a country such as natural disaster.

    The disadvantages are very important as privacy has always been a major concern. Many persons has developed ways of hacking into profiles and developing ways of fraud to buyers and other businesses. We can no longer be sure if when we say private if it really exist of all the ways of advancement persons has developed to fool people or hack their profiles or accounts. It may be very time consuming for companies to always be on alert instead of looking at their productivity. Another negative effect of social media is that it enhances crime that may be viewed on videos, nudity, harrasment and can be very time consuming to persons and affect them from doing their important things. e.g face book, Skype. It encourages information to be exposed and building of relationship in one day rather than the traditional way of long ago of knowing each other over a period of time. It may arise to bad mental and health problems where stress may occur and obesity.

    Society is very adaptive and as we can see technology is thriving and everything is right at our finger tips in no time. In the future social media will be excellent an will continue to thrive as it is today but we have to deal both wit the advantages and the betrayal of privacy. It may be enhanced so good by 2015 that we may not have to worry about frauds and hacking that may occur because things will be properly put into place t deal with those criminals.

    Social media is one of the best and efficient way of getting information s well as spreading and learning things each day but there may be trends that may occur but it gets better each day. As I said before its a norm and we have totally evolved by this powerful tool called technology.

    Naomi Troni “Social Media Privacy – A Contradiction in Terms?” 4/24/2012, – CMO Network – Accessed on 10/14/2012

    The Social Media Management Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Get Social Media Working in Your Business”; By Robert Wollan et al.; 2011

    Lizanda Gookool

  124. Social media includes the various online technology tools that enable people to communicate easily via the internet to share information and resources. Social media can include text, audio, video, images, podcasts, and other multimedia communications. Another definition of social media is they forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and micro blogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos). There are also pros and cons when it comes to social media.

    The pros of social media are its cheap most of these social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler and Skype are free. It allows for exchange of information easily, documents, pictures and music could quickly to another person. Social media allows for quick delivery and response versus years ago when to communicate with another person they had to write letters and wait days for a response. Today Facebook is used for business purposes to sales products and for advertising which may be more effective than newspapers or television as toady’s generation check Facebook sometimes ten times a daily. Social media is also educational; YouTube could be used today to learn various tasks from learning to cook to working out a mathematics problem.

    However there are also cons with social media such as break down in social skills, no privacy and safety issues. Today with most communication done via Facebook chat, blackberry messenger and countless other people are unable to have face to conversations with others or find it awkward to do so. Personal information is not safe on these social media sites as you could be hacked and you identify stolen. Lastly, safety issue it is very for someone to lie about who they are. There are some cases when grew men target young girls and pretend to be one on these social sites.

    Social media has both pros and cons but it sometimes on the user and their purpose.

    Tishara Charles

  125. Social media can be defined as an interactive means of communicating, providing information between users making communication rather easy. In the society today, the use of social media has become a custom, when it comes to a method of communicating. Social media can be transferred among individuals in various processes. Some of these include: social networks, blogging, internet forums, videos, photographs and podcasts. As usual when it comes to the use of humans interacting with technology, there are positive and negative effects of social media.
    There is a vast amount of positive effects of social media on society and definitely overshadows the negative effects. Firstly, it is a cheap, user friendly and fast way of communicating. One can easily exchange information such as pictures, videos, documents and music, with each other effortlessly. This exchange of information can be done even internationally without anyone having to spend a dime, as compared to travelling or calling via telephones. Secondly, mass communication, where a sender can easily convey a message to members of a group, a community or even an entire country, at once, doing so quickly, cheaply and efficiently. For example, teachers can use this as an effective method of communicating and getting through to their classes.
    The negative effects of social media may be a little compared to the positive ones but may have a drastic effect on the individual it’s affecting. For instance, some people using social media may unknowingly share too much of their personal information, which may be accessible to the public to view. This may result in the occurrence of cyber crimes, defamation of one’s character and even hacking of personal information. Another effect may be, in communicating, there is not the face to face interaction between the individuals in communicating.
    For the future use of social media there should and would be new and strict laws implemented, that would govern the use of social media as technology advances which would aid in the decreasing of privacy issues and criminal activities.

    The Reading Eagle. The pros and cons of social media. 2012. Accessed from:

    Alicia Baig

  126. Social media can be defined as "forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages and other content." Social media has become such an integral part of our daily lives. The use of platforms such as Facebook, Twitter LinkdIn are seen as good for interaction and networking. Some of the positives of the social media is that with the growth in technology it has aided in the progression of processes such as globalization where the world is now viewed as a global village. Therefore one is able to communicate with individuals from different parts of the world or be informed of current events occurring in another country in real time.Social media has also improved the marketing and consuming of goods and services where both producers and consumers are able to sell and buy goods via platforms of the social media.

    Some of the negativeness of the social media however is the issue of one's privacy. We all have easy access to personal information about individuals we are seeking out. Information that is deleted from the social media is even said to still exist in 'cyber space' and cannot truly be obliterated. It is also said that with social media comes negatives such as the reduction of productivity where alot of time is wasted engaging in the use of the social media for leisure and less work.

    Keron Woodley


  127. Social media has become an integral part of society for many people around the world. The benefits of the social media outweigh the costs. It not only benefits producers/service providers and consumers but also enhances communication between people.
    This media allows people interested in a similar topic/product/service to connect and share views. It also allows the producers/manufacturers and service providers to get large amounts of feedback directly from consumers. This direct form of communication can benefit the producers and service providers by letting them know how they can improve their products or services to maintain or improve on customer satisfaction and in return the consumer has a higher chance of getting a product that is more suited to them or another version of a product already on the market that is adjusted to better suit their needs.
    We use social media enhances communication and enables us to communicate with others who are not close by, have video chats, voice message, instantly share photographs and share digital information. Yes, there is the problem or privacy when using the social media as GPS can now post the location where the photographs you just posted on Facebook were taken and social media accounts can be hacked into to gain access to private albums. There are options provided on most social media networks which allow us to maintain a certain level of privacy and it is up to us to use these options and use out discretion when choosing what information (such as phone numbers and photographs) we post on the internet.
    The use of social media can strengthen relations between producers and consumers so that both benefit. It is up to the users of social media networks to decide what they should put on their accounts and use available options protect their privacy.
    Neisha Ramroop

  128. Five years ago, if you were to ask Ordinary Joe what social media meant to him, you were likely to come across a response such as "What is social media?" Today however, through the advent of broadband internet which allows most persons with a continuous internet connection and various other technological advancements, a large portion of the global population is now connected to one another via social media. The most popular social media/ networking site is undoubtedly Facebook, which, just recently announced that they crossed the 1 billion active monthly user mark. Now while social media has proven to be an effective medium for spreading word on certain key, recent events (eg. Civil unrest in Egypt in 2011), there is the problem of privacy and who owns the right to what is posted on these Social media websites. A key feature of Facebook is that users have the ability to upload and share pictures of almost anything they wish with their family, friends, co-workers and even complete strangers. This is undoubtedly a quicker and easier way of sharing photos than was the norm five years ago. However, the question remains, who owns these images etc that we often hurriedly post on Facebook? Is it us, the person who posted the picture initially? Sadly, it is not. Facebook becomes the sole owner of any material which its users decide to post up on the social media site and they also reserve the right to use and/or reproduce any material uploaded, without the consent of the uploader. Many people simply choose to ignore this little clause and rather go about thinking that what are the chances of my material being reused when millions of other people also upload content on a daily basis.

    Mark Ramjohn

  129. A definition of social media is defined as, “Online technologies and practices that people use to share opinions, insights, experiences, and perspectives with each other.” Social media denotes web-sites that permit users with abilities to share content, media, photos etc. Basically the bottom line of social media is that they integrate more social ability into your lifestyle. Well versed social media such as face-book, twitter, hi-5, MySpace, Friendster, You-tube and Bebo have dominated the lives of billions of people. They allow for specialized communication between several individuals with unlimited abilities. Unlimited access to social media is what has caused a social media frenzy now accepted as a routine in our daily life. With unlimited access comes pros and cons. These pros and cons depend on the individual and their requirements to access and transfer data. In terms of modern lifestyle adjustment is focused in how well connect an individual is, compared to prehistoric times. The negatives of social media is seen by those considered to be “ hill-billy” or qualities similar (a term I’d rather not use as it is derogatory) as unimportant, useless and squander time. But for the opposite social group, social media has several featured advantages. Social media brings people together from several geographic regions into one. It is a common ground where awareness can be raised and ads will be most effective. I see the future development of social media where it is made more accessible to greater parts of the world and with evolved features. I wish to believe the next step from instant messaging and video chatting is the linking to satellite for online GPS to track and talk to any individual instantly, any-time and anywhere.


    Name: Prahlada Phang
    Student ID: 809004130

  130. Social media is a social instrument of communication. It is content created and shared by individuals on the web using freely available websites that allow users to create and post their own images, video and text information and then share that with either the entire internet or just a select group of friends. Even though social media has its benefits, I do not think it outweigh the costs since it can be very severe. For example death.
    Advantages of social media would be democratization of media, relationships and conversation, creativity and re-mix culture, embrace your passion and identity, community sharing and connecting as well increase transparency in government and organizations. They provide a medium for freedom of speech, expression and bring together persons on a common interest or ideas. These advantages really made a lot of people’s lives and work easier. It has contributed to the evolution of technology which has brought us to this new age.
    On the other hand there are disadvantages as well. In the business point of view, you will need to commit resources to managing your social media presence, responding to feedback and producing new content, it can be difficult to quantify the return on investment and the value of one channel over another and ineffective use - for example, using the network to push for sales without engaging with customers, or failing to respond to negative feedback - may damage your reputation. Also 5.When social media is used excessively or in the wrong way, it could have serious detrimental outcomes on both mental and even physical health of individuals. It can lead to a loss of privacy as people can have access to your pictures and personal information making you a easy target for kidnapping or rape. Some people may not be able to take bad criticism from people online and it can lead to depression. In the case of Amanda Todd, who recently committed suicide due to sexual abuse online as well as cyber bullying which lead to physical abuse as well. Because of the loss of privacy online and respects due to social media, she killed herself. Social media can also lead to a lack of personal interaction. Because of this people are not fully aware of how to treat people since are not accustom being around them. These disadvantages are not outweighed by the advantages and should be seriously considered by everyone before the get in to deep a loose control to social media. Social media can destroy companies and lives if not taken seriously.

    Naomi Troni “Social Media Privacy – A Contradiction in Terms?” 4/24/2012, – CMO Network – Accessed on 10/14/2012
    Name: kaila jones
    ID# 810002362

  131. Social media is the online forms of communicating that any individual can employ, which include blogs, microblogs such as Twitter and social networking sites such as facebook. People use these sites to communicate with people all over the world in a cheap easily accessible manner. Today social media dominates the web practically among youths. Social media has not only changed how we communicate with each other but has many impacts on our day to day lives.
    The positive side of social media is it allows people to communicate with people that they once thought was lost in the lives and can be easily reconnected over these social medias such as old classmates another positive side of social media is it give everybody a chance to express themselves. It give them a chance to show people who they are and what they are about.
    The negative side of social media is the problem of privacy. The saying goes once its on the net its on the net forever. This is an important factor to consider when getting into communicating through social media sites. Many people face this issue of privacy because these sites are easily accessed by anybody who has a computer. This issue should fall on the shoulders of both the user by managing the stuff they show on these sites and on the owners of these sites to put privacy plans into place.
    To conclude social media has both positive and negative issues and it’s the responsibility of the people involved to take responsibility for how they use these sites to communicate.


    Chris Selman

  132. Social media can be defined as interactive platforms via which individual and communities create and share generated content.For example, via facebook, twitter, email, Blackberry Messenger [BBM]
    Due to the creation of social media many positive outlooks have arisen.Networking has become much easier and faster.In the business world, business deals,contracts and meetings can all be arranged via email or a facebook message, instead of past days where a postal message or travel was necessary to make arrangements.Even in terms of Education, lectures and students are now able to communicate outside of the class room, via the internet, students are also able to learn at home instead of school,via lecture slides the lecturer may provide.
    However, although there are positives to social media, there is also a negative balance to it.In terms of dating sites,socal media has taken away the significant and traditional way of courting a young lady or young man, where a Male for example, would have to approach a female's parents and ask for permission to date the young lady, Now in this time, The to individuals just have to meet via the internet, Facebook or any other social network.It has also caused many unfortunate circumstances such as Deaths and rape, many times via the News report ,it is heard where women have been murdered or rape when they went to visit someone for the first time whom they met on facebook or hi5,another social network.Another negative of social media is that, it takes away from family time, many of the youths are occupied with the internet and meeting new people that the genuineness of quality family time has been lost.
    Social media is quickly evolving, to determine what is next for social media would almost be impossible.However in my Personal opinion, I believe that soon it would be possible to place votes for an election via the internet.
    References :Homebiz Resource. The Positives of Social Media via
    (13th October, 2012).

    Neikylle Gomez 811100596

  133. In a modern world, social media is a tool which plays its role in the identification of a personality, establishment or event. It influences the way we think of certain topics and can be a vehicle of change in a society. According to oxford dictionary, a social network is a dedicated website or application through which users are able to communication via posting of information, comments, messages, images and other media data. The real question which lies is “Are users of social networking application aware of how much of their personal data is available online?”
    Another commenter to this post questioned his reader if they had ever “googled” themselves- to see exactly what’s information is available on the worldwide web. The plethora of information that can be accessed through social media networking sites can be both a blessing and a curse. Information once handled with care can prove to be useful to those who provide and receive. However, consequences are also unlimited through the misuse of the internet. It has changed the scope of communication from a personal and individual level to a more public arena which puts a strain on the reigns of privacy of the individual. Not only has it affected communication but has morphed the society into a norm of using the social networking forum as a platform of generating ideas, swaying opinions by the masses, socializing and the brainwashing of a networked society through the bombardment of influential images, video presentation and audio tracks.
    This multifaceted tool is popularly used to impress on tender minds and attitude of public attention and broadcasting of data which can yield either positive or negative results. Networking of this sort can leave its users vulnerable to slander if privacy regulations are not stringently held in place. Enticing the younger generation social media is a culture which grows as a daily part of the routine of teenagers with every passing day. Now the excitement for face-to-face contact is not as anticipated as it were in traditional times, but a new tradition is being written where the lingo would say “Facebook me” of “Follow me,” rather than a “See you soon.” Because of this, millions and millions of messages, post, images, videos and other such data float in cyberspace, where privacy can be compromised by the touch of a finger.
    In conclusion, that social media posting has its own positive and negative impact on society, but as a consequence of improper usage, privacy can be easily compromised and information insecure. Proper use of the internet and socializing applications should be promoted and in the near future, simple ways to protect data can be generated.



      *** 811001163

  134. Social Media has both positive and negatives. Technology has managed to significantly improve mediums and channels for communication. So much so that communication has became almost instantaneous. Technology has allowed persons to communiacte with others reguardless of their positioning on the earth. Despite this, this advancement in technology and rise of the social media have resullted in some negative effects especially in terms of the use of the technology and productivity. In the modern day, image is especially important as it marks one's character and prestige especially in terms of work and the professional environment. Social media tends to compromise the image of one's character, to an extent as people can have access to personal information that may alter opinions as opposed to a persons knowing each other on a professional basis only. People can choose to withold thier personal information and opinions but due to the large auduience and popularity of social media such as facebook and twiitter, it is difficult to ensure that the information contained on these media is acceptable reguardless of who is responsible for posting the messages. In general the use of these social media is both positive and negative as there would always be those elements of negatives in these such media sources as they are viewed and edited by the public

    Stephan Mohammed

  135. In a modern world, social media is a tool which plays its role in the identification of a personality, establishment or event. It influences the way we think of certain topics and can be a vehicle of change in a society. According to oxford dictionary, a social network is a dedicated website or application through which users are able to communication via posting of information, comments, messages, images and other media data. The real question which lies is “Are users of social networking application aware of how much of their personal data is available online?”
    Another commenter to this post questioned his reader if they had ever “googled” themselves- to see exactly what’s information is available on the worldwide web. The plethora of information that can be accessed through social media networking sites can be both a blessing and a curse. Information once handled with care can prove to be useful to those who provide and receive. However, consequences are also unlimited through the misuse of the internet. It has changed the scope of communication from a personal and individual level to a more public arena which puts a strain on the reigns of privacy of the individual. Not only has it affected communication but has morphed the society into a norm of using the social networking forum as a platform of generating ideas, swaying opinions by the masses, socializing and the brainwashing of a networked society through the bombardment of influential images, video presentation and audio tracks.
    This multifaceted tool is popularly used to impress on tender minds and attitude of public attention and broadcasting of data which can yield either positive or negative results. Networking of this sort can leave its users vulnerable to slander if privacy regulations are not stringently held in place. Enticing the younger generation social media is a culture which grows as a daily part of the routine of teenagers with every passing day. Now the excitement for face-to-face contact is not as anticipated as it were in traditional times, but a new tradition is being written where the lingo would say “Facebook me” of “Follow me,” rather than a “See you soon.” Because of this, millions and millions of messages, post, images, videos and other such data float in cyberspace, where privacy can be compromised by the touch of a finger.
    In conclusion, that social media posting has its own positive and negative impact on society, but as a consequence of improper usage, privacy can be easily compromised and information insecure. Proper use of the internet and socializing applications should be promoted and in the near future, simple ways to protect data can be generated.


  136. In order to discuss the positives and negatives of social media, one must first understand what it really means. Social media can be defined as "interactive platforms via which individuals and communities create and share user-generated content”.

    Social media has provided a unique platform for commercial, business and various other aspects of society. A new method of not just communication but also selling and trading of items was created. Clearly we can already understand the positive effects of social media. Communication, whether it is one language or more, has greatly improved through technology. Families can connect from all around the world through popular social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Business and companies/corporations can now share information via social programs such as e-mail, Skype and ooVoo. They can also have conferences via Technology. Also, the fact that the community (internet) has the ability or privilege of posting or sending feedback is very beneficial. Feedback allows the company or business to improve on what they have created and make it more user friendly.

    However, to every new invention or advancement, there is always an Achilles Heel. As the years go by, the society has come to realize that basic rights in particular, privacy are being scrutinized. There are countless pieces of evidence on the internet of this example, where videos and films are made using situations or circumstances of individuals without their permission (The Innocence of Muslims Film). While I can admit that it is unfair to the individuals, the truth of the matter is that the responsibility solely lies on the users of social media. One must be very careful of what they release into the World Wide Web. If this trend continues, in the near future privacy would be more of an aspiration rather than a reality.


    O’jae Jerome King

  137. Social media is a very pertinent aspect of today's modern society. There are many benefits of the social media for instance it facilitates interaction and networking among individuals. Social media also aid with the marketing of goods and services where industries can make use of mediums such as Facebook to advertise their products.

    Of course there may be some negative effects of the social media. Social media tends to pose a threat to one's privacy making so much of one's personal information accessible to all. Furthermore there is the issue of little separation between what may seem as reality and the virtual world where one may lose their identity or develop a false perception of themselves and others.

    Overall one believes that the positives of social media outweigh the negatives and once social media is utilize in an appropriate way we all can benefit.

    Shress Morgan


  138. Social media is best understood as a group of new kinds of online media, which share most or all of the following characteristics: participation (encourages contributions and feedback from everyone interested), openness (open to feedback and participation, conversation (traditional media is about broadcast, social media is better seen as two-way conversation), community (persons who share common interests e.g. photography can form quickly and communicate efficiently) and connectedness (persons make use of their links to other sites, resources and people).
    Using social media for marketing products could be easily utilized to create cost effective strategies and campaigns that can create viral results social media has the power to drive traffic to your website, blog, articles, etc. Once your website is built and running it costs very little to get customers and prospects to go to it. Expensive list or space fees do not apply. The next thing that should be said about social media is its wide reach. When a social message catches fire, it can travel around the world, to millions of people, in a matter of weeks or even days. It is not unusual for a hot Internet message or video to be picked up by radio, television, magazines, or newspapers. Social media marketing could always be a fun and creative method of doing business. It could be the spark you are looking for to attract attention to your site, product or service. It could also be used to further build loyalty and long-term relations with your audience.
    Social marketing has many potential benefits, but there are draw- backs too. . In some cases, social media can backfire by turning into negative publicity. The wrong online brand strategy could put you at a viral social disadvantage and may even damage your reputation. This could result in lost sales, public outrage, and more. Social media can have a negative influence on worker productivity. Employees may waste valuable time using social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. They can also use social media to attack the company’s reputation.
    While social media continues to be cost effective and convenient for both business and personal use, but based on present use e.g. facebook, I must express my concern for the future. When social media is used excessively or in the wrong way, it could have serious detrimental outcomes on both mental and even physical health of individuals. If a balance could be created through strict regulatory measures, my confidence in social media for the future can be restored.

    Web. 14 Oct. 2012. .

    Sihle Mendoza

  139. Social media can be defined as an interactive platform which is aided by the internet, online tools and technology to enable people to communicate or socially interact with each other. Social media has led the way to social networking and by extension globalization. The use of social media has provided us with many new and exciting capabilities which has made or daily social interaction whether it be work related or recreational, much more efficient and effective. Social media is also responsible for influencing our ability to; to be aware of breaking news both local and international instantaneously, expansion of our networking capabilities, promotes and develops global exposure, allows us to explore and develop or creative expressions as well as allow us to stay in contact with others and enable people with similar interest to converse and share with each other.
    Despite of all the wonderful benefits that social media provide us with , we should be mindful that these benefits comes to us at a price and in most instances people are totally unaware or just choose to ignore these factors. For instance most people are totally unaware that every time you create a social media profile, your personal data such as your name, age, and marital status etc isn’t just left floating about in cyber space, but is collected and stored in a data base and mostly likely done without your consent or knowledge. This data may then be sold to firms or even be accessed by government agencies as a means of building a profile on each and every possible user.
    Despite the fact that social media has enhanced our communication in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. It has also caused a decline in our direct and face to face communication skills. The negative effect of this is that in the real world we still rely on one on one communication as a vital form of social interaction. The fact that social media has given us the ability to communicate in an impersonal and sometimes faceless capacity such as emails, instant messaged, social networks etc, has made face to face communications which apparently suppose to be one of the most natural things to do seem very difficult, uncomfortable and to some extent socially awkward.
    Although the benefits of socially media may be applicable to our day to day life and in some cases vital. We all need to keep in mind that there is still life outside of this realm. As such we should exercising caution whiles accessing and utilizing social media as a means of safe guarding our personal information from being captured and possibly used without consent or even used against us. Therefore it would be highly recommended that we don’t limit communication to just reflect the use of social media. Instead we should seek to continuously develop our direct and personal interactive communication skills and not let it be lost to the faceless and impersonal nature of social media.

    Henry, Haley.”10 Reasons Social Networking Benefits Student-Edge .” Kansas State Collegian, Kansas State University.24th Feb reasons social networking benefits students.

    Student Name: Kevon Morgan
    Student Number:05773707

  140. The growth and spread of Social Media sites is astounding. Almost everyone in the world and their grandmother has a Facebook account! People share so much information about themselves freely on these social networks, without a second thought to their privacy.
    Social Media can be described as a group of new kinds of online media that has become increasingly popular from the late 1990s. These websites allow users to build connections and relationships to other Internet users. The different types of social networks include, personal networks (allows users to create detailed online profiles and connect with other users), status update networks (allows users to post short status updates in order to communicate with other users quickly), location networks (designed to broadcast one’s present location, either as public information), content-sharing networks (designed as platforms for sharing content, such as music, photographs and videos) and shared-interest networks (built around a common interest or geared to a specific group of people).
    Does anyone ever stop to think about how much of their personal information is given when registering for these websites? On Facebook for example, there are other advertisements on the sides of the page. These advertisers gather information from people’s pages and their personal information and the advertisements that appear on the page are specified to each user. If simple advertisers are able to access our personal information, our likes and dislikes, what about large corporations that want to gather information on their market? As a user therefore, one needs to be wary of the kind of information that they are sharing.
    The future of Social Media is limitless it seems. Since there is face recognition and voice recognition technology available we may very well soon be able to access our social media networks by simply looking into our cameras and being recognized or speaking our password to enter it. It all remains to be seen.


  141. Social media can be defined as the use of various online technological tools that enable people to easily communicate with one another and allow for the distribution and receipt of information and resources. Social media can take the form of audio, text, video, images, podcasts and other multimedia communications. It is important to note the girth of the reach of social media. The prevalence of the planet wide mega-software, the internet, permits social media to be inaccessible to only those unfortunate few whom has no knowledge of what is the internet. The most common social Medias that immediately come to mind are Facebook, twitter and YouTube. It is estimated that by mid 2012, the active population of social media users was over 1 billion. It should also be noted that social media varies and differs from region to region, with culture playing a vital role.
    With the long fingers of the internet like gasoline to a campfire, the resulting combination’s shockwave expands and affects the entire world economy, driving great new processes such as globalisation. Social media has ignited frenzy for globalisation. With global online communities driving global interaction and hence and hopefully integration and acceptance, social media has played its part in the phenomenon that is globalisation. The mixing and merging of all these cultures in one arena leads the way in integration of different cultures. An entirely different job market has emerged with an entirely new way of becoming a billionaire.
    Like every good idea, social media also has its skeletons. These online communities have provided an escape for people to forget their normal lives and re-live their lives through a computer screen. It has been proved to be very addictive, like a drug even, as can be seen in South Korea for example where babies have died from lack of food and water due to their parents’ obsession with social media. Then there is the question of privacy. Are you truly secured? Facebook for example where users detail their lives through pictures and videos and raw data, it has made the internet criminal world much easier. With fake profiles to false identities to viruses, social media does have its scary alleyway in the back. Social media also has political uses, where poles and advertisements are used. Social media can be manipulated to alter or mislead data so that certain results can be ensured.

    jerome mendez

  142. Social media can be defined as "interactive platforms via which individuals and communities create and share user-generated content. Social media technologies take on different forms including magazines, Internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, micro blogging, social networks, podcasts, photographs or pictures, video, rating and social bookmarking. There are many pros and cons to it such as its low hard costs compared to traditional marketing like print, television, outdoor, etc. Quick, honest, and detailed feedback from the customer. Allows for deeper engagements with customers.Similar to great brand marketing and customer service, the benefits of doing social media right can last for years. There are also disadvantages to uses of social media. Tools can quickly change; one day it is MySpace, Orkut, Friendster, and Bebo; the next day it's Facebook and Mixi. There are a lot of hidden soft costs: it takes time to develop relationships with customers. In the offline world, developing relationships takes time and effort – the same holds true within social media. May reduce the amount of face-to-face communication we have with one another, diminishing on interpersonal communication skills. Also there is the biggest problem of all privacy. Once information is put on the internet it remains there. Just like anything, there are some cons to social media. However, advantages outweigh the disadvantages and even if they didn't, we don't have a choice on whether we do social media. The question is how well we do it.

    Shaunda Morgan

  143. Social media can be both a good thing and a bad thing. Due to advances in technology, information is passed through the world via different forms like online blogs, social networks, videos, etc. This is a good thing, in the sense that getting updates on current situations that may affect the world (such as disease outbreak, war, and so forth) can be made aware to everyone easy, cheap and most importantly, fast. The bad part of this is that the source of the information will not always be credible. For example, take the recent facebook boom, the suicide of Amanda Todd. Through the video she made and posted though youtube and posts from the ‘R.I.P Amanda Todd’ page that is monitored by her family, her story is told as an innocent 15year old girl that was persuaded by an online predator to ‘flash’ herself on a webchat. A picture was taken and the girl was said to have been blackmailed for it and bullied after it made its way throughout her school. Now as a result of her video and death a lot of people are using her image to promote the fight against bullies, which lead to another break in social media, another story from sources that were said to know her well for the past few years told a different side to this innocent girl leaving everyone to wonder, which story is correct. The same question should be asked with each post that viral around the internet. Sadly with enough ‘shares and posts’ this is not true, and something as simple as a person’s image can be changed, distorted or angelfied.

    Leanna Sutherland

  144. Social media can be in the form of social networking websites (e.g facebook, twitter, instagram), virtual game and social worlds, online communities and blogs.

    Social media has its many benefits. To name a few, we have easy and effective communication; businesses can advertise their products sometimes at no extra cost and mass communication. Communicating via social media aids both the sender and receiver of the message.

    In contrast, social media also has its disadvantages, in that the person you are communicating with is not physically present and your view maybe limited to the picture provided only by the devices’ camera. Body language and attire may not be seen fully and this can pose a problem as communication also consists of these elements. Another serious issue associated with social media is privacy. An individual’s content is available to almost everyone. This can be used as a weapon to tarnish one’s reputation.
    In the future, social media will continue to flourish. It has become a way of life at all costs, even business men communicate via social media. The issue of privacy should be resolved as communication via social media has proved itself to be worthy.
    Ornella sohun

  145. Media is an instrument on communication, like a newspaper or a radio, so social media would be a social instrument of communication. Regular media as a one-way street where you can read a newspaper or listen to a report on television, but you have very limited ability to give your thoughts on the matter. Social media, on the other hand, is a two-way street that gives you the ability to communicate too.
    Social media now being part of most peoples lives is a very effective way of communicating more efficiently and easily. It is also an effective way to advertise as most of the world’s population uses social media daily and most of the day. Some positive thing u can gain from social media as an advertiser are 1) it can be much cheaper than traditional advertising and promotional activities, 2) you can deliver improved customer service and respond effectively to feedback and many other things. The negative things about social media is that keeping your personal information may not be confidential, u have to be precise as u cannot afford to make mistakes because it has a wide viewing audience and many other reasons because it is broad and not secured.
    Social media in my opinion is very effective and time/money saving and is continuously growing and reaping great rewards. Great care and consideration should be taken when advertising a lot more than regular advertising. Nowadays social media is on the go as it can be used from mobile phones which is very convenient.


    Keron Springer

  146. Social media within recent times has definitely played an important role in the development and growth of society. Its now has an effective influence on the lives of millions of persons across the world and the use of this form of communication is increasing rapidly . Many businesses, industries and even government agencies aquire the use of social media as a means of communication. Social media has positively affected the way we communicate and the effectiveness of that communication. Information is now able to be rapidly sent to wider audience than before, however, social media also brings with it some negative impacts. The nature of this form of communication has facilitated the sharing of a lot of personal information to the public. The issue of privacy is now becoming of great importance to several users and as a result the managers of social media sites incooperate privacy polocies into their service. Inspite of the negative impacts of social media, I agree that the positive impacts of it on siciety outway the negative ones.
    David Wickham

  147. Social media must be measured according to mobile devices uses as carried out in India examples...

  148. The real question is social media applied to mobile devices!
